cosmetics in makefile.unix|mingw|msvc
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# test.exe
# gmake -f makefile.mingw DESTDIR=c:\devel\libtom install
# gmake -f makefile.mingw CFLAGS="-O3 -DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -Ic:/path/to/libtommath" EXTRALIBS="-Lc:/path/to/libtommath -ltommath" all
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ EXTRALIBS = -L../libtommath -ltommath
#Compilation flags
LTC_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -Isrc/headers -Itestprof -DLTC_SOURCE
#Libraries to be created
LIBMAIN_S =libtomcrypt.a
@ -201,9 +202,6 @@ src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h src/headers/tomcrypt_ma
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
#The default rule for make builds the libtomcrypt.a library (static)
default: $(LIBMAIN_S)
@ -224,6 +222,9 @@ src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha256.c src/hashes/sha2/sha224.c
$(TOBJECTS): $(HEADERS) testprof/tomcrypt_test.h
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
#Create libtomcrypt_prof.a
@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ tv_gen.exe: demos/tv_gen.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
timing.exe: demos/timing.o $(LIBTEST_S) $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) $? $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
@echo NOTICE: start the tests by: timing.exe
test.exe: demos/test.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S)
test.exe: demos/test.o $(LIBTEST_S) $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) $? $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
@echo NOTICE: start the tests by: test.exe
@ -262,8 +263,10 @@ all: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBMAIN_I) $(LIBMAIN_D) $(LIBTEST_S) hashsum.exe ltcrypt.exe
test: test.exe
@cmd /c del /Q *_tv.txt 2>nul
@cmd /c del /Q /S *.o *.a *.exe *.dll 2>nul
#Install the library + headers
cmd /c if not exist "$(DESTDIR)\bin" mkdir "$(DESTDIR)\bin"
cmd /c if not exist "$(DESTDIR)\lib" mkdir "$(DESTDIR)\lib"
@ -272,3 +275,13 @@ install: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBMAIN_I) $(LIBMAIN_D) $(LIBTEST_S)
copy /Y $(LIBMAIN_I) "$(DESTDIR)\lib"
copy /Y $(LIBMAIN_D) "$(DESTDIR)\bin"
copy /Y src\headers\tomcrypt*.h "$(DESTDIR)\include"
#Install useful tools
install_bins: hashsum
cmd /c if not exist "$(DESTDIR)\bin" mkdir "$(DESTDIR)\bin"
copy /Y hashsum.exe "$(DESTDIR)\bin"
#Install documentation
install_docs: doc/crypt.pdf
cmd /c if not exist "$(DESTDIR)\doc" mkdir "$(DESTDIR)\doc"
copy /Y doc\crypt.pdf "$(DESTDIR)\doc"
@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
# test.exe
# nmake -f makefile.msvc DESTDIR=c:\devel\libtom install
# nmake -f makefile.msvc CFLAGS="/DUSE_LTM /DLTM_DESC /Ic:\path\to\libtommath" EXTRALIBS="c:\path\to\libtommath\tommath.lib" all
# nmake -f makefile.msvc CFLAGS="/DUSE_LTM /DLTM_DESC /Ic:\path\to\libtommath" EXTRALIBS=c:\path\to\libtommath\tommath.lib all
#The following can be overridden from command line e.g. make -f makefile.msvc CC=gcc ARFLAGS=rcs
@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ CFLAGS = /Ox /DUSE_LTM /DLTM_DESC /I../libtommath
EXTRALIBS = ../libtommath/tommath.lib
#Compilation flags
LTC_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) /nologo /Isrc/headers/ /Itestprof/ /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /DLTC_SOURCE /W3
LTC_LDFLAGS = advapi32.lib $(EXTRALIBS)
#Libraries to be created
#Libraries to be created (this makefile builds only static libraries)
LIBMAIN_S =tomcrypt.lib
LIBTEST_S =tomcrypt_prof.lib
@ -194,51 +195,75 @@ src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h src/headers/tomcrypt_ma
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) /c $< /Fo$@
#The default rule for make builds the tomcrypt.lib library (static)
default: $(LIBMAIN_S)
#ciphers come in two flavours... enc+dec and enc
#SPECIAL: AES comes in two flavours - enc+dec and enc-only
src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.obj: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) /DENCRYPT_ONLY /c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c /Fosrc/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.obj
lib /out:$(LIBMAIN_S) $(OBJECTS)
#SPECIAL: these are the rules to make certain object files
src/ciphers/aes/aes.obj: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.obj: src/ciphers/twofish/twofish.c src/ciphers/twofish/twofish_tab.c
src/hashes/whirl/whirl.obj: src/hashes/whirl/whirl.c src/hashes/whirl/whirltab.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512.obj: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha384.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.obj: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.obj: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.obj: src/hashes/sha2/sha256.c src/hashes/sha2/sha224.c
#Dependencies on *.h
$(TOBJECTS): $(HEADERS) testprof/tomcrypt_test.h
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) /c $< /Fo$@
#Create tomcrypt_prof.lib
lib /out:$(LIBTEST_S) $(TOBJECTS)
#Create tomcrypt.lib
lib /out:$(LIBMAIN_S) $(OBJECTS)
#Demo tools/utilities
hashsum.exe: demos/hashsum.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/hashsum.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
ltcrypt.exe: demos/ltcrypt.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/ltcrypt.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
small.exe: demos/small.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/small.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
tv_gen.exe: demos/tv_gen.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/tv_gen.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
hashsum.exe: demos/hashsum.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/hashsum.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
ltcrypt.exe: demos/ltcrypt.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/ltcrypt.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
small.exe: demos/small.c $(LIBMAIN_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/small.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
test.exe: demos/test.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/test.c $(LIBTEST_S) $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
#Tests + timing tests
timing.exe: demos/timing.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/timing.c $(LIBTEST_S) $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
test.exe: demos/test.c $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S)
cl $(LTC_CFLAGS) demos/test.c $(LIBTEST_S) $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS)
all: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S) hashsum.exe ltcrypt.exe small.exe tv_gen.exe timing.exe test.exe
test: test.exe
@cmd /c del /Q *_tv.txt 2>nul
@cmd /c del /Q /S *.OBJ *.LIB *.EXE *.DLL 2>nul
#Install the library + headers
install: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S)
cmd /c if not exist "$(DESTDIR)\bin" mkdir "$(DESTDIR)\bin"
cmd /c if not exist "$(DESTDIR)\lib" mkdir "$(DESTDIR)\lib"
cmd /c if not exist "$(DESTDIR)\include" mkdir "$(DESTDIR)\include"
copy /Y hashsum.exe "$(DESTDIR)\bin"
copy /Y $(LIBMAIN_S) "$(DESTDIR)\lib"
copy /Y src\headers\tomcrypt*.h "$(DESTDIR)\include"
copy /Y src\headers\tomcrypt*.h "$(DESTDIR)\include"
#Install useful tools
install_bins: hashsum
cmd /c if not exist "$(DESTDIR)\bin" mkdir "$(DESTDIR)\bin"
copy /Y hashsum.exe "$(DESTDIR)\bin"
#Install documentation
install_docs: doc/crypt.pdf
cmd /c if not exist "$(DESTDIR)\doc" mkdir "$(DESTDIR)\doc"
copy /Y doc\crypt.pdf "$(DESTDIR)\doc"
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.
#The default rule for make builds the libtomcrypt.a library (static)
default: library
default: $(LIBMAIN_S)
#SPECIAL: AES comes in two flavours - enc+dec and enc-only
src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
@ -223,9 +223,6 @@ src/hashes/sha2/sha512_224.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_22
src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha512.c src/hashes/sha2/sha512_256.c
src/hashes/sha2/sha256.o: src/hashes/sha2/sha256.c src/hashes/sha2/sha224.c
#This rule makes the libtomcrypt library.
library: $(LIBMAIN_S)
#Dependencies on *.h
$(TOBJECTS): $(HEADERS) testprof/tomcrypt_test.h
@ -267,14 +264,25 @@ all: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S) hashsum ltcrypt small tv_gen timing test
#NOTE: this makefile works also on cygwin, thus we need to delete *.exe
-@rm -f $(OBJECTS)
-@rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(TOBJECTS)
-@rm -f $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S)
-@rm -f testprof/*.o demos/*.o
-@rm -f demos/*.o *_tv.txt
-@rm -f test tv_gen hashsum crypt small timing
-@rm -f test.exe tv_gen.exe hashsum.exe crypt.exe small.exe timing.exe
#Install the library + headers
install: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(HEADERS)
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/include $(DESTDIR)/lib/pkgconfig
@cp $(LIBMAIN_S) $(DESTDIR)/lib/
@cp $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)/include/
@sed -e 's,^prefix=.*,prefix=$(DESTDIR),' -e 's,^Version:.*,Version: $(VERSION),' > $(DESTDIR)/lib/pkgconfig/libtomcrypt.pc
#Install useful tools
install_bins: hashsum
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/bin
@cp hashsum $(DESTDIR)/bin/
#Install documentation
install_docs: doc/crypt.pdf
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/share/doc/libtomcrypt/pdf
@cp doc/crypt.pdf $(DESTDIR)/share/doc/libtomcrypt/pdf/
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