mirror of https://github.com/ShaYmez/xlxd.git synced 2024-09-30 08:46:47 -04:00
narspt 070f16fdb7
dashboard2 performance enhancement
Use an array indexed by dxcc prefix for faster lookups instead of scanning whole Flagarray and it's dxcc nested arrays (done lots of times when there are many last heard entries), which is very slow and resource hungry... before this change my server was taking ~360ms to generate users page (with 80 last heard entries), after this small change it takes ~18ms instead.
2018-10-13 18:53:37 +01:00

459 lines
16 KiB

class xReflector {
public $Nodes = null;
public $Stations = null;
public $Peers = null;
private $Flagarray = null;
private $Flagarray_DXCC = null;
private $Flagfile = null;
private $CallingHomeActive = null;
private $CallingHomeHash = null;
private $CallingHomeDashboardURL = null;
private $CallingHomeServerURL = null;
private $ReflectorName = null;
private $ServiceUptime = null;
private $ProcessIDFile = null;
private $XMLContent = null;
private $XMLFile = null;
private $ServiceName = null;
private $Version = null;
private $CallingHomeCountry = null;
private $CallingHomeComment = null;
private $CallingHomeOverrideIP = null;
private $Transferinterlink = null;
private $Interlinkfile = null;
public $Interlinks = null;
private $InterlinkXML = null;
private $ReflectorXML = null;
public function __construct() {
$this->Nodes = array();
$this->Stations = array();
$this->Peers = array();
$this->Interlinks = array();
$this->Transferinterlink = false;
public function LoadXML() {
if ($this->XMLFile != null) {
$handle = fopen($this->XMLFile, 'r');
$this->XMLContent = fread($handle, filesize($this->XMLFile));
$this->ServiceName = substr($this->XMLContent, strpos($this->XMLContent, "<XLX")+4, 3);
if (!is_numeric($this->ServiceName)) {
$this->ServiceName = null;
return false;
$this->ReflectorName = "XLX".$this->ServiceName;
$LinkedPeersName = "XLX".$this->ServiceName." linked peers";
$LinkedNodesName = "XLX".$this->ServiceName." linked nodes";
$LinkedUsersName = "XLX".$this->ServiceName." heard users";
$XML = new ParseXML();
$AllNodesString = $XML->GetElement($this->XMLContent, $LinkedNodesName);
$tmpNodes = $XML->GetAllElements($AllNodesString, "NODE");
for ($i=0;$i<count($tmpNodes);$i++) {
$Node = new Node($XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'Callsign'), $XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'IP'), $XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'LinkedModule'), $XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'Protocol'), $XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'ConnectTime'), $XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'LastHeardTime'), CreateCode(16));
$AllStationsString = $XML->GetElement($this->XMLContent, $LinkedUsersName);
$tmpStations = $XML->GetAllElements($AllStationsString, "STATION");
for ($i=0;$i<count($tmpStations);$i++) {
$Station = new Station($XML->GetElement($tmpStations[$i], 'Callsign'), $XML->GetElement($tmpStations[$i], 'Via node'), $XML->GetElement($tmpStations[$i], 'Via peer'), $XML->GetElement($tmpStations[$i], 'LastHeardTime'), $XML->GetElement($tmpStations[$i], 'On module'));
$this->AddStation($Station, false);
$AllPeersString = $XML->GetElement($this->XMLContent, $LinkedPeersName);
$tmpPeers = $XML->GetAllElements($AllPeersString, "PEER");
for ($i=0;$i<count($tmpPeers);$i++) {
$Peer = new Peer($XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'Callsign'), $XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'IP'), $XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'LinkedModule'), $XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'Protocol'), $XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'ConnectTime'), $XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'LastHeardTime'));
$this->AddPeer($Peer, false);
$this->Version = $XML->GetElement($this->XMLContent, "Version");
public function GetVersion() {
return $this->Version;
public function GetReflectorName() {
return $this->ReflectorName;
public function SetXMLFile($XMLFile) {
if (file_exists($XMLFile) && (is_readable($XMLFile))) {
$this->XMLFile = $XMLFile;
else {
die("File ".$XMLFile." does not exist or is not readable");
$this->XMLContent = null;
public function SetPIDFile($ProcessIDFile) {
if (file_exists($ProcessIDFile)) {
$this->ProcessIDFile = $ProcessIDFile;
$this->ServiceUptime = time() - filectime($ProcessIDFile);
else {
$this->ProcessIDFile = null;
$this->ServiceUptime = null;
public function GetServiceUptime() {
return $this->ServiceUptime;
public function SetFlagFile($Flagfile) {
if (file_exists($Flagfile) && (is_readable($Flagfile))) {
$this->Flagfile = $Flagfile;
return true;
return false;
public function LoadFlags() {
if ($this->Flagfile != null) {
$this->Flagarray = array();
$this->Flagarray_DXCC = array();
$handle = fopen($this->Flagfile,"r");
if ($handle) {
$i = 0;
while(!feof($handle)) {
$row = fgets($handle,1024);
$tmp = explode(";", $row);
if (isset($tmp[0])) { $this->Flagarray[$i]['Country'] = $tmp[0]; } else { $this->Flagarray[$i]['Country'] = 'Undefined'; }
if (isset($tmp[1])) { $this->Flagarray[$i]['ISO'] = $tmp[1]; } else { $this->Flagarray[$i]['ISO'] = "Undefined"; }
//$this->Flagarray[$i]['DXCC'] = array();
if (isset($tmp[2])) {
$tmp2 = explode("-", $tmp[2]);
for ($j=0;$j<count($tmp2);$j++) {
//$this->Flagarray[$i]['DXCC'][] = $tmp2[$j];
$this->Flagarray_DXCC[ trim($tmp2[$j]) ] = $i;
return true;
return false;
public function AddNode($NodeObject) {
if (is_object($NodeObject)) {
$this->Nodes[] = $NodeObject;
public function NodeCount() {
return count($this->Nodes);
public function GetNode($ArrayIndex) {
if (isset($this->Nodes[$ArrayIndex])) {
return $this->Nodes[$ArrayIndex];
return false;
public function AddPeer($PeerObject) {
if (is_object($PeerObject)) {
$this->Peers[] = $PeerObject;
public function PeerCount() {
return count($this->Peers);
public function GetPeer($ArrayIndex) {
if (isset($this->Peer[$ArrayIndex])) {
return $this->Peer[$ArrayIndex];
return false;
public function AddStation($StationObject, $AllowDouble = false) {
if (is_object($StationObject)) {
if ($AllowDouble) {
$this->Stations[] = $StationObject;
else {
$FoundStationInList = false;
$i = 0;
$tmp = explode(" ", $StationObject->GetCallsign());
$RealCallsign = trim($tmp[0]);
while (!$FoundStationInList && $i<$this->StationCount()) {
if ($this->Stations[$i]->GetCallsignOnly() == $RealCallsign) {
$FoundStationInList = true;
if (!$FoundStationInList) {
if (strlen(trim($RealCallsign)) > 3) {
$this->Stations[] = $StationObject;
public function GetSuffixOfRepeater($Repeater, $LinkedModul, $StartWithIndex = 0) {
$suffix = "";
$found = false;
$i = $StartWithIndex;
while (!$found && $i < $this->NodeCount()) {
if ($this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule() == $LinkedModul) {
if (strpos($this->Nodes[$i]->GetCallSign(), $Repeater) !== false) {
$suffix = $this->Nodes[$i]->GetSuffix();
$found = true;
return $suffix;
public function GetCallsignAndSuffixByID($RandomId) {
$suffix = "";
$callsign = "";
$i = 0;
while ($i < $this->NodeCount()) {
if ($this->Nodes[$i]->GetRandomID() == $RandomId) {
return $this->Nodes[$i]->GetCallSign().'-'.$this->Nodes[$i]->GetSuffix();
return 'N/A';
public function StationCount() {
return count($this->Stations);
public function GetStation($ArrayIndex) {
if (isset($this->Stations[$ArrayIndex])) {
return $this->Stations[$ArrayIndex];
return false;
public function GetFlag($Callsign) {
$Image = "";
$Letters = 4;
$Name = "";
while ($Letters >= 2) {
$Prefix = substr(trim($Callsign), 0, $Letters);
if (isset($this->Flagarray_DXCC[$Prefix])) {
$Image = $this->Flagarray[ $this->Flagarray_DXCC[$Prefix] ]['ISO'];
$Name = $this->Flagarray[ $this->Flagarray_DXCC[$Prefix] ]['Country'];
return array(strtolower($Image), $Name);
public function GetModules() {
$out = array();
for ($i=0;$i<$this->NodeCount();$i++) {
$Found = false;
$b = 0;
while ($b < count($out) && !$Found) {
if ($out[$b] == $this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule()) {
$Found = true;
if (!$Found && (trim($this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule()) != "")) {
$out[] = $this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule();
return $out;
public function GetModuleOfNode($Node) {
$Node = trim(str_replace(" ", "-", $Node));
$Node = trim(str_replace(" ", "-", $Node));
$Node = trim(str_replace(" ", "-", $Node));
$found = false;
$i = 0;
$Module = "";
while (!$found && $i<$this->NodeCount()) {
if (strpos($Node, $this->Nodes[$i]->GetFullCallsign()) !== false) {
$Module = $this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule();
$found = true;
return $Module;
public function GetCallSignsInModules($Module) {
$out = array();
for ($i=0;$i<$this->NodeCount();$i++) {
if ($this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule() == $Module) {
$out[] = $this->Nodes[$i]->GetCallsign();
return $out;
public function GetNodesInModulesById($Module) {
$out = array();
for ($i=0;$i<$this->NodeCount();$i++) {
if ($this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule() == $Module) {
$out[] = $this->Nodes[$i]->GetRandomID();
return $out;
public function SetCallingHome($CallingHomeVariables, $Hash) {
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['Active'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['Active'] = false; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['MyDashBoardURL'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['MyDashBoardURL'] = ''; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['ServerURL'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['ServerURL'] = ''; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['Country'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['Country'] = ''; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['Comment'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['Comment'] = ''; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['OverrideIPAddress'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['OverrideIPAddress'] = false; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['InterlinkFile'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['InterlinkFile'] = ''; }
if (!file_exists($CallingHomeVariables['InterlinkFile'])) {
$this->Interlinkfile = '';
$this->Transferinterlink = false;
else {
$this->Transferinterlink = true;
$this->Interlinkfile = $CallingHomeVariables['InterlinkFile'];
$this->CallingHomeActive = ($CallingHomeVariables['Active'] === true);
$this->CallingHomeHash = $Hash;
$this->CallingHomeDashboardURL = $CallingHomeVariables['MyDashBoardURL'];
$this->CallingHomeServerURL = $CallingHomeVariables['ServerURL'];
$this->CallingHomeCountry = $CallingHomeVariables['Country'];
$this->CallingHomeComment = $CallingHomeVariables['Comment'];
$this->CallingHomeOverrideIP = $CallingHomeVariables['OverrideIPAddress'];
public function PushCallingHome() {
$CallingHome = @fopen($this->CallingHomeServerURL."?ReflectorName=".$this->ReflectorName."&ReflectorUptime=".$this->ServiceUptime."&ReflectorHash=".$this->CallingHomeHash."&DashboardURL=".$this->CallingHomeDashboardURL."&Country=".urlencode($this->CallingHomeCountry)."&Comment=".urlencode($this->CallingHomeComment)."&OverrideIP=".$this->CallingHomeOverrideIP, "r");
public function ReadInterlinkFile() {
if (file_exists($this->Interlinkfile) && (is_readable($this->Interlinkfile))) {
$this->Interlinks = array();
$this->InterlinkXML = "";
$Interlinkfilecontent = file($this->Interlinkfile);
for ($i=0;$i<count($Interlinkfilecontent);$i++) {
if (substr($Interlinkfilecontent[$i], 0, 1) != '#') {
$Interlink = explode(" ", $Interlinkfilecontent[$i]);
$this->Interlinks[] = new Interlink();
if (isset($Interlink[0])) { $this->Interlinks[count($this->Interlinks)-1]->SetName(trim($Interlink[0])); }
if (isset($Interlink[1])) { $this->Interlinks[count($this->Interlinks)-1]->SetAddress(trim($Interlink[1])); }
if (isset($Interlink[2])) {
$Modules = str_split(trim($Interlink[2]), 1);
for ($j=0;$j<count($Modules);$j++) {
return true;
return false;
public function PrepareInterlinkXML() {
$xml = '
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Interlinks);$i++) {
$xml .= '
$xml .= '
$this->InterlinkXML = $xml;
public function PrepareReflectorXML() {
$this->ReflectorXML = '
public function CallHome() {
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
$p = @stream_context_create(array('http' => array('header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => http_build_query(array('xml' => $xml)) )));
$result = @file_get_contents($this->CallingHomeServerURL, false, $p);
if ($result === false) {
public function InterlinkCount() {
return count($this->Interlinks);
public function GetInterlink($Index) {
if (isset($this->Interlinks[$Index])) return $this->Interlinks[$Index];
return array();
public function IsInterlinked($Reflectorname) {
$i = -1;
$f = false;
while (!$f && $i<$this->InterlinkCount()) {
if (isset($this->Interlinks[$i])) {
if ($this->Interlinks[$i]->GetName() == $Reflectorname) {
$f = true;
return $i;
return -1;