
182 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-03-18 18:33:28 -04:00
// Created by WolverinDEV on 18/03/2020.
#include "./wav.h"
#include "../../logger.h"
2020-03-19 13:25:41 -04:00
#include <filesystem>
2020-03-18 18:33:28 -04:00
using namespace tc::audio::file;
struct WAVFileHeader {
/* RIFF Chunk Descriptor */
uint8_t RIFF[4]; // RIFF Header Magic header
uint32_t ChunkSize; // RIFF Chunk Size
uint8_t WAVE[4]; // WAVE Header
/* "fmt" sub-chunk */
uint8_t fmt[4]; // FMT header
uint32_t Subchunk1Size; // Size of the fmt chunk
uint16_t AudioFormat; // Audio format 1=PCM,6=mulaw,7=alaw, 257=IBM Mu-Law, 258=IBM A-Law, 259=ADPCM
uint16_t NumOfChan; // Number of channels 1=Mono 2=Sterio
uint32_t SamplesPerSec; // Sampling Frequency in Hz
uint32_t bytesPerSec; // bytes per second
uint16_t blockAlign; // 2=16-bit mono, 4=16-bit stereo
uint16_t bitsPerSample; // Number of bits per sample
static_assert(sizeof(WAVFileHeader) == 0x24);
struct WAFFileChunk {
uint8_t id[4];
uint32_t size;
static_assert(sizeof(WAFFileChunk) == 0x08);
WAVReader::WAVReader(std::string file) : file_path_{std::move(file)} {}
WAVReader::~WAVReader() {
FileOpenResult WAVReader::open_file(std::string& error) {
2020-03-19 13:25:41 -04:00
this->is_.open(std::filesystem::u8path(this->file_path_), std::ifstream::in | std::ifstream::binary);
2020-03-18 18:33:28 -04:00
if(!this->is_) {
error = tr("failed to open file");
return FileOpenResult::OPEN_RESULT_ERROR;
WAVFileHeader header{};
if(!this->is_.read((char*) &header, sizeof(header))) {
error = tr("failed to read wav header");
return FileOpenResult::OPEN_RESULT_ERROR;
if(memcmp(header.RIFF, "RIFF", 4) != 0) {
error = tr("invalid RIFF header");
return FileOpenResult::OPEN_RESULT_ERROR;
if(memcmp(header.WAVE, "WAVE", 4) != 0) {
error = tr("invalid WAVE header");
return FileOpenResult::OPEN_RESULT_ERROR;
if(memcmp(header.fmt, "fmt ", 4) != 0) {
error = tr("invalid WAVE header");
return FileOpenResult::OPEN_RESULT_ERROR;
if(header.AudioFormat != 1) {
error = tr("Only PCM has been supported. WAV file does not contains PCM data.");
if(header.bytesPerSec != (header.NumOfChan * header.SamplesPerSec * header.bitsPerSample) / 8) {
error = tr("inconsistent WAV header");
if(header.bitsPerSample != 8 && header.bitsPerSample != 16 && header.bitsPerSample != 24) {
error = tr("unsupported bitrate");
if(header.NumOfChan != 2 && header.NumOfChan != 1) {
error = tr("unsupported channel count");
WAFFileChunk chunk{};
while(true) {
if(!this->is_.read((char*) &chunk, sizeof(chunk))) {
error = tr("failed to read chunks until data chunk");
return FileOpenResult::OPEN_RESULT_ERROR;
if(memcmp(chunk.id, "data ", 4) == 0)
this->is_.seekg(chunk.size, std::ifstream::cur);
this->current_sample_offset_ = 0;
this->bytes_per_sample = header.bitsPerSample / 8;
this->total_samples_ = chunk.size / this->bytes_per_sample / header.NumOfChan;
this->sample_rate_ = header.SamplesPerSec;
this->channels_ = header.NumOfChan;
return FileOpenResult::OPEN_RESULT_SUCCESS;
void WAVReader::close_file() {
this->total_samples_ = 0;
this->bytes_per_sample = 0;
this->sample_rate_ = 0;
this->channels_ = 0;
float _8bit_float_convert(const uint8_t* buffer) {
int16_t value = buffer[0] & 0xFFU;
return (float) (value - 127) * (1.0f / 127.0f);
float _16bit_float_convert(const uint8_t* buffer) {
int16_t value = *reinterpret_cast<const int16_t*>(buffer);
return (float) value / 32767.f;
float _24bit_float_convert(const uint8_t* buffer) {
#if 0
int32_t value = (*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(buffer) & 0xFFFFFFU) << 8;
return (float) (value - 1073741824) / 1073741824.f; //2147483648 / 2
#if 1
int32_t value = ((uint32_t) buffer[2] << 16U) | ((uint32_t) buffer[1] << 8U) | ((uint32_t) buffer[0] << 0U);
if (value & 0x800000) // if the 24th bit is set, this is a negative number in 24-bit world
value = value | ~0xFFFFFF; // so make sure sign is extended to the 32 bit float
auto result = (float) value / (float) 8388608.f; //8388608
return result;
static std::array<float(*)(const uint8_t*), 3> pcm_to_float_converters{
ReadResult WAVReader::read(void *buffer, size_t* samples) {
auto fbuffer = (float*) buffer;
const auto max_sample_count = this->total_samples_ - this->current_sample_offset_;
const auto max_samples = std::min(*samples, max_sample_count);
if(max_samples == 0) {
if(max_sample_count == 0) return ReadResult::READ_RESULT_EOF;
return ReadResult::READ_RESULT_SUCCESS;
constexpr size_t sbuffer_size{1536}; /* must be dividable by 24, 165 and 8 bit! As well by two channels so 6, 4 and 2 byte to avoid to mess up one frame */
uint8_t sbuffer[sbuffer_size];
size_t samples_read{0};
auto fconverter = pcm_to_float_converters[(this->bytes_per_sample - 1) & 0x3U];
while(samples_read < max_samples) {
const auto block_byte_length{std::min(sbuffer_size, (max_samples - samples_read) * this->bytes_per_sample * this->channels_)};
if(!this->is_.read((char*) sbuffer, block_byte_length))
uint8_t* sbufferptr = sbuffer;
uint8_t* sbuferendptr = sbuffer + block_byte_length;
while(sbufferptr != sbuferendptr) {
*fbuffer++ = fconverter(sbufferptr);
sbufferptr += this->bytes_per_sample;
samples_read += block_byte_length / (this->bytes_per_sample * this->channels_);
*samples = samples_read;
this->current_sample_offset_ += samples_read;
return ReadResult::READ_RESULT_SUCCESS;
2020-03-18 18:32:57 -04:00