2003-03-02 20:03:50 -05:00
# Generates a makefile based on user input
# Tom St Denis, tomstdenis@yahoo.com, http://tom.iahu.ca
@ settings = (
"CC,Compiler,gcc" ,
"AR,Archiver,ar" ,
"LD,Linker,ld" ,
"CFLAGS,Optimizations,-Os" ,
"CFLAGS,Warnings,-Wall -Wsign-compare -W -Wno-unused -Werror" ,
"CFLAGS,Include Paths,-I./" ,
"CFLAGS,Other compiler options," ,
) ;
@ opts = (
"SMALL_CODE,Use small code where possible (slower code),y" ,
"NO_FILE,Avoid file I/O calls,n" ,
"CLEAN_STACK,Clean the stack within functions,n" ,
2003-06-01 14:55:11 -04:00
"LTC_TEST,Include Test Vector Routines,y" ,
2003-03-02 20:03:50 -05:00
"BLOWFISH,Include Blowfish block cipher,y" ,
"RC2,Include RC2 block cipher,y" ,
"RC5,Include RC5 block cipher,y" ,
"RC6,Include RC6 block cipher,y" ,
"SAFERP,Include Safer+ block cipher,y" ,
"SAFER,Include Safer-64 block ciphers,y" ,
"RIJNDAEL,Include Rijndael (AES) block cipher,y" ,
"XTEA,Include XTEA block cipher,y" ,
"TWOFISH,Include Twofish block cipher,y" ,
"TWOFISH_SMALL,Include Use a low ram variant of Twofish,n" ,
"TWOFISH_TABLES,Include Use precomputed tables to speed up the low-ram variant,n" ,
"DES,Include DES and 3DES block ciphers,y" ,
"CAST5,Include CAST5 (aka CAST-128) block cipher,y" ,
"NOEKEON,Include Noekeon block cipher,y" ,
"CFB,Include CFB block mode of operation,y" ,
"OFB,Include OFB block mode of operation,y" ,
"ECB,Include ECB block mode of operation,y" ,
"CBC,Include CBC block mode of operation,y" ,
"CTR,Include CTR block mode of operation,y" ,
"SHA512,Include SHA512 one-way hash,y" ,
"SHA384,Include SHA384 one-way hash (requires SHA512),y" ,
"SHA256,Include SHA256 one-way hash,y" ,
"TIGER,Include TIGER one-way hash,y" ,
"SHA1,Include SHA1 one-way hash,y" ,
"MD5,Include MD5 one-way hash,y" ,
"MD4,Include MD4 one-way hash,y" ,
"MD2,Include MD2 one-way hash,y" ,
"HMAC,Include Hash based Message Authentication Support,y" ,
"BASE64,Include Base64 encoding support,y" ,
"YARROW,Include Yarrow PRNG,y" ,
"SPRNG,Include Secure PRNG base on RNG code,y" ,
"RC4,Include RC4 PRNG,y" ,
"DEVRANDOM,Use /dev/random or /dev/urandom if available?,y" ,
"TRY_URANDOM_FIRST,Try /dev/urandom before /dev/random?,n" ,
"MRSA,Include RSA public key support,y" ,
"MDH,Include Diffie-Hellman (over Z/pZ) public key support,y" ,
"MECC,Include Eliptic Curve public key crypto support,y" ,
"KR,Include Keyring support (groups all three PK systems),y" ,
"DH768,768-bit DH key support,y" ,
"DH1024,1024-bit DH key support,y" ,
"DH1280,1280-bit DH key support,y" ,
"DH1536,1536-bit DH key support,y" ,
"DH1792,1792-bit DH key support,y" ,
"DH2048,2048-bit DH key support,y" ,
"DH2560,2560-bit DH key support,y" ,
"DH3072,3072-bit DH key support,y" ,
"DH4096,4096-bit DH key support,y" ,
"ECC160,160-bit ECC key support,y" ,
"ECC192,192-bit ECC key support,y" ,
"ECC224,224-bit ECC key support,y" ,
"ECC256,256-bit ECC key support,y" ,
"ECC384,384-bit ECC key support,y" ,
"ECC521,521-bit ECC key support,y" ,
"GF,Include GF(2^w) math support (not used internally),n" ,
"MPI,Include MPI big integer math support (required by the public key code),y" ,
) ;
# scan for switches and make variables
for ( @ settings ) {
@ m = split ( "," , $ _ ) ;
print "@m[1]: [@m[2]] " ;
$ r = < > ; $ r = @ m [ 2 ] if ( $ r eq "\n" ) ;
chomp ( $ r ) ;
@ vars { @ m [ 0 ] } = @ vars { @ m [ 0 ] } . $ r . " " ;
# scan for build flags
for ( @ opts ) {
@ m = split ( "," , $ _ ) ;
print "@m[1]: [@m[2]]" ;
$ r = < > ; @ vars { 'CFLAGS' } = @ vars { 'CFLAGS' } . "-D" . $ m [ 0 ] . " " if ( ( $ r eq "y\n" ) || ( $ r eq "\n" && @ m [ 2 ] eq "y" ) ) ;
# write header
open ( OUT , ">mycrypt_custom.h" ) ;
print OUT "/* This header is meant to be included before mycrypt.h in projects where\n" ;
print OUT " * you don't want to throw all the defines in a makefile. \n" ;
print OUT " */\n\n#ifndef MYCRYPT_CUSTOM_H_\n#define MYCRYPT_CUSTOM_H_\n\n#ifdef CRYPT\n\t#error mycrypt_custom.h should be included before mycrypt.h\n#endif\n\n" ;
@ m = split ( " " , @ vars { 'CFLAGS' } ) ;
for ( @ m ) {
if ( $ _ =~ /^-D/ ) {
$ _ =~ s/-D// ;
$ _ =~ s/=/" "/ge ;
print OUT "#define $_\n" ;
print OUT "\n\n#include <mycrypt.h>\n\n#endif\n\n" ;
close OUT ;
print "\n\nmycrypt_custom.h generated.\n" ;
open ( OUT , ">makefile.out" ) ;
print OUT "#makefile generated with config.pl\n#\n#Tom St Denis (tomstdenis\@yahoo.com, http://tom.iahu.ca) \n\n" ;
# output unique vars first
@ vars { 'CFLAGS' } =~ s/-D.+ /""/ge ;
for ( @ settings ) {
@ m = split ( "," , $ _ ) ;
print OUT "@m[0] = @vars{@m[0]}\n" if ( @ vars { @ m [ 0 ] } ne "" && @ m [ 0 ] ne "CFLAGS" ) ;
print OUT "CFLAGS += @vars{@m[0]}\n" if ( @ vars { @ m [ 0 ] } ne "" && @ m [ 0 ] eq "CFLAGS" ) ;
@ vars { @ m [ 0 ] } = "" ;
# output objects
print OUT "\ndefault: library\n\n" ;
2003-06-11 17:10:22 -04:00
print OUT "OBJECTS = keyring.o gf.o mem.o sprng.o ecc.o base64.o dh.o rsa.o bits.o yarrow.o cfb.o ofb.o ecb.o ctr.o cbc.o hash.o tiger.o sha1.o md5.o md4.o md2.o sha256.o sha512.o xtea.o aes.o des.o safer_tab.o safer.o safer+.o rc4.o rc2.o rc6.o rc5.o cast5.o noekeon.o blowfish.o crypt.o mpi.o prime.o twofish.o packet.o hmac.o strings.o \n\n" ;
2003-03-02 20:03:50 -05:00
# some depends
print OUT "rsa.o: rsa_sys.c\ndh.o: dh_sys.c\necc.o: ecc_sys.c\n\n" ;
# targets
print OUT "library: \$(OBJECTS)\n\t \$(AR) r libtomcrypt.a \$(OBJECTS)\n\t ranlib libtomcrypt.a\n\n" ;
print OUT "clean:\n\trm -f \$(OBJECTS) libtomcrypt.a \n\n" ;
close OUT ;
print "makefile.out generated.\n" ;
print "\nNow use makefile.out to build the library, e.g. `make -f makefile.out'\n" ;
print "In your project just include mycrypt_custom.h (you don't have to include mycrypt.h \n" ;
print "but if you do make sure mycrypt_custom.h appears first) your settings should be intact.\n" ;