mirror of https://github.com/ShaYmez/xlxd.git synced 2024-09-18 11:06:33 -04:00
Luiz Fernando Ribeiro Amaral a9911d3042 New XLX dashboard layout
- A dashboard with the new layout is contained in the dashboard2 folder.
- Enhanced the styling of the README file.
2016-07-05 11:08:29 -06:00

445 lines
16 KiB

class xReflector {
public $Nodes = null;
public $Stations = null;
public $Peers = null;
private $Flagarray = null;
private $Flagfile = null;
private $CallingHomeActive = null;
private $CallingHomeHash = null;
private $CallingHomeDashboardURL = null;
private $CallingHomeServerURL = null;
private $ReflectorName = null;
private $ServiceUptime = null;
private $ProcessIDFile = null;
private $XMLContent = null;
private $XMLFile = null;
private $ServiceName = null;
private $Version = null;
private $CallingHomeCountry = null;
private $CallingHomeComment = null;
private $CallingHomeOverrideIP = null;
private $Transferinterlink = null;
private $Interlinkfile = null;
public $Interlinks = null;
private $InterlinkXML = null;
private $ReflectorXML = null;
public function __construct() {
$this->Nodes = array();
$this->Stations = array();
$this->Peers = array();
$this->Interlinks = array();
$this->Transferinterlink = false;
public function LoadXML() {
if ($this->XMLFile != null) {
$handle = fopen($this->XMLFile, 'r');
$this->XMLContent = fread($handle, filesize($this->XMLFile));
$this->ServiceName = substr($this->XMLContent, strpos($this->XMLContent, "<XLX")+4, 3);
if (!is_numeric($this->ServiceName)) {
$this->ServiceName = null;
return false;
$this->ReflectorName = "XLX".$this->ServiceName;
$LinkedPeersName = "XLX".$this->ServiceName." linked peers";
$LinkedNodesName = "XLX".$this->ServiceName." linked nodes";
$LinkedUsersName = "XLX".$this->ServiceName." heard users";
$XML = new ParseXML();
$AllNodesString = $XML->GetElement($this->XMLContent, $LinkedNodesName);
$tmpNodes = $XML->GetAllElements($AllNodesString, "NODE");
for ($i=0;$i<count($tmpNodes);$i++) {
$Node = new Node($XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'Callsign'), $XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'IP'), $XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'LinkedModule'), $XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'Protocol'), $XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'ConnectTime'), $XML->GetElement($tmpNodes[$i], 'LastHeardTime'));
$AllStationsString = $XML->GetElement($this->XMLContent, $LinkedUsersName);
$tmpStations = $XML->GetAllElements($AllStationsString, "STATION");
for ($i=0;$i<count($tmpStations);$i++) {
$Station = new Station($XML->GetElement($tmpStations[$i], 'Callsign'), $XML->GetElement($tmpStations[$i], 'Via node'), $XML->GetElement($tmpStations[$i], 'Via peer'), $XML->GetElement($tmpStations[$i], 'LastHeardTime'));
$this->AddStation($Station, false);
$AllPeersString = $XML->GetElement($this->XMLContent, $LinkedPeersName);
$tmpPeers = $XML->GetAllElements($AllPeersString, "PEER");
for ($i=0;$i<count($tmpPeers);$i++) {
$Peer = new Peer($XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'Callsign'), $XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'IP'), $XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'LinkedModule'), $XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'Protocol'), $XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'ConnectTime'), $XML->GetElement($tmpPeers[$i], 'LastHeardTime'));
$this->AddPeer($Peer, false);
$this->Version = $XML->GetElement($this->XMLContent, "Version");
public function GetVersion() {
return $this->Version;
public function GetReflectorName() {
return $this->ReflectorName;
public function SetXMLFile($XMLFile) {
if (file_exists($XMLFile) && (is_readable($XMLFile))) {
$this->XMLFile = $XMLFile;
else {
die("File ".$XMLFile." does not exist or is not readable");
$this->XMLContent = null;
public function SetPIDFile($ProcessIDFile) {
if (file_exists($ProcessIDFile)) {
$this->ProcessIDFile = $ProcessIDFile;
$this->ServiceUptime = time() - filectime($ProcessIDFile);
else {
$this->ProcessIDFile = null;
$this->ServiceUptime = null;
public function GetServiceUptime() {
return $this->ServiceUptime;
public function SetFlagFile($Flagfile) {
if (file_exists($Flagfile) && (is_readable($Flagfile))) {
$this->Flagfile = $Flagfile;
return true;
return false;
public function LoadFlags() {
if ($this->Flagfile != null) {
$this->Flagarray = array();
$handle = fopen($this->Flagfile,"r");
if ($handle) {
$i = 0;
while(!feof($handle)) {
$row = fgets($handle,1024);
$tmp = explode(";", $row);
if (isset($tmp[0])) { $this->Flagarray[$i]['Country'] = $tmp[0]; } else { $this->Flagarray[$i]['Country'] = 'Undefined'; }
if (isset($tmp[1])) { $this->Flagarray[$i]['ISO'] = $tmp[1]; } else { $this->Flagarray[$i]['ISO'] = "Undefined"; }
$this->Flagarray[$i]['DXCC'] = array();
if (isset($tmp[2])) {
$tmp2 = explode("-", $tmp[2]);
for ($j=0;$j<count($tmp2);$j++) {
$this->Flagarray[$i]['DXCC'][] = $tmp2[$j];
return true;
return false;
public function AddNode($NodeObject) {
if (is_object($NodeObject)) {
$this->Nodes[] = $NodeObject;
public function NodeCount() {
return count($this->Nodes);
public function GetNode($ArrayIndex) {
if (isset($this->Nodes[$ArrayIndex])) {
return $this->Nodes[$ArrayIndex];
return false;
public function AddPeer($PeerObject) {
if (is_object($PeerObject)) {
$this->Peers[] = $PeerObject;
public function PeerCount() {
return count($this->Peers);
public function GetPeer($ArrayIndex) {
if (isset($this->Peer[$ArrayIndex])) {
return $this->Peer[$ArrayIndex];
return false;
public function AddStation($StationObject, $AllowDouble = false) {
if (is_object($StationObject)) {
if ($AllowDouble) {
$this->Stations[] = $StationObject;
else {
$FoundStationInList = false;
$i = 0;
$tmp = explode(" ", $StationObject->GetCallsign());
$RealCallsign = trim($tmp[0]);
while (!$FoundStationInList && $i<$this->StationCount()) {
if ($this->Stations[$i]->GetCallsignOnly() == $RealCallsign) {
$FoundStationInList = true;
if (!$FoundStationInList) {
if (strlen(trim($RealCallsign)) > 3) {
$this->Stations[] = $StationObject;
public function GetSuffixOfRepeater($Repeater, $LinkedModul, $StartWithIndex = 0) {
$suffix = "";
$found = false;
$i = $StartWithIndex;
while (!$found && $i < $this->NodeCount()) {
if ($this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule() == $LinkedModul) {
if (strpos($this->Nodes[$i]->GetCallSign(), $Repeater) !== false) {
$suffix = $this->Nodes[$i]->GetSuffix();
$found = true;
return $suffix;
public function StationCount() {
return count($this->Stations);
public function GetStation($ArrayIndex) {
if (isset($this->Stations[$ArrayIndex])) {
return $this->Stations[$ArrayIndex];
return false;
public function GetFlag($Callsign) {
$Image = "";
$FoundFlag = false;
$Letters = 4;
while (($Letters >= 2) && (!$FoundFlag)) {
$j = 0;
$Prefix = substr($Callsign, 0, $Letters);
while (($j < count($this->Flagarray)) && (!$FoundFlag)) {
$z = 0;
while (($z < count($this->Flagarray[$j]['DXCC'])) && (!$FoundFlag)) {
if (trim($Prefix) == trim($this->Flagarray[$j]['DXCC'][$z])) {
$Image = $this->Flagarray[$j]['ISO'];
$FoundFlag = true;
return strtolower($Image);
public function GetModules() {
$out = array();
for ($i=0;$i<$this->NodeCount();$i++) {
$Found = false;
$b = 0;
while ($b < count($out) && !$Found) {
if ($out[$b] == $this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule()) {
$Found = true;
if (!$Found && (trim($this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule()) != "")) {
$out[] = $this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule();
return $out;
public function GetModuleOfNode($Node) {
$Node = trim(str_replace(" ", "-", $Node));
$Node = trim(str_replace(" ", "-", $Node));
$Node = trim(str_replace(" ", "-", $Node));
$found = false;
$i = 0;
$Module = "";
while (!$found && $i<$this->NodeCount()) {
if (strpos($Node, $this->Nodes[$i]->GetFullCallsign()) !== false) {
$Module = $this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule();
$found = true;
return $Module;
public function GetCallSignsInModules($Module) {
$out = array();
for ($i=0;$i<$this->NodeCount();$i++) {
if ($this->Nodes[$i]->GetLinkedModule() == $Module) {
$out[] = $this->Nodes[$i]->GetCallsign();
return $out;
public function SetCallingHome($CallingHomeVariables, $Hash) {
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['Active'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['Active'] = false; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['MyDashBoardURL'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['MyDashBoardURL'] = ''; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['ServerURL'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['ServerURL'] = ''; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['Country'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['Country'] = ''; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['Comment'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['Comment'] = ''; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['OverrideIPAddress'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['OverrideIPAddress'] = false; }
if (!isset($CallingHomeVariables['InterlinkFile'])) { $CallingHomeVariables['InterlinkFile'] = ''; }
if (!file_exists($CallingHomeVariables['InterlinkFile'])) {
$this->Interlinkfile = '';
$this->Transferinterlink = false;
else {
$this->Transferinterlink = true;
$this->Interlinkfile = $CallingHomeVariables['InterlinkFile'];
$this->CallingHomeActive = ($CallingHomeVariables['Active'] === true);
$this->CallingHomeHash = $Hash;
$this->CallingHomeDashboardURL = $CallingHomeVariables['MyDashBoardURL'];
$this->CallingHomeServerURL = $CallingHomeVariables['ServerURL'];
$this->CallingHomeCountry = $CallingHomeVariables['Country'];
$this->CallingHomeComment = $CallingHomeVariables['Comment'];
$this->CallingHomeOverrideIP = $CallingHomeVariables['OverrideIPAddress'];
public function PushCallingHome() {
$CallingHome = @fopen($this->CallingHomeServerURL."?ReflectorName=".$this->ReflectorName."&ReflectorUptime=".$this->ServiceUptime."&ReflectorHash=".$this->CallingHomeHash."&DashboardURL=".$this->CallingHomeDashboardURL."&Country=".urlencode($this->CallingHomeCountry)."&Comment=".urlencode($this->CallingHomeComment)."&OverrideIP=".$this->CallingHomeOverrideIP, "r");
public function ReadInterlinkFile() {
if (file_exists($this->Interlinkfile) && (is_readable($this->Interlinkfile))) {
$this->Interlinks = array();
$this->InterlinkXML = "";
$Interlinkfilecontent = file($this->Interlinkfile);
for ($i=0;$i<count($Interlinkfilecontent);$i++) {
if (substr($Interlinkfilecontent[$i], 0, 1) != '#') {
$Interlink = explode(" ", $Interlinkfilecontent[$i]);
$this->Interlinks[] = new Interlink();
if (isset($Interlink[0])) { $this->Interlinks[count($this->Interlinks)-1]->SetName(trim($Interlink[0])); }
if (isset($Interlink[1])) { $this->Interlinks[count($this->Interlinks)-1]->SetAddress(trim($Interlink[1])); }
if (isset($Interlink[2])) {
$Modules = str_split(trim($Interlink[2]), 1);
for ($j=0;$j<count($Modules);$j++) {
return true;
return false;
public function PrepareInterlinkXML() {
$xml = '
for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Interlinks);$i++) {
$xml .= '
$xml .= '
$this->InterlinkXML = $xml;
public function PrepareReflectorXML() {
$this->ReflectorXML = '
public function CallHome() {
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
$p = @stream_context_create(array('http' => array('header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => http_build_query(array('xml' => $xml)) )));
$result = @file_get_contents($this->CallingHomeServerURL, false, $p);
if ($result === false) {
public function InterlinkCount() {
return count($this->Interlinks);
public function GetInterlink($Index) {
if (isset($this->Interlinks[$Index])) return $this->Interlinks[$Index];
return array();
public function IsInterlinked($Reflectorname) {
$i = -1;
$f = false;
while (!$f && $i<$this->InterlinkCount()) {
if (isset($this->Interlinks[$i])) {
if ($this->Interlinks[$i]->GetName() == $Reflectorname) {
$f = true;
return $i;
return -1;