To enable IPv6 only - put an IPv6 address in IP (bind specific address)
To enable IPv4 only - put IPv4 address in IP or leave blank (default - binds all IPv4)
To enable dual-stack put '::' in IP (Binds all IPv4 and IPv6 address)
Allow null TARGET_IP - Waits for first keepalive to update - use for
endpoints that are on a dynamic or unknown IP
Support IPv6 for OBP - to listen IPv6 set IP: :: or other valid ipv6 address
IPv6 addresses can be used in TARGET_IP or will be resolved from DNS
Note, might cause confusion if the target has an IPv6 address and we don't
take note of this and specify ipv4 explicitly if needs be.
IPv6 Needs some testing :-)
Change behaviour of NETWORK_ID in OPENBRIDGE config:
This should be the ID of remote system. If traffic received on this bridge is not shown as
from this ID, it will be disgarded.
Fix reporting of PEER so it actually takes the peer from the incoming connection, not NETWORK_ID:
So, in short:
SERVER_ID in [GLOBAL] - the ID you send to other servers via OBP
NETWORK_ID in OPENBRIDGE - the expected ** remote ** ID for the bridge.
default in config file and OPTIONS.
Replace with ANNOUNCEMENT_LANGUAGES - Comma Separated list
Current list:
ANNOUNCEMENT_LANGUAGES: en_GB,en_GB_2,en_US,es_ES,es_ES_2,fr_FR,de_DE,dk_DK,it_IT,no_NO,pl_PL,se_SE
ANNOUNCEMENT_LANGUAGE to MASTER definition. If using GENERATOR, this becomes
the template default.
To change via OPTIONS add LANG=<language code>
take codes from list above