This plugin supports input from SDRplay RSP1 devices. SDRplay is based on the MSi001 and MSi2500 chips from Mirics. The standard API provided by Mirics is closed source moreover it could not be implemented successfully in SDRangel. An open source API libmirisdr-2 has been written by Miroslav Slugen and later amended by Leif Asbrink SM5BSZ. This API uses a new flavour called [libmirisdr-4]( in this very same Github space. It contains enhancements and bug fixes.
As mentioned already the plugin depends on libmirisdr-4. You will have to compile it and install it in your system. When installed in non standard folders the include and library paths have to be specified on the cmake command line. Say if you install `libmirisdr-4` in `/opt/install/libmirisdr` you will have to add `-DMIRISDR_DIR=/opt/install/libmirisdr` on the cmake command line.
These controls are also common with many source plugins. IQ imbalance is hardly useful but SDRplay is affected by DC bias when used at zero IF. Note that the DC correction must be enabled for the I/Q correction to be effective.
- if decimation n is 4 or lower: Fc = SR/2^(log2(n)-1). The device center frequency is on the side of the baseband. You need a RF filter bandwidth at least twice the baseband.
- if decimation n is 8 or higher: Fc = SR/n. The device center frequency is half the baseband away from the side of the baseband. You need a RF filter bandwidth at least 3 times the baseband.
Use this radiobutton to select a mode where the gain of the LNA (or mixer buffer below 50 MHz), mixer and baseband amplifiers are automatically selected depending on the tuner gain index (11). This index is the gain value in dB at the nominal gain of all amplifiers. This is not the exact gain at all frequencies because the LNA gain decreases significantly at higher frequencies.