remove building dynamic libs from makefile.unix

This commit is contained in:
Karel Miko 2017-05-03 07:35:43 +02:00 committed by Steffen Jaeckel
parent ceb7332631
commit c225f22a23

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
# MAKEFILE that is intended to be compatible with any kind of make (GNU make, BSD make, ...)
# works on: Linux, *BSD, Cygwin, AIX, HP-UX and hopefully other UNIX systems
# Please do not use here neither any special make syntax nor any unusual tools/utilities!
# BEWARE: variables OBJECTS, TOBJECTS, HEADERS, VERSION are updated via ./
### USAGE:
@ -16,31 +19,24 @@
#The following can be overridden from command line e.g. "make -f makefile.unix CC=gcc ARFLAGS=rcs"
DESTDIR = /usr/local
CC = cc
LD = ld
AR = ar
RANLIB = ranlib
CFLAGS = -O2 -DUSE_LTM -DLTM_DESC -I../libtommath
EXTRALIBS = ../libtommath/libtommath.a
DESTDIR = /usr/local
#Compilation flags
LTC_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS) -Isrc/headers -Itestprof -DLTC_SOURCE
#Libraries to be created
#Libraries to be created (this makefile builds only static libraries)
LIBMAIN_S =libtomcrypt.a
LIBTEST_S =libtomcrypt_prof.a
#The following will be symlinks to $(LIBMAIN_D)
# List of objects to compile (all goes to libtomcrypt.a)
#List of objects to compile (all goes to libtomcrypt.a)
OBJECTS=src/ciphers/aes/aes.o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o src/ciphers/anubis.o src/ciphers/blowfish.o \
src/ciphers/camellia.o src/ciphers/cast5.o src/ciphers/des.o src/ciphers/kasumi.o src/ciphers/khazad.o \
src/ciphers/kseed.o src/ciphers/multi2.o src/ciphers/noekeon.o src/ciphers/rc2.o src/ciphers/rc5.o \
@ -192,7 +188,7 @@ src/stream/chacha/chacha_keystream.o src/stream/chacha/chacha_setup.o src/stream
src/stream/rc4/rc4.o src/stream/rc4/rc4_test.o src/stream/sober128/sober128.o \
# List of test objects to compile (all goes to libtomcrypt_prof.a)
#List of test objects to compile (all goes to libtomcrypt_prof.a)
TOBJECTS=testprof/base64_test.o testprof/cipher_hash_test.o testprof/der_tests.o testprof/dh_test.o \
testprof/dsa_test.o testprof/ecc_test.o testprof/file_test.o testprof/katja_test.o testprof/mac_test.o \
testprof/misc_test.o testprof/modes_test.o testprof/multi_test.o testprof/no_prng.o \
@ -200,14 +196,14 @@ testprof/pkcs_1_eme_test.o testprof/pkcs_1_emsa_test.o testprof/pkcs_1_oaep_test
testprof/pkcs_1_pss_test.o testprof/pkcs_1_test.o testprof/rotate_test.o testprof/rsa_test.o \
testprof/store_test.o testprof/test_driver.o testprof/x86_prof.o
# The following headers will be installed by "make install"
#The following headers will be installed by "make install"
HEADERS=src/headers/tomcrypt.h src/headers/tomcrypt_argchk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_cfg.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_cipher.h src/headers/tomcrypt_custom.h src/headers/tomcrypt_hash.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_mac.h src/headers/tomcrypt_macros.h src/headers/tomcrypt_math.h \
src/headers/tomcrypt_misc.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pk.h src/headers/tomcrypt_pkcs.h \
#this is necessary for compatibility with BSD make (namely on OpenBSD)
#This is necessary for compatibility with BSD make (namely on OpenBSD)
.SUFFIXES: .o .c
@ -216,7 +212,7 @@ src/headers/tomcrypt_prng.h
#The default rule for make builds the libtomcrypt.a library (static)
default: $(LIBMAIN_S)
#SPECIAL: AES come in two flavours... enc+dec and enc-only
#SPECIAL: AES comes in two flavours - enc+dec and enc-only
src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o: src/ciphers/aes/aes.c src/ciphers/aes/aes_tab.c
$(CC) $(LTC_CFLAGS) -DENCRYPT_ONLY -c src/ciphers/aes/aes.c -o src/ciphers/aes/aes_enc.o
@ -243,10 +239,6 @@ $(LIBMAIN_S): $(OBJECTS)
$(RANLIB) $@
$(CC) -shared -Wl,-soname=$(LIBMAIN_L1) $(OBJECTS) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
#Demo tools/utilities
hashsum: demos/hashsum.o $(LIBMAIN_S)
$(CC) demos/hashsum.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
@ -265,28 +257,18 @@ test: demos/test.o $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S)
$(CC) demos/test.o $(LIBTEST_S) $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LTC_LDFLAGS) -o $@
@echo "NOTICE: start the tests by: ./test"
all: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBMAIN_D) $(LIBTEST_S) hashsum crypt small tv_gen timing test
all: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S) hashsum crypt small tv_gen timing test
#NOTE: as this makefile works also on cygwin, thus we need to delete *.exe
#NOTE: this makefile works also on cygwin, thus we need to delete *.exe
-@rm -f $(OBJECTS)
-@rm -f testprof/*.o demos/*.o lib*.so lib*.so.*
-@rm -f $(LIBMAIN_S) $(LIBTEST_S)
-@rm -f testprof/*.o demos/*.o
-@rm -f test tv_gen hashsum crypt small timing
-@rm -f test.exe tv_gen.exe hashsum.exe crypt.exe small.exe timing.exe
install_static: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(HEADERS)
install: $(LIBMAIN_S) $(HEADERS)
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/include $(DESTDIR)/lib/pkgconfig
@cp $(LIBMAIN_S) $(DESTDIR)/lib/
@cp $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)/include/
@sed -e 's,^prefix=.*,prefix=$(DESTDIR),' -e 's,^Version:.*,Version: $(VERSION),' > $(DESTDIR)/lib/pkgconfig/libtomcrypt.pc
install_dynamic: $(LIBMAIN_D) $(HEADERS)
@mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/include $(DESTDIR)/lib/pkgconfig
@cp $(LIBMAIN_D) $(DESTDIR)/lib/
@cp $(HEADERS) $(DESTDIR)/include/
@ln -sf $(LIBMAIN_D) $(DESTDIR)/lib/$(LIBMAIN_L1)
@ln -sf $(LIBMAIN_D) $(DESTDIR)/lib/$(LIBMAIN_L2)
@sed -e 's,^prefix=.*,prefix=$(DESTDIR),' -e 's,^Version:.*,Version: $(VERSION),' > $(DESTDIR)/lib/pkgconfig/libtomcrypt.pc
install: install_static install_dynamic