143 lines
5.4 KiB
143 lines
5.4 KiB
# Generates a makefile based on user input
# Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@yahoo.com, http://tom.iahu.ca
@settings = (
"CFLAGS,Warnings,-Wall -Wsign-compare -W -Wno-unused -Werror",
"CFLAGS,Include Paths,-I./",
"CFLAGS,Other compiler options,",
@opts = (
"SMALL_CODE,Use small code where possible (slower code),y",
"NO_FILE,Avoid file I/O calls,n",
"CLEAN_STACK,Clean the stack within functions,n",
"BLOWFISH,Include Blowfish block cipher,y",
"RC2,Include RC2 block cipher,y",
"RC5,Include RC5 block cipher,y",
"RC6,Include RC6 block cipher,y",
"SERPENT,Include Serpent block cipher,y",
"SAFERP,Include Safer+ block cipher,y",
"SAFER,Include Safer-64 block ciphers,y",
"RIJNDAEL,Include Rijndael (AES) block cipher,y",
"XTEA,Include XTEA block cipher,y",
"TWOFISH,Include Twofish block cipher,y",
"TWOFISH_SMALL,Include Use a low ram variant of Twofish,n",
"TWOFISH_TABLES,Include Use precomputed tables to speed up the low-ram variant,n",
"DES,Include DES and 3DES block ciphers,y",
"CAST5,Include CAST5 (aka CAST-128) block cipher,y",
"NOEKEON,Include Noekeon block cipher,y",
"CFB,Include CFB block mode of operation,y",
"OFB,Include OFB block mode of operation,y",
"ECB,Include ECB block mode of operation,y",
"CBC,Include CBC block mode of operation,y",
"CTR,Include CTR block mode of operation,y",
"SHA512,Include SHA512 one-way hash,y",
"SHA384,Include SHA384 one-way hash (requires SHA512),y",
"SHA256,Include SHA256 one-way hash,y",
"TIGER,Include TIGER one-way hash,y",
"SHA1,Include SHA1 one-way hash,y",
"MD5,Include MD5 one-way hash,y",
"MD4,Include MD4 one-way hash,y",
"MD2,Include MD2 one-way hash,y",
"HMAC,Include Hash based Message Authentication Support,y",
"BASE64,Include Base64 encoding support,y",
"YARROW,Include Yarrow PRNG,y",
"SPRNG,Include Secure PRNG base on RNG code,y",
"RC4,Include RC4 PRNG,y",
"DEVRANDOM,Use /dev/random or /dev/urandom if available?,y",
"TRY_URANDOM_FIRST,Try /dev/urandom before /dev/random?,n",
"MRSA,Include RSA public key support,y",
"MDH,Include Diffie-Hellman (over Z/pZ) public key support,y",
"MECC,Include Eliptic Curve public key crypto support,y",
"MDSA,Include Digital Signature Algoritm (DSA) support\n(not required for signatures in the other three),y",
"KR,Include Keyring support (groups all three PK systems),y",
"DH768,768-bit DH key support,y",
"DH1024,1024-bit DH key support,y",
"DH1280,1280-bit DH key support,y",
"DH1536,1280-bit DH key support,y",
"DH1792,1792-bit DH key support,y",
"DH2048,2048-bit DH key support,y",
"DH2560,2560-bit DH key support,y",
"DH3072,3072-bit DH key support,y",
"DH4096,4096-bit DH key support,y",
"ECC160,160-bit ECC key support,y",
"ECC192,192-bit ECC key support,y",
"ECC224,224-bit ECC key support,y",
"ECC256,256-bit ECC key support,y",
"ECC384,384-bit ECC key support,y",
"ECC521,521-bit ECC key support,y",
"DSA1024,1024-bit (160-bit) DSA key support,y",
"DSA2048,2048-bit (256-bit) DSA key support,y",
"DSA4096,4096-bit (512-bit) DSA key support,y",
"GF,Include GF(2^w) math support (not used internally),n",
"MPI,Include MPI big integer math support (required by the public key code),y",
"MPI_FASTEXPT,Use the faster exponentiation code (uses some heap but is faster),y",
"MPI_FASTEXPT_LOWMEM,Use the low ram variant of the fast code\nRequires the fast code to enabled,n",
# scan for switches and make variables
for (@settings) {
@m = split(",", $_);
print "@m[1]: [@m[2]] ";
$r = <>; $r = @m[2] if ($r eq "\n");
@vars{@m[0]} = @vars{@m[0]} . $r . " ";
# scan for build flags
for (@opts) {
@m = split(",", $_);
print "@m[1]: [@m[2]]";
$r = <>; @vars{'CFLAGS'} = @vars{'CFLAGS'} . "-D" . $m[0] . " " if (($r eq "y\n") || ($r eq "\n" && @m[2] eq "y"));
print OUT "#makefile generated with config.pl\n#\n#Tom St Denis (tomstdenis\@yahoo.com, http://tom.iahu.ca) \n\n";
# output unique vars first
for (@settings) {
@m = split(",", $_);
print OUT "@m[0] = @vars{@m[0]}\n" if (@vars{@m[0]} ne "" && @m[0] ne "CFLAGS");
print OUT "CFLAGS += @vars{@m[0]}\n" if (@vars{@m[0]} ne "" && @m[0] eq "CFLAGS");
@vars{@m[0]} = "";
# output objects
print OUT "\ndefault: library\n\n";
print OUT "OBJECTS = keyring.o gf.o mem.o sprng.o dsa.o ecc.o base64.o dh.o rsa.o bits.o yarrow.o cfb.o ofb.o ecb.o ctr.o cbc.o hash.o tiger.o sha1.o md5.o md4.o md2.o sha256.o sha512.o xtea.o aes.o serpent.o des.o safer_tab.o safer.o safer+.o rc4.o rc2.o rc6.o rc5.o cast5.o noekeon.o blowfish.o crypt.o ampi.o mpi.o prime.o twofish.o packet.o hmac.o strings.o\n\n";
# some depends
print OUT "rsa.o: rsa_sys.c\ndh.o: dh_sys.c\necc.o: ecc_sys.c\n\n";
# targets
print OUT "library: \$(OBJECTS)\n\t \$(AR) rs libtomcrypt.a \$(OBJECTS)\n\n";
print OUT "clean:\n\trm -f \$(OBJECTS) libtomcrypt.a \n\n";
close OUT;
print "\n\nmakefile.out was written.\n";