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2015-12-29 17:45:47 -05:00
// creflector.h
// xlxd
// Created by Jean-Luc Deltombe (LX3JL) on 31/10/2015.
// Copyright © 2015 Jean-Luc Deltombe (LX3JL). All rights reserved.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of xlxd.
// xlxd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// xlxd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Foobar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef creflector_h
#define creflector_h
#include "cusers.h"
#include "cclients.h"
#include "cpeers.h"
2015-12-29 17:45:47 -05:00
#include "cprotocols.h"
#include "cpacketstream.h"
#include "cnotificationqueue.h"
// define
// event defines
#define EVENT_NONE 0
#define EVENT_USERS 2
// class
class CReflector
// constructor
CReflector(const CCallsign &);
// destructor
virtual ~CReflector();
// settings
void SetCallsign(const CCallsign &callsign) { m_Callsign = callsign; }
const CCallsign &GetCallsign(void) const { return m_Callsign; }
void SetListenIp(const CIp &ip) { m_Ip = ip; }
const CIp &GetListenIp(void) const { return m_Ip; }
// operation
bool Start(void);
void Stop(void);
// clients
CClients *GetClients(void) { m_Clients.Lock(); return &m_Clients; }
void ReleaseClients(void) { m_Clients.Unlock(); }
// peers
CPeers *GetPeers(void) { m_Peers.Lock(); return &m_Peers; }
void ReleasePeers(void) { m_Peers.Unlock(); }
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// stream opening & closing
CPacketStream *OpenStream(CDvHeaderPacket *, CClient *);
bool IsStreaming(char);
void CloseStream(CPacketStream *);
// users
CUsers *GetUsers(void) { m_Users.Lock(); return &m_Users; }
void ReleaseUsers(void) { m_Users.Unlock(); }
// get
2016-04-18 03:59:32 -04:00
bool IsValidModule(char c) const { return (GetModuleIndex(c) >= 0); }
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int GetModuleIndex(char) const;
char GetModuleLetter(int i) const { return 'A' + (char)i; }
// notifications
void OnPeersChanged(void);
2015-12-29 17:45:47 -05:00
void OnClientsChanged(void);
void OnUsersChanged(void);
void OnStreamOpen(const CCallsign &);
void OnStreamClose(const CCallsign &);
// threads
static void RouterThread(CReflector *, CPacketStream *);
static void XmlReportThread(CReflector *);
static void JsonReportThread(CReflector *);
// streams
CPacketStream *GetStream(char);
2017-02-02 10:37:38 -05:00
bool IsStreamOpen(const CDvHeaderPacket *);
2015-12-29 17:45:47 -05:00
char GetStreamModule(CPacketStream *);
// xml helpers
void WriteXmlFile(std::ofstream &);
// json helpers
void SendJsonReflectorObject(CUdpSocket &, CIp &);
void SendJsonNodesObject(CUdpSocket &, CIp &);
void SendJsonStationsObject(CUdpSocket &, CIp &);
void SendJsonOnairObject(CUdpSocket &, CIp &, const CCallsign &);
void SendJsonOffairObject(CUdpSocket &, CIp &, const CCallsign &);
// identity
CCallsign m_Callsign;
CIp m_Ip;
// objects
CUsers m_Users; // sorted list of lastheard stations
CClients m_Clients; // list of linked repeaters/nodes/peers's modules
CPeers m_Peers; // list of linked peers
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CProtocols m_Protocols; // list of supported protocol handlers
// queues
std::array<CPacketStream, NB_OF_MODULES> m_Streams;
// threads
bool m_bStopThreads;
std::array<std::thread *, NB_OF_MODULES> m_RouterThreads;
std::thread *m_XmlReportThread;
std::thread *m_JsonReportThread;
// notifications
CNotificationQueue m_Notifications;
#endif /* creflector_h */