2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2020 Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS <n0mjs@me.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
This is a GPS and Data application . It decodes and reassambles DMR GPS packets and
uploads them th APRS - IS .
# Python modules we need
import sys
from bitarray import bitarray
from time import time
from importlib import import_module
from types import ModuleType
# Twisted is pretty important, so I keep it separate
from twisted . internet . protocol import Factory , Protocol
from twisted . protocols . basic import NetstringReceiver
from twisted . internet import reactor , task
# Things we import from the main hblink module
from hblink import HBSYSTEM , OPENBRIDGE , systems , hblink_handler , reportFactory , REPORT_OPCODES , config_reports , mk_aliases , acl_check
from dmr_utils3 . utils import bytes_3 , int_id , get_alias
from dmr_utils3 import decode , bptc , const
import config
import log
import const
# The module needs logging logging, but handlers, etc. are controlled by the parent
import logging
logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
# Other modules we need for data and GPS
from bitarray import bitarray
from binascii import b2a_hex as ahex
import re
##from binascii import a2b_hex as bhex
import aprslib
import datetime
from bitarray . util import ba2int as ba2num
2020-11-22 21:54:02 -05:00
from bitarray . util import ba2hex as ba2hx
import codecs
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
2020-11-22 15:51:11 -05:00
#Needed for working with NMEA
import pynmea2
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
# Does anybody read this stuff? There's a PEP somewhere that says I should do this.
__author__ = ' Cortney T. Buffington, N0MJS; Eric Craw, KF7EEL '
__copyright__ = ' Copyright (c) 2020 Cortney T. Buffington '
__credits__ = ' Colin Durbridge, G4EML, Steve Zingman, N4IRS; Mike Zingman, N4IRR; Jonathan Naylor, G4KLX; Hans Barthen, DL5DI; Torsten Shultze, DG1HT '
__license__ = ' GNU GPLv3 '
__maintainer__ = ' Eric Craw, KF7EEL '
__email__ = ' kf7eel@qsl.net '
__status__ = ' pre-alpha '
# Known to work with: AT-D878
# Must have the following at line 1054 in bridge.py to forward group vcsbk, also there is a typo there:
# self.group_received(_peer_id, _rf_src, _dst_id, _seq, _slot, _frame_type, _dtype_vseq, _stream_id, _data)
# Headers for GPS by model of radio:
# AT-D878 - Compressed UDP
# MD-380 - Unified Data Transport
# From dmr_utils3, modified to decode entire packet. Works for 1/2 rate coded data.
def decode_full ( _data ) :
binlc = bitarray ( endian = ' big ' )
binlc . extend ( [ _data [ 136 ] , _data [ 121 ] , _data [ 106 ] , _data [ 91 ] , _data [ 76 ] , _data [ 61 ] , _data [ 46 ] , _data [ 31 ] ] )
binlc . extend ( [ _data [ 152 ] , _data [ 137 ] , _data [ 122 ] , _data [ 107 ] , _data [ 92 ] , _data [ 77 ] , _data [ 62 ] , _data [ 47 ] , _data [ 32 ] , _data [ 17 ] , _data [ 2 ] ] )
binlc . extend ( [ _data [ 123 ] , _data [ 108 ] , _data [ 93 ] , _data [ 78 ] , _data [ 63 ] , _data [ 48 ] , _data [ 33 ] , _data [ 18 ] , _data [ 3 ] , _data [ 184 ] , _data [ 169 ] ] )
binlc . extend ( [ _data [ 94 ] , _data [ 79 ] , _data [ 64 ] , _data [ 49 ] , _data [ 34 ] , _data [ 19 ] , _data [ 4 ] , _data [ 185 ] , _data [ 170 ] , _data [ 155 ] , _data [ 140 ] ] )
binlc . extend ( [ _data [ 65 ] , _data [ 50 ] , _data [ 35 ] , _data [ 20 ] , _data [ 5 ] , _data [ 186 ] , _data [ 171 ] , _data [ 156 ] , _data [ 141 ] , _data [ 126 ] , _data [ 111 ] ] )
binlc . extend ( [ _data [ 36 ] , _data [ 21 ] , _data [ 6 ] , _data [ 187 ] , _data [ 172 ] , _data [ 157 ] , _data [ 142 ] , _data [ 127 ] , _data [ 112 ] , _data [ 97 ] , _data [ 82 ] ] )
binlc . extend ( [ _data [ 7 ] , _data [ 188 ] , _data [ 173 ] , _data [ 158 ] , _data [ 143 ] , _data [ 128 ] , _data [ 113 ] , _data [ 98 ] , _data [ 83 ] ] )
#This is the rest of the Full LC data -- the RS1293 FEC that we don't need
binlc . extend ( [ _data [ 68 ] , _data [ 53 ] , _data [ 174 ] , _data [ 159 ] , _data [ 144 ] , _data [ 129 ] , _data [ 114 ] , _data [ 99 ] , _data [ 84 ] , _data [ 69 ] , _data [ 54 ] , _data [ 39 ] ] )
binlc . extend ( [ _data [ 24 ] , _data [ 145 ] , _data [ 130 ] , _data [ 115 ] , _data [ 100 ] , _data [ 85 ] , _data [ 70 ] , _data [ 55 ] , _data [ 40 ] , _data [ 25 ] , _data [ 10 ] , _data [ 191 ] ] )
return binlc
n_packet_assembly = 0
packet_assembly = ' '
2020-11-22 23:39:02 -05:00
final_packet = ' '
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
#Convert DMR packet to binary from MMDVM packet and remove Slot Type and EMB Sync stuff to allow for BPTC 196,96 decoding
def bptc_decode ( _data ) :
binary_packet = bitarray ( decode . to_bits ( _data [ 20 : ] ) )
del binary_packet [ 98 : 166 ]
return decode_full ( binary_packet )
2020-11-23 15:53:59 -05:00
# Placeholder for future header id
def header_ID ( _data ) :
hex_hdr = str ( ahex ( bptc_decode ( _data ) ) )
return hex_hdr [ 2 : 6 ]
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
# Work in progress, used to determine data format
2020-11-23 15:53:59 -05:00
## pass
# Process SMS, do something bases on message
def process_sms ( from_id , sms ) :
if sms == ' ID ' :
logger . info ( str ( get_alias ( int_id ( from_id ) , subscriber_ids ) ) + ' - ' + str ( int_id ( from_id ) ) )
if sms == ' TEST ' :
logger . info ( ' This is a really cool function. ' )
else :
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
## global n_packet_assembly, packet_assembly
def __init__ ( self , _name , _config , _report ) :
HBSYSTEM . __init__ ( self , _name , _config , _report )
def dmrd_received ( self , _peer_id , _rf_src , _dst_id , _seq , _slot , _call_type , _frame_type , _dtype_vseq , _stream_id , _data ) :
# Capture data headers
global n_packet_assembly
if int_id ( _dst_id ) == data_id :
if type ( _seq ) is bytes :
pckt_seq = int . from_bytes ( _seq , ' big ' )
else :
pckt_seq = _seq
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# Try to classify header
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
if _call_type == call_type or ( _call_type == ' vcsbk ' and pckt_seq > 3 ) : #int.from_bytes(_seq, 'big') > 3 ):
if _dtype_vseq == 6 or _dtype_vseq == ' group ' :
2020-11-23 15:53:59 -05:00
global btf , hdr_start
hdr_start = str ( header_ID ( _data ) )
2020-11-22 16:51:54 -05:00
logger . info ( ' Header from ' + str ( get_alias ( int_id ( _rf_src ) , subscriber_ids ) ) + ' . DMR ID: ' + str ( int_id ( _rf_src ) ) )
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
logger . info ( ahex ( bptc_decode ( _data ) ) )
logger . info ( ' Blocks to follow: ' + str ( ba2num ( bptc_decode ( _data ) [ 65 : 72 ] ) ) )
btf = ba2num ( bptc_decode ( _data ) [ 65 : 72 ] )
# Data blocks at 1/2 rate, see https://github.com/g4klx/MMDVM/blob/master/DMRDefines.h for data types. _dtype_seq defined here also
if _dtype_vseq == 7 :
btf = btf - 1
logger . info ( ' Block #: ' + str ( btf ) )
global packet_assembly
2020-11-22 16:51:54 -05:00
logger . info ( ' Data block from ' + str ( get_alias ( int_id ( _rf_src ) , subscriber_ids ) ) + ' . DMR ID: ' + str ( int_id ( _rf_src ) ) )
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
logger . info ( ahex ( bptc_decode ( _data ) ) )
if _seq == 0 :
n_packet_assembly = 0
packet_assembly = ' '
if btf < btf + 1 :
n_packet_assembly = n_packet_assembly + 1
packet_assembly = packet_assembly + str ( bptc_decode ( _data ) ) #str((decode_full_lc(b_packet)).strip('bitarray('))
# Use block 0 as trigger. $GPRMC must also be in string to indicate NMEA.
# This triggers the APRS upload
2020-11-22 23:39:02 -05:00
if btf == 0 : #_seq == 12:
2020-11-22 15:51:11 -05:00
final_packet = str ( bitarray ( re . sub ( " \ )| \ (|bitarray| ' " , ' ' , packet_assembly ) ) . tobytes ( ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' , ' ignore ' ) )
2020-11-22 21:54:02 -05:00
sms_hex = str ( ba2hx ( bitarray ( re . sub ( " \ )| \ (|bitarray| ' " , ' ' , packet_assembly ) ) ) )
#NMEA GPS sentence
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
if ' $GPRMC ' in final_packet :
2020-11-23 16:49:34 -05:00
logger . info ( final_packet + ' \n ' )
2020-11-22 21:54:02 -05:00
nmea_parse = re . sub ( ' A \ *.*|.* \ $ ' , ' ' , str ( final_packet ) )
loc = pynmea2 . parse ( nmea_parse , check = False )
2020-11-23 13:19:58 -05:00
logger . info ( ' Latitude: ' + str ( loc . lat ) + str ( loc . lat_dir ) + ' Longitude: ' + str ( loc . lon ) + str ( loc . lon_dir ) + ' Direction: ' + str ( loc . true_course ) + ' Speed: ' + str ( loc . spd_over_grnd ) + ' \n ' )
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
# Begin APRS format and upload
2020-11-22 21:54:02 -05:00
## aprs_loc_packet = str(get_alias(int_id(_rf_src), subscriber_ids)) + '-' + str(user_ssid) + '>APRS,TCPIP*:/' + str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime("%H%M%Sh")) + str(final_packet[29:36]) + str(final_packet[39]) + '/' + str(re.sub(',', '', final_packet[41:49])) + str(final_packet[52]) + '[/' + aprs_comment + ' DMR ID: ' + str(int_id(_rf_src))
2020-11-22 15:51:11 -05:00
aprs_loc_packet = str ( get_alias ( int_id ( _rf_src ) , subscriber_ids ) ) + ' - ' + str ( user_ssid ) + ' >APRS,TCPIP*:/ ' + str ( datetime . datetime . utcnow ( ) . strftime ( " % H % M % Sh " ) ) + str ( loc . lat [ 0 : 7 ] ) + str ( loc . lat_dir ) + ' / ' + str ( loc . lon [ 0 : 8 ] ) + str ( loc . lon_dir ) + ' [/ ' + aprs_comment + ' DMR ID: ' + str ( int_id ( _rf_src ) )
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
logger . info ( aprs_loc_packet )
try :
# Try parse of APRS packet. If it fails, it will not upload to APRS-IS
aprslib . parse ( aprs_loc_packet )
2020-11-23 16:49:34 -05:00
# Float values of lat and lon. Anything that is not a number will cause it to fail.
float ( loc . lat )
float ( loc . lon )
2020-11-23 01:01:54 -05:00
AIS = aprslib . IS ( aprs_callsign , passwd = aprs_passcode , host = aprs_server , port = aprs_port )
AIS . connect ( )
AIS . sendall ( aprs_loc_packet )
AIS . close ( )
logger . info ( ' Sent APRS packet ' )
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
except :
logger . info ( ' Failed to parse packet. Packet may be deformed. Not uploaded. ' )
# Get callsign based on DMR ID
# End APRS-IS upload
2020-11-22 21:54:02 -05:00
# Assume this is an SMS message
if ' $GPRMC ' not in final_packet :
2020-11-23 15:53:59 -05:00
# Motorola type SMS header
if ' 024 ' in hdr_start :
logger . info ( ' \n Motorola type SMS ' )
sms = codecs . decode ( bytes . fromhex ( ' ' . join ( sms_hex [ 74 : - 8 ] . split ( ' 00 ' ) ) ) , ' utf-8 ' )
logger . info ( ' \n \n ' + ' Received SMS from ' + str ( get_alias ( int_id ( _rf_src ) , subscriber_ids ) ) + ' , DMR ID: ' + str ( int_id ( _rf_src ) ) + ' : ' + str ( sms ) + ' \n ' )
process_sms ( _rf_src , sms )
else :
logger . info ( ' Unknown tpye SMS ' )
logger . info ( final_packet )
#logger.info(bitarray(re.sub("\)|\(|bitarray|'", '', str(bptc_decode(_data)).tobytes().decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))))
#logger.info('\n\n' + 'Received SMS from ' + str(get_alias(int_id(_rf_src), subscriber_ids)) + ', DMR ID: ' + str(int_id(_rf_src)) + ': ' + str(sms) + '\n')
2020-11-22 23:39:02 -05:00
# Reset the packet assembly to prevent old data from returning.
2020-11-23 15:53:59 -05:00
packet_assembly = ' '
hdr_start = ' '
2020-11-22 23:39:02 -05:00
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
2020-11-23 13:19:58 -05:00
#logger.info(ahex(bptc_decode(_data)).decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
#logger.info(bitarray(re.sub("\)|\(|bitarray|'", '', str(bptc_decode(_data)).tobytes().decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))))
else :
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
2020-11-23 13:19:58 -05:00
#global aprs_callsign, aprs_passcode, aprs_server, aprs_port, user_ssid, aprs_comment, call_type, data_id
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
import argparse
import sys
import os
import signal
from dmr_utils3 . utils import try_download , mk_id_dict
# Change the current directory to the location of the application
os . chdir ( os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( sys . argv [ 0 ] ) ) )
# CLI argument parser - handles picking up the config file from the command line, and sending a "help" message
parser = argparse . ArgumentParser ( )
parser . add_argument ( ' -c ' , ' --config ' , action = ' store ' , dest = ' CONFIG_FILE ' , help = ' /full/path/to/config.file (usually hblink.cfg) ' )
parser . add_argument ( ' -l ' , ' --logging ' , action = ' store ' , dest = ' LOG_LEVEL ' , help = ' Override config file logging level. ' )
cli_args = parser . parse_args ( )
# Ensure we have a path for the config file, if one wasn't specified, then use the default (top of file)
if not cli_args . CONFIG_FILE :
cli_args . CONFIG_FILE = os . path . dirname ( os . path . abspath ( __file__ ) ) + ' /hblink.cfg '
# Call the external routine to build the configuration dictionary
CONFIG = config . build_config ( cli_args . CONFIG_FILE )
2020-11-23 13:19:58 -05:00
data_id = int ( CONFIG [ ' GPS_DATA ' ] [ ' DATA_DMR_ID ' ] )
# Group call or Unit (private) call
call_type = CONFIG [ ' GPS_DATA ' ] [ ' CALL_TYPE ' ]
# APRS-IS login information
aprs_callsign = CONFIG [ ' GPS_DATA ' ] [ ' APRS_LOGIN_CALL ' ]
aprs_passcode = int ( CONFIG [ ' GPS_DATA ' ] [ ' APRS_LOGIN_PASSCODE ' ] )
aprs_server = CONFIG [ ' GPS_DATA ' ] [ ' APRS_SERVER ' ]
aprs_port = int ( CONFIG [ ' GPS_DATA ' ] [ ' APRS_PORT ' ] )
user_ssid = CONFIG [ ' GPS_DATA ' ] [ ' USER_APRS_SSID ' ]
aprs_comment = CONFIG [ ' GPS_DATA ' ] [ ' USER_APRS_COMMENT ' ]
2020-11-22 01:54:01 -05:00
# Start the system logger
if cli_args . LOG_LEVEL :
CONFIG [ ' LOGGER ' ] [ ' LOG_LEVEL ' ] = cli_args . LOG_LEVEL
logger = log . config_logging ( CONFIG [ ' LOGGER ' ] )
logger . info ( ' \n \n Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019 \n \t The Regents of the K0USY Group. All rights reserved. \n GPS and Data decoding by Eric, KF7EEL ' )
logger . debug ( ' Logging system started, anything from here on gets logged ' )
# Set up the signal handler
def sig_handler ( _signal , _frame ) :
logger . info ( ' SHUTDOWN: >>>GPS and Data Decoder<<< IS TERMINATING WITH SIGNAL %s ' , str ( _signal ) )
hblink_handler ( _signal , _frame )
reactor . stop ( )
# Set signal handers so that we can gracefully exit if need be
for sig in [ signal . SIGTERM , signal . SIGINT ] :
signal . signal ( sig , sig_handler )
# Create the name-number mapping dictionaries
peer_ids , subscriber_ids , talkgroup_ids = mk_aliases ( CONFIG )
if CONFIG [ ' REPORTS ' ] [ ' REPORT ' ] :
report_server = config_reports ( CONFIG , reportFactory )
else :
report_server = None
logger . info ( ' (REPORT) TCP Socket reporting not configured ' )
# HBlink instance creation
logger . info ( ' HBlink \' gps_data.py \' -- SYSTEM STARTING... ' )
for system in CONFIG [ ' SYSTEMS ' ] :
if CONFIG [ ' SYSTEMS ' ] [ system ] [ ' ENABLED ' ] :
if CONFIG [ ' SYSTEMS ' ] [ system ] [ ' MODE ' ] == ' OPENBRIDGE ' :
systems [ system ] = OPENBRIDGE ( system , CONFIG , report_server )
else :
systems [ system ] = DATA_SYSTEM ( system , CONFIG , report_server )
reactor . listenUDP ( CONFIG [ ' SYSTEMS ' ] [ system ] [ ' PORT ' ] , systems [ system ] , interface = CONFIG [ ' SYSTEMS ' ] [ system ] [ ' IP ' ] )
logger . debug ( ' %s instance created: %s , %s ' , CONFIG [ ' SYSTEMS ' ] [ system ] [ ' MODE ' ] , system , systems [ system ] )
reactor . run ( )
# John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,
# that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.