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<!-- INDEX BEGIN -->
<div name="index">
<p><a name="__index__"></a></p>
<li><a href="#name">NAME</a></li>
<li><a href="#synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></li>
<li><a href="#description">DESCRIPTION</a></li>
<li><a href="#return_values">RETURN VALUES</a></li>
<li><a href="#removed_functionality">REMOVED FUNCTIONALITY</a></li>
<li><a href="#see_also">SEE ALSO</a></li>
<li><a href="#history">HISTORY</a></li>
<li><a href="#copyright">COPYRIGHT</a></li>
<hr name="index" />
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<hr />
<h1><a name="name">NAME</a></h1>
<p>BN_generate_prime_ex2, BN_generate_prime_ex, BN_is_prime_ex, BN_check_prime,
BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex, BN_GENCB_call, BN_GENCB_new, BN_GENCB_free,
BN_GENCB_set_old, BN_GENCB_set, BN_GENCB_get_arg, BN_generate_prime,
BN_is_prime, BN_is_prime_fasttest - generate primes and test for primality</p>
<hr />
<h1><a name="synopsis">SYNOPSIS</a></h1>
#include &lt;openssl/bn.h&gt;</pre>
int BN_generate_prime_ex2(BIGNUM *ret, int bits, int safe,
const BIGNUM *add, const BIGNUM *rem, BN_GENCB *cb,
BN_CTX *ctx);</pre>
int BN_generate_prime_ex(BIGNUM *ret, int bits, int safe, const BIGNUM *add,
const BIGNUM *rem, BN_GENCB *cb);</pre>
int BN_check_prime(const BIGNUM *p, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_GENCB *cb);</pre>
int BN_GENCB_call(BN_GENCB *cb, int a, int b);</pre>
BN_GENCB *BN_GENCB_new(void);</pre>
void BN_GENCB_free(BN_GENCB *cb);</pre>
void BN_GENCB_set_old(BN_GENCB *gencb,
void (*callback)(int, int, void *), void *cb_arg);</pre>
void BN_GENCB_set(BN_GENCB *gencb,
int (*callback)(int, int, BN_GENCB *), void *cb_arg);</pre>
void *BN_GENCB_get_arg(BN_GENCB *cb);</pre>
<p>Deprecated since OpenSSL 0.9.8, can be hidden entirely by defining
<strong>OPENSSL_API_COMPAT</strong> with a suitable version value, see
BIGNUM *BN_generate_prime(BIGNUM *ret, int num, int safe, BIGNUM *add,
BIGNUM *rem, void (*callback)(int, int, void *),
void *cb_arg);</pre>
int BN_is_prime(const BIGNUM *p, int nchecks,
void (*callback)(int, int, void *), BN_CTX *ctx, void *cb_arg);</pre>
int BN_is_prime_fasttest(const BIGNUM *p, int nchecks,
void (*callback)(int, int, void *), BN_CTX *ctx,
void *cb_arg, int do_trial_division);</pre>
<p>Deprecated since OpenSSL 3.0:</p>
int BN_is_prime_ex(const BIGNUM *p, int nchecks, BN_CTX *ctx, BN_GENCB *cb);</pre>
int BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex(const BIGNUM *p, int nchecks, BN_CTX *ctx,
int do_trial_division, BN_GENCB *cb);</pre>
<hr />
<h1><a name="description">DESCRIPTION</a></h1>
<p>BN_generate_prime_ex2() generates a pseudo-random prime number of
at least bit length <strong>bits</strong> using the BN_CTX provided in <strong>ctx</strong>. The value of
<strong>ctx</strong> must not be NULL.</p>
<p>The returned number is probably prime with a negligible error.
The maximum error rate is 2^-128.
It's 2^-287 for a 512 bit prime, 2^-435 for a 1024 bit prime,
2^-648 for a 2048 bit prime, and lower than 2^-882 for primes larger
than 2048 bit.</p>
<p>If <strong>add</strong> is <strong>NULL</strong> the returned prime number will have exact bit
length <strong>bits</strong> with the top most two bits set.</p>
<p>If <strong>ret</strong> is not <strong>NULL</strong>, it will be used to store the number.</p>
<p>If <strong>cb</strong> is not <strong>NULL</strong>, it is used as follows:</p>
<p><strong>BN_GENCB_call(cb, 0, i)</strong> is called after generating the i-th
potential prime number.</p>
<p>While the number is being tested for primality,
<strong>BN_GENCB_call(cb, 1, j)</strong> is called as described below.</p>
<p>When a prime has been found, <strong>BN_GENCB_call(cb, 2, i)</strong> is called.</p>
<p>The callers of <code>BN_generate_prime_ex()</code> may call <strong>BN_GENCB_call(cb, i, j)</strong> with
other values as described in their respective man pages; see <a href="#see_also">SEE ALSO</a>.</p>
<p>The prime may have to fulfill additional requirements for use in
Diffie-Hellman key exchange:</p>
<p>If <strong>add</strong> is not <strong>NULL</strong>, the prime will fulfill the condition p % <strong>add</strong>
== <strong>rem</strong> (p % <strong>add</strong> == 1 if <strong>rem</strong> == <strong>NULL</strong>) in order to suit a given
<p>If <strong>safe</strong> is true, it will be a safe prime (i.e. a prime p so
that (p-1)/2 is also prime). If <strong>safe</strong> is true, and <strong>rem</strong> == <strong>NULL</strong>
the condition will be p % <strong>add</strong> == 3.
It is recommended that <strong>add</strong> is a multiple of 4.</p>
<p>The random generator must be seeded prior to calling <code>BN_generate_prime_ex()</code>.
If the automatic seeding or reseeding of the OpenSSL CSPRNG fails due to
external circumstances (see <em>RAND(7)</em>), the operation will fail.
The random number generator configured for the OPENSSL_CTX associated with
<strong>ctx</strong> will be used.</p>
<p><code>BN_generate_prime_ex()</code> is the same as BN_generate_prime_ex2() except that no
<strong>ctx</strong> parameter is passed.
In this case the random number generator associated with the default OPENSSL_CTX
will be used.</p>
<p><code>BN_check_prime()</code>, <code>BN_is_prime_ex()</code>, <code>BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex()</code>, <code>BN_is_prime()</code>
and <code>BN_is_prime_fasttest()</code> test if the number <strong>p</strong> is prime.
The functions tests until one of the tests shows that <strong>p</strong> is composite,
or all the tests passed.
If <strong>p</strong> passes all these tests, it is considered a probable prime.</p>
<p>The test performed on <strong>p</strong> are trial division by a number of small primes
and rounds of the of the Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test.</p>
<p>The functions do at least 64 rounds of the Miller-Rabin test giving a maximum
false positive rate of 2^-128.
If the size of <strong>p</strong> is more than 2048 bits, they do at least 128 rounds
giving a maximum false positive rate of 2^-256.</p>
<p>If <strong>nchecks</strong> is larger than the minimum above (64 or 128), <strong>nchecks</strong>
rounds of the Miller-Rabin test will be done.</p>
<p>If <strong>do_trial_division</strong> set to <strong>0</strong>, the trial division will be skipped.
<code>BN_is_prime_ex()</code> and <code>BN_is_prime()</code> always skip the trial division.</p>
<p><code>BN_is_prime_ex()</code>, <code>BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex()</code>, <code>BN_is_prime()</code>
and <code>BN_is_prime_fasttest()</code> are deprecated.</p>
<p><code>BN_is_prime_fasttest()</code> and <code>BN_is_prime()</code> behave just like
<code>BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex()</code> and <code>BN_is_prime_ex()</code> respectively, but with the old
style call back.</p>
<p><strong>ctx</strong> is a pre-allocated <strong>BN_CTX</strong> (to save the overhead of allocating and
freeing the structure in a loop), or <strong>NULL</strong>.</p>
<p>If the trial division is done, and no divisors are found and <strong>cb</strong>
is not <strong>NULL</strong>, <strong>BN_GENCB_call(cb, 1, -1)</strong> is called.</p>
<p>After each round of the Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test,
if <strong>cb</strong> is not <strong>NULL</strong>, <strong>BN_GENCB_call(cb, 1, j)</strong> is called
with <strong>j</strong> the iteration (j = 0, 1, ...).</p>
<p><code>BN_GENCB_call()</code> calls the callback function held in the <strong>BN_GENCB</strong> structure
and passes the ints <strong>a</strong> and <strong>b</strong> as arguments. There are two types of
<strong>BN_GENCB</strong> structure that are supported: &quot;new&quot; style and &quot;old&quot; style. New
programs should prefer the &quot;new&quot; style, whilst the &quot;old&quot; style is provided
for backwards compatibility purposes.</p>
<p>A <strong>BN_GENCB</strong> structure should be created through a call to <code>BN_GENCB_new()</code>,
and freed through a call to <code>BN_GENCB_free()</code>.</p>
<p>For &quot;new&quot; style callbacks a BN_GENCB structure should be initialised with a
call to <code>BN_GENCB_set()</code>, where <strong>gencb</strong> is a <strong>BN_GENCB *</strong>, <strong>callback</strong> is of
type <strong>int (*callback)(int, int, BN_GENCB *)</strong> and <strong>cb_arg</strong> is a <strong>void *</strong>.
&quot;Old&quot; style callbacks are the same except they are initialised with a call
to <code>BN_GENCB_set_old()</code> and <strong>callback</strong> is of type
<strong>void (*callback)(int, int, void *)</strong>.</p>
<p>A callback is invoked through a call to <strong>BN_GENCB_call</strong>. This will check
the type of the callback and will invoke <strong>callback(a, b, gencb)</strong> for new
style callbacks or <strong>callback(a, b, cb_arg)</strong> for old style.</p>
<p>It is possible to obtain the argument associated with a BN_GENCB structure
(set via a call to BN_GENCB_set or BN_GENCB_set_old) using BN_GENCB_get_arg.</p>
<p><code>BN_generate_prime()</code> (deprecated) works in the same way as
<code>BN_generate_prime_ex()</code> but expects an old-style callback function
directly in the <strong>callback</strong> parameter, and an argument to pass to it in
the <strong>cb_arg</strong>. <code>BN_is_prime()</code> and <code>BN_is_prime_fasttest()</code>
can similarly be compared to <code>BN_is_prime_ex()</code> and
<code>BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex()</code>, respectively.</p>
<hr />
<h1><a name="return_values">RETURN VALUES</a></h1>
<p><code>BN_generate_prime_ex()</code> return 1 on success or 0 on error.</p>
<p><code>BN_is_prime_ex()</code>, <code>BN_is_prime_fasttest_ex()</code>, <code>BN_is_prime()</code>,
<code>BN_is_prime_fasttest()</code> and BN_check_prime return 0 if the number is composite,
1 if it is prime with an error probability of less than 0.25^<strong>nchecks</strong>, and
-1 on error.</p>
<p><code>BN_generate_prime()</code> returns the prime number on success, <strong>NULL</strong> otherwise.</p>
<p>BN_GENCB_new returns a pointer to a BN_GENCB structure on success, or <strong>NULL</strong>
<p>BN_GENCB_get_arg returns the argument previously associated with a BN_GENCB
<p>Callback functions should return 1 on success or 0 on error.</p>
<p>The error codes can be obtained by <em>ERR_get_error(3)</em>.</p>
<hr />
<h1><a name="removed_functionality">REMOVED FUNCTIONALITY</a></h1>
<p>As of OpenSSL 1.1.0 it is no longer possible to create a BN_GENCB structure
directly, as in:</p>
BN_GENCB callback;</pre>
<p>Instead applications should create a BN_GENCB structure using BN_GENCB_new:</p>
BN_GENCB *callback;
callback = BN_GENCB_new();
if (!callback)
/* error */
<hr />
<h1><a name="see_also">SEE ALSO</a></h1>
<p><em>DH_generate_parameters(3)</em>, <em>DSA_generate_parameters(3)</em>,
<em>RSA_generate_key(3)</em>, <em>ERR_get_error(3)</em>, <em>RAND_bytes(3)</em>,
<hr />
<h1><a name="history">HISTORY</a></h1>
<p>The <code>BN_GENCB_new()</code>, <code>BN_GENCB_free()</code>,
and <code>BN_GENCB_get_arg()</code> functions were added in OpenSSL 1.1.0.</p>
<p><code>BN_check_prime()</code> was added in OpenSSL 3.0.</p>
<hr />
<h1><a name="copyright">COPYRIGHT</a></h1>
<p>Copyright 2000-2019 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.</p>
<p>Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the &quot;License&quot;). You may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain a copy
in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
<a href=""></a>.</p>