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460 lines
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Executable File
460 lines
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Executable File
* High Speed modem to transfer data in a 2,7kHz SSB channel
* =========================================================
* Author: DJ0ABR
* (c) DJ0ABR
* www.dj0abr.de
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* liquid_if.c ... functions using liquid-dsp
* liquid-dsp must be previously installed by running ./liquid-dsp-install (under linux)
#include "hsmodem.h"
void modulator(uint8_t sym_in);
void init_demodulator();
void close_demodulator();
void init_modulator();
void close_modulator();
void init_dsp()
void close_dsp()
modulation_scheme getMod()
if(bitsPerSymbol == 2)
// =========== MODULATOR ==================================================
// modem objects
modem mod = NULL;
// NCOs for mixing baseband <-> 1500 Hz
#define FREQUENCY 1500
int type = LIQUID_NCO; // nco type
nco_crcf upnco = NULL;
// TX-Interpolator Filter Parameters
// 44100 input rate for 2205 Sym/s = 20
// change for other rates
firinterp_crcf TX_interpolator = NULL;
unsigned int k_SampPerSymb = 20; // 44100 / (4410/2)
unsigned int m_filterDelay_Symbols = 15; // not too short for good filter
float beta_excessBW = 0.2f; // filter excess bandwidth factor
float tau_FracSymbOffset = -0.2f; // fractional symbol offset
void init_modulator()
printf("init TX modulator\n");
k_SampPerSymb = txinterpolfactor;
// create modulator
mod = modem_create(getMod());
// create NCO for upmixing to 1500 Hz
float RADIANS_PER_SAMPLE = ((2.0f*(float)M_PI*(float)FREQUENCY)/(float)caprate);
upnco = nco_crcf_create(LIQUID_NCO);
nco_crcf_set_phase(upnco, 0.0f);
nco_crcf_set_frequency(upnco, RADIANS_PER_SAMPLE);
// TX: Interpolator Filter
// compute delay
while (tau_FracSymbOffset < 0) tau_FracSymbOffset += 1.0f; // ensure positive tau
float g = k_SampPerSymb*tau_FracSymbOffset; // number of samples offset
int ds=(int)floorf(g); // additional symbol delay
float dt = (g - (float)ds); // fractional sample offset
// force dt to be in [0.5,0.5]
if (dt > 0.5f)
dt -= 1.0f;
// calculate filter coeffs
unsigned int h_len_NumFilterCoeefs = 2 * k_SampPerSymb * m_filterDelay_Symbols + 1;
float h[1000];
if (h_len_NumFilterCoeefs >= 1000)
printf("h in h_len_NumFilterCoeefs too small\n");
liquid_firdes_prototype( LIQUID_FIRFILT_RRC,
// create the filter
TX_interpolator = firinterp_crcf_create(k_SampPerSymb,h,h_len_NumFilterCoeefs);
printf("DSP created\n");
void close_modulator()
if(mod != NULL) modem_destroy(mod);
if(upnco != NULL) nco_crcf_destroy(upnco);
if(TX_interpolator != NULL) firinterp_crcf_destroy(TX_interpolator);
mod = NULL;
upnco = NULL;
TX_interpolator = NULL;
// d ... symbols to send
// len ... number of symbols in d
void sendToModulator(uint8_t *d, int len)
if(upnco == NULL) return;
int symanz = len * 8 / bitsPerSymbol;
uint8_t syms[10000];
if (symanz >= 10000)
printf("syms in symanz too small\n");
if(bitsPerSymbol == 2)
convertBytesToSyms_QPSK(d, syms, len);
convertBytesToSyms_8PSK(d, syms, len);
for(int i=0; i<symanz; i++)
// remove gray code
// this adds gray code, liquid adds it again which removes it
if(bitsPerSymbol == 2) syms[i] ^= (syms[i]>>1);
// call for every symbol
// modulates, filters and upmixes symbols and send it to soundcard
void modulator(uint8_t sym_in)
liquid_float_complex sample;
modem_modulate(mod, sym_in, &sample);
//printf("TX ================= sample: %f + i%f\n", sample.real, sample.imag);
// interpolate by k_SampPerSymb
liquid_float_complex y[100];
if (k_SampPerSymb >= 100)
printf("y in k_SampPerSymb too small\n");
firinterp_crcf_execute(TX_interpolator, sample, y);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<k_SampPerSymb; i++)
// move sample to 1,5kHz carrier
liquid_float_complex c;
float usb = c.real + c.imag;
// adapt speed to soundcard samplerate
int fs;
fs = io_pb_fifo_freespace(0);
// wait until there is space in fifo
if(fs > 20000) break;
io_pb_write_fifo(usb * 0.2f); // reduce volume and send to soundcard
// =========== DEMODULATOR =============================
nco_crcf dnnco = NULL;
symtrack_cccf symtrack = NULL;
firdecim_crcf decim = NULL;
msresamp_crcf adecim = NULL;
// decimator parameters
unsigned int m_predec = 8; // filter delay
float As_predec = 40.0f; // stop-band att
// adecimator parameters
float r_OutDivInRatio; // resampling rate (output/input)
float As_adecim = 60.0f; // resampling filter stop-band attenuation [dB]
// symtrack parameters
int ftype_st = LIQUID_FIRFILT_RRC;
unsigned int k_st = 4; // samples per symbol
unsigned int m_st = 7; // filter delay (symbols)
float beta_st = beta_excessBW;//0.30f; // filter excess bandwidth factor
float bandwidth_st = 0.9f; // loop filter bandwidth
uint8_t maxLevel = 0; // maximum RXlevel over the last x samples in %
uint8_t maxTXLevel = 0; // maximum TXlevel over the last x samples in %
void init_demodulator()
printf("init RX demodulator\n");
// downmixer oscillator
float RADIANS_PER_SAMPLE = ((2.0f*(float)M_PI*(float)FREQUENCY)/(float)caprate);
dnnco = nco_crcf_create(LIQUID_NCO);
nco_crcf_set_phase(dnnco, 0.0f);
nco_crcf_set_frequency(dnnco, RADIANS_PER_SAMPLE);
// create pre-decimator
decim = firdecim_crcf_create_kaiser(rxPreInterpolfactor, m_predec, As_predec);
firdecim_crcf_set_scale(decim, 1.0f/(float)rxPreInterpolfactor);
// create arbitrary pre decimator
// if Audio SR is 48000 but caprate is 44100
r_OutDivInRatio = (float)((float)caprate / 48000.0);
adecim = msresamp_crcf_create(r_OutDivInRatio, As_adecim);
// create symbol tracking synchronizer
km_symtrack_cccf_create(ftype_st, k_st, m_st, beta_st, getMod());
void close_demodulator()
if(decim != NULL) firdecim_crcf_destroy(decim);
if(adecim) msresamp_crcf_destroy(adecim);
symtrack = NULL;
decim = NULL;
adecim = NULL;
void resetModem()
//printf("Reset Symtrack\n");
// called for Audio-Samples (FFT)
void make_FFTdata(float f)
// send IQ data to FFT for waterfall calculation
int fftlen = 0;
uint16_t* fft = make_waterfall(f, &fftlen);
if (fft != NULL)
uint8_t txpl[10000];
if (fftlen > (10000 * 2 + 1))
printf("FFTdata: txpl too small !!!\n");
int bidx = 0;
txpl[bidx++] = 4; // type 4: FFT data follows
int us = io_pb_fifo_usedBlocks();
if (us > 255 || ann_running == 1) us = 255;
txpl[bidx++] = us; // usage of TX fifo
us = io_cap_fifo_usedPercent();
if (us > 255) us = 255;
txpl[bidx++] = us; // usage of TX fifo
txpl[bidx++] = rxlevel_deteced; // RX level present
txpl[bidx++] = rx_in_sync;
txpl[bidx++] = maxLevel; // actual max level on sound capture in %
txpl[bidx++] = maxTXLevel; // actual max level on sound playback in %
for (int i = 0; i < fftlen; i++)
txpl[bidx++] = fft[i] >> 8;
txpl[bidx++] = fft[i] & 0xff;
sendUDP(appIP, UdpDataPort_ModemToApp, txpl, bidx);
#define MCHECK 48000
void getMax(float fv)
static float farr[MCHECK];
static int idx = 0;
static int f = 1;
if (f)
f = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MCHECK; i++)
farr[i] = 1;
farr[idx] = fv;
if (idx == MCHECK)
idx = 0;
float max = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < MCHECK; i++)
if (farr[i] > max) max = farr[i];
maxLevel = (uint8_t)(max*100);
//printf("RX max: %10.6f\n", max);
int demodulator()
static liquid_float_complex ccol[100];
static int ccol_idx = 0;
if(dnnco == NULL) return 0;
// get one received sample
float f;
int ret = io_cap_read_fifo(&f);
if(ret == 0) return 0;
// input volume
f *= softwareCAPvolume;
make_FFTdata(f * 60);
if (caprate == 44100 && physcaprate == 48000)
// the sound card capture for a VAC always works with 48000 because
// a VAC cannot be set to a specific cap rate in shared mode
unsigned int num_written = 0;
liquid_float_complex in;
liquid_float_complex out;
in.real = f;
in.imag = 0;
msresamp_crcf_execute(adecim, &in, 1, &out, &num_written);
if (num_written == 0) return 1;
f = out.real;
// downconvert into baseband
// still at soundcard sample rate
liquid_float_complex in;
in.real = f;
in.imag = f;
liquid_float_complex c;
// c is the actual sample, converted to complex and shifted to baseband
// this is the first decimator. We need to collect rxPreInterpolfactor number of samples
// then call execute which will give us one decimated sample
ccol[ccol_idx++] = c;
if(ccol_idx < rxPreInterpolfactor) return 1;
ccol_idx = 0;
// we have rxPreInterpolfactor samples in ccol
//printf("sc:%10.6f dn:%10.6f j%10.6f ", f, c.real, c.imag);
liquid_float_complex y;
firdecim_crcf_execute(decim, ccol, &y);
unsigned int num_written = 1;
for (unsigned int sa = 0; sa < num_written; sa++)
unsigned int num_symbols_sync;
liquid_float_complex syms;
unsigned int nsym_out; // output symbol
km_symtrack_execute(y, &syms, &num_symbols_sync, &nsym_out);
if (num_symbols_sync > 1) printf("symtrack_cccf_execute %d output symbols ???\n", num_symbols_sync);
if (num_symbols_sync != 0)
unsigned int sym_out; // output symbol
sym_out = nsym_out;
measure_speed_syms(1); // do NOT remove, used for speed display in GUI
// try to extract a complete frame
uint8_t symb = sym_out;
if (bitsPerSymbol == 2) symb ^= (symb >> 1);
GRdata_rxdata(&symb, 1, NULL);
// send the data "as is" to app for Constellation Diagram
// we have about 2000 S/s, but this many points would make the GUI slow
// so we send only every x
static int ev = 0;
if (++ev >= 10)
ev = 0;
int32_t re = (int32_t)(syms.real * 16777216.0);
int32_t im = (int32_t)(syms.imag * 16777216.0);
uint8_t txpl[13];
int idx = 0;
txpl[idx++] = 5; // type 5: IQ data follows
uint32_t sy = 0x3e8;
txpl[idx++] = sy >> 24;
txpl[idx++] = sy >> 16;
txpl[idx++] = sy >> 8;
txpl[idx++] = sy;
txpl[idx++] = re >> 24;
txpl[idx++] = re >> 16;
txpl[idx++] = re >> 8;
txpl[idx++] = re;
txpl[idx++] = im >> 24;
txpl[idx++] = im >> 16;
txpl[idx++] = im >> 8;
txpl[idx++] = im;
sendUDP(appIP, UdpDataPort_ModemToApp, txpl, 13);
return 1;