
268 lines
6.7 KiB

// ccallsign.cpp
// xlxd
// Created by Jean-Luc Deltombe (LX3JL) on 31/10/2015.
// Copyright © 2015 Jean-Luc Deltombe (LX3JL). All rights reserved.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of xlxd.
// xlxd is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// xlxd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Foobar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "main.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <cctype>
#include "ccallsign.h"
// constructors
// blank all
::memset(m_Callsign, ' ', sizeof(m_Callsign));
::memset(m_Suffix, ' ', sizeof(m_Suffix));
m_Module = ' ';
CCallsign::CCallsign(const char *sz)
// blank all
::memset(m_Callsign, ' ', sizeof(m_Callsign));
::memset(m_Suffix, ' ', sizeof(m_Suffix));
m_Module = ' ';
// and copy
::memcpy(m_Callsign, sz, MIN(strlen(sz), sizeof(m_Callsign)-1));
if ( strlen(sz) >= sizeof(m_Callsign) )
m_Module = sz[sizeof(m_Callsign)-1];
CCallsign::CCallsign(const CCallsign &callsign)
::memcpy(m_Callsign, callsign.m_Callsign, sizeof(m_Callsign));
::memcpy(m_Suffix, callsign.m_Suffix, sizeof(m_Suffix));
m_Module = callsign.m_Module;
// status
bool CCallsign::IsValid(void) const
bool valid = true;
int i;
// callsign
// first 3 chars are letter or number but cannot be all number
int iNum = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
valid &= IsLetter(m_Callsign[i]) || IsNumber(m_Callsign[i]);
if ( IsNumber(m_Callsign[i]) )
valid &= (iNum < 3);
// all remaining char are letter, number or space
for ( ; i < CALLSIGN_LEN; i++)
valid &= IsLetter(m_Callsign[i]) || IsNumber(m_Callsign[i]) || IsSpace(m_Callsign[i]);
// prefix
// all chars are number, uppercase or space
for ( i = 0; i < CALLSUFFIX_LEN; i++ )
valid &= IsLetter(m_Suffix[i]) || IsNumber(m_Suffix[i]) || IsSpace(m_Suffix[i]);
// module
// is an letter or space
valid &= IsLetter(m_Module) || IsSpace(m_Module);
// done
return valid;
bool CCallsign::HasSuffix(void) const
bool has = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < CALLSUFFIX_LEN; i++ )
has |= (m_Suffix[i] != ' ');
return has;
// set
void CCallsign::SetCallsign(const char *sz)
::memset(m_Callsign, ' ', sizeof(m_Callsign));
m_Module = ' ';
::memcpy(m_Callsign, sz, MIN(strlen(sz), sizeof(m_Callsign)-1));
if ( strlen(sz) >= sizeof(m_Callsign) )
m_Module = sz[sizeof(m_Callsign)-1];
void CCallsign::SetCallsign(const uint8 *buffer, int len)
::memset(m_Callsign, ' ', sizeof(m_Callsign));
m_Module = ' ';
::memcpy(m_Callsign, buffer, MIN(len, sizeof(m_Callsign)-1));
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(m_Callsign); i++ )
if ( m_Callsign[i] == 0 )
m_Callsign[i] = ' ';
if ( (len >= sizeof(m_Callsign)) && ((char)buffer[sizeof(m_Callsign)-1] != 0) )
m_Module = (char)buffer[sizeof(m_Callsign)-1];
void CCallsign::SetModule(char c)
m_Module = c;
void CCallsign::SetSuffix(const char *sz)
::memset(m_Suffix, ' ', sizeof(m_Suffix));
::memcpy(m_Suffix, sz, MIN(strlen(sz), sizeof(m_Suffix)));
void CCallsign::SetSuffix(const uint8 *buffer, int len)
len = MIN(len, sizeof(m_Suffix));
::memset(m_Suffix, ' ', sizeof(m_Suffix));
::memcpy(m_Suffix, buffer, len);
// modify
void CCallsign::PatchCallsign(int off, const uint8 *patch, int len)
if ( off < sizeof(m_Callsign) )
::memcpy(m_Callsign, patch, MIN(len, sizeof(m_Callsign) - off));
// get
void CCallsign::GetCallsign(uint8 *buffer) const
::memcpy(buffer, m_Callsign, sizeof(m_Callsign));
if ( HasModule() )
buffer[sizeof(m_Callsign)-1] = m_Module;
void CCallsign::GetCallsignString(char *sz) const
int i;
for ( i = 0; (i < sizeof(m_Callsign)) && (m_Callsign[i] != ' '); i++ )
sz[i] = m_Callsign[i];
sz[i] = 0;
void CCallsign::GetSuffix(uint8 *buffer) const
::memcpy(buffer, m_Suffix, sizeof(m_Suffix));
// compare
bool CCallsign::HasSameCallsign(const CCallsign &Callsign) const
return (::memcmp(m_Callsign, Callsign.m_Callsign, sizeof(m_Callsign)) == 0);
bool CCallsign::HasSameModule(const CCallsign &Callsign) const
return (m_Module == Callsign.m_Module);
// operators
bool CCallsign::operator ==(const CCallsign &callsign) const
return ((::memcmp(callsign.m_Callsign, m_Callsign, sizeof(m_Callsign)) == 0) &&
(m_Module == callsign.m_Module) &&
(::memcmp(callsign.m_Suffix, m_Suffix, sizeof(m_Suffix)) == 0));
CCallsign::operator const char *() const
char *sz = (char *)(const char *)m_sz;
// empty
::memset(sz, 0, sizeof(m_sz));
// callsign
::memcpy(sz, m_Callsign, sizeof(m_Callsign));
// module
if ( HasModule() )
sz[sizeof(m_Callsign)] = m_Module;
// suffix
if ( HasSuffix() )
::strcat(sz, " / ");
::strncat(sz, m_Suffix, sizeof(m_Suffix));
// done
return m_sz;
// helper
bool CCallsign::IsNumber(char c) const
return ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9'));
bool CCallsign::IsLetter(char c) const
return ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z'));
bool CCallsign::IsSpace(char c) const
return (c == ' ');