
582 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

var cleared = false;
var callsign_list = {};
var callsign_location = {};
var message_list = {};
var from_msg_list = {};
var selected_tab_callsign = null;
const socket = io("/sendmsg");
MSG_TYPE_TX = "tx";
MSG_TYPE_RX = "rx";
MSG_TYPE_ACK = "ack";
function reload_popovers() {
{html: true, animation: true}
function build_location_string(msg) {
dt = new Date(parseInt(msg['lasttime']) * 1000);
loc = "Last Location Update: " + dt.toLocaleString();
loc += "<br>Latitude: " + msg['lat'] + "<br>Longitude: " + msg['lon'];
loc += "<br>" + "Altitude: " + msg['altitude'] + " m";
loc += "<br>" + "Speed: " + msg['speed'] + " kph";
loc += "<br>" + "Bearing: " + msg['course'] + "°";
loc += "<br>" + "distance: " + msg['distance'] + " km";
return loc;
function build_location_string_small(msg) {
dt = new Date(parseInt(msg['lasttime']) * 1000);
loc = "" + msg['distance'] + "km";
//loc += "Lat " + msg['lat'] + "&nbsp;Lon " + msg['lon'];
loc += "@" + msg['course'] + "°";
//loc += "&nbsp;Distance " + msg['distance'] + " km";
loc += "&nbsp;" + dt.toLocaleString();
return loc;
function size_dict(d){c=0; for (i in d) ++c; return c}
function raise_error(msg) {
heading: 'Error',
text: msg,
loader: true,
loaderBg: '#9EC600',
position: 'top-center',
function init_chat() {
socket.on('connect', function () {
console.log("Connected to socketio");
socket.on('connected', function(msg) {
socket.on("sent", function(msg) {
if (cleared === false) {
var msgsdiv = $("#msgsTabsDiv");
cleared = true;
msg["type"] = MSG_TYPE_TX;
socket.on("ack", function(msg) {
msg["type"] = MSG_TYPE_ACK;
socket.on("new", function(msg) {
if (cleared === false) {
var msgsdiv = $("#msgsTabsDiv");
cleared = true;
msg["type"] = MSG_TYPE_RX;
socket.on("callsign_location", function(msg) {
console.log("CALLSIGN Location!");
now = new Date();
msg['last_updated'] = now;
callsign_location[msg['callsign']] = msg;
location_id = callsign_location_content(msg['callsign'], true);
location_string = build_location_string_small(msg);
$("#sendform").submit(function(event) {
to_call = $('#to_call').val();
message = $('#message').val();
path = $('#pkt_path option:selected').val();
if (to_call == "") {
raise_error("You must enter a callsign to send a message")
return false;
} else {
if (message == "") {
raise_error("You must enter a message to send")
return false;
msg = {'to': to_call, 'message': message, 'path': path};
socket.emit("send", msg);
// Try and load any existing chat threads from last time
function tab_string(callsign, id=false) {
name = "msgs"+callsign;
if (id) {
return "#"+name;
} else {
return name;
function tab_li_string(callsign, id=false) {
//The id of the LI containing the tab
return tab_string(callsign,id)+"Li";
function tab_notification_id(callsign, id=false) {
// The ID of the span that contains the notification count
return tab_string(callsign, id)+"notify";
function tab_content_name(callsign, id=false) {
return tab_string(callsign, id)+"Content";
function tab_content_speech_wrapper(callsign, id=false) {
return tab_string(callsign, id)+"SpeechWrapper";
function tab_content_speech_wrapper_id(callsign) {
return "#"+tab_content_speech_wrapper(callsign);
function content_divname(callsign) {
return "#"+tab_content_name(callsign);
function callsign_tab(callsign) {
return "#"+tab_string(callsign);
function callsign_location_popover(callsign, id=false) {
return tab_string(callsign, id)+"Location";
function callsign_location_content(callsign, id=false) {
return tab_string(callsign, id)+"LocationContent";
2023-09-26 11:58:12 -04:00
function bubble_msg_id(msg, id=false) {
// The id of the div that contains a specific message
name = msg["from_call"] + "_" + msg["msgNo"];
if (id) {
return "#"+name;
} else {
return name;
function message_ts_id(msg) {
//Create a 'id' from the message timestamp
ts_str = msg["timestamp"].toString();
ts = ts_str.split(".")[0]*1000;
id = ts_str.split('.')[0];
return {'timestamp': ts, 'id': id};
function time_ack_from_msg(msg) {
// Return the time and ack_id from a message
ts_id = message_ts_id(msg);
ts = ts_id['timestamp'];
id = ts_id['id'];
ack_id = "ack_" + id
var d = new Date(ts).toLocaleDateString("en-US")
var t = new Date(ts).toLocaleTimeString("en-US")
return {'time': t, 'date': d, 'ack_id': ack_id};
function save_data() {
// Save the relevant data to local storage
localStorage.setItem('callsign_list', JSON.stringify(callsign_list));
localStorage.setItem('message_list', JSON.stringify(message_list));
localStorage.setItem('callsign_location', JSON.stringify(callsign_location));
function init_messages() {
// This tries to load any previous conversations from local storage
callsign_list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('callsign_list'));
message_list = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('message_list'));
callsign_location = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('callsign_location'));
if (callsign_list == null) {
callsign_list = {};
if (message_list == null) {
message_list = {};
if (callsign_location == null) {
callsign_location = {};
// Now loop through each callsign and add the tabs
first_callsign = null;
for (callsign in callsign_list) {
if (first_callsign === null) {
first_callsign = callsign;
active = true;
} else {
active = false;
create_callsign_tab(callsign, active);
// and then populate the messages in order
for (callsign in message_list) {
new_callsign = true;
cleared = true;
for (id in message_list[callsign]) {
msg = message_list[callsign][id];
info = time_ack_from_msg(msg);
t = info['time'];
d = info['date'];
ack_id = false;
acked = false;
if (msg['type'] == MSG_TYPE_TX) {
ack_id = info['ack_id'];
acked = msg['ack'];
msg_html = create_message_html(d, t, msg['from_call'], msg['to_call'],
msg['message_text'], ack_id, msg, acked);
append_message_html(callsign, msg_html, new_callsign);
new_callsign = false;
if (first_callsign !== null) {
function scroll_main_content(callsign=false) {
var wc = $('#wc-content');
var d = $('#msgsTabContent');
var scrollHeight = wc.prop('scrollHeight');
var clientHeight = wc.prop('clientHeight');
if (callsign) {
div_id = content_divname(callsign);
c_div = $(content_divname(callsign));
//console.log("c_div("+div_id+") " + c_div);
c_height = c_div.height();
c_scroll_height = c_div.prop('scrollHeight');
//console.log("callsign height " + c_height + " scrollHeight " + c_scroll_height);
if (c_height === undefined) {
return false;
if (c_height > clientHeight) {
wc.animate({ scrollTop: c_scroll_height }, 500);
} else {
wc.animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500);
} else {
if (scrollHeight > clientHeight) {
wc.animate({ scrollTop: wc.prop('scrollHeight') }, 500);
} else {
wc.animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 500);
function create_callsign_tab(callsign, active=false) {
//Create the html for the callsign tab and insert it into the DOM
var callsignTabs = $("#msgsTabList");
tab_id = tab_string(callsign);
tab_id_li = tab_li_string(callsign);
tab_notify_id = tab_notification_id(callsign);
tab_content = tab_content_name(callsign);
popover_id = callsign_location_popover(callsign);
if (active) {
active_str = "active";
} else {
active_str = "";
item_html = '<li class="nav-item" role="presentation" callsign="'+callsign+'" id="'+tab_id_li+'">';
//item_html += '<button onClick="callsign_select(\''+callsign+'\');" callsign="'+callsign+'" class="nav-link '+active_str+'" id="'+tab_id+'" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#'+tab_content+'" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="'+callsign+'" aria-selected="true">';
item_html += '<button onClick="callsign_select(\''+callsign+'\');" callsign="'+callsign+'" class="nav-link position-relative '+active_str+'" id="'+tab_id+'" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#'+tab_content+'" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="'+callsign+'" aria-selected="true">';
item_html += callsign+'&nbsp;&nbsp;';
item_html += '<span onclick="delete_tab(\''+callsign+'\');">×</span>';
item_html += '</button></li>'
create_callsign_tab_content(callsign, active);
function create_callsign_tab_content(callsign, active=false) {
var callsignTabsContent = $("#msgsTabContent");
tab_id = tab_string(callsign);
tab_content = tab_content_name(callsign);
wrapper_id = tab_content_speech_wrapper(callsign);
if (active) {
active_str = "show active";
} else {
active_str = '';
location_str = "Unknown Location"
if (callsign in callsign_location) {
location_str = build_location_string_small(callsign_location[callsign]);
location_class = '';
location_id = callsign_location_content(callsign);
item_html = '<div class="tab-pane fade '+active_str+'" id="'+tab_content+'" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="'+tab_id+'">';
item_html += '<div class="" style="border: 1px solid #999999;background-color:#aaaaaa;">';
item_html += '<div class="row" style="padding-top:4px;padding-bottom:4px;background-color:#aaaaaa;margin:0px;">';
item_html += '<div class="d-flex col-md-10 justify-content-left" style="padding:0px;margin:0px;">';
item_html += '<button onclick="call_callsign_location(\''+callsign+'\');" style="margin-left:2px;padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;" type="button" class="btn btn-primary">';
item_html += '<span id="'+location_id+'Spinner" class="d-none spinner-border spinner-border-sm" role="status" aria-hidden="true"></span>Update</button>';
item_html += '&nbsp;<span id="'+location_id+'">'+location_str+'</span></div>';
item_html += '</div>';
item_html += '<div class="speech-wrapper" id="'+wrapper_id+'"></div>';
item_html += '</div>';
function delete_tab(callsign) {
// User asked to delete the tab and the conversation
tab_id = tab_string(callsign, true);
tab_id_li = tab_li_string(callsign, true);
tab_content = tab_content_name(callsign, true);
delete callsign_list[callsign];
delete message_list[callsign];
delete callsign_location[callsign];
// Now select the first tab
first_tab = $("#msgsTabList").children().first().children().first();
function add_callsign(callsign, msg) {
/* Ensure a callsign exists in the left hand nav */
if (callsign in callsign_list) {
return false
len = Object.keys(callsign_list).length;
if (len == 0) {
active = true;
} else {
active = false;
create_callsign_tab(callsign, active);
callsign_list[callsign] = '';
return true;
function update_callsign_path(callsign, msg) {
//Get the selected path to save for this callsign
path = msg['path']
callsign_list[callsign] = path;
function append_message(callsign, msg, msg_html) {
new_callsign = false
if (!message_list.hasOwnProperty(callsign)) {
message_list[callsign] = {};
ts_id = message_ts_id(msg);
id = ts_id['id']
message_list[callsign][id] = msg;
if (selected_tab_callsign != callsign) {
// We need to update the notification for the tab
tab_notify_id = tab_notification_id(callsign, true);
// get the current count of notifications
count = parseInt($(tab_notify_id).text());
count += 1;
// Find the right div to place the html
new_callsign = add_callsign(callsign, msg);
update_callsign_path(callsign, msg);
append_message_html(callsign, msg_html, new_callsign);
len = Object.keys(callsign_list).length;
if (new_callsign && len == 1) {
//Now click the tab if and only if there is only one tab
callsign_tab_id = callsign_tab(callsign);
function append_message_html(callsign, msg_html, new_callsign) {
var msgsTabs = $('#msgsTabsDiv');
divname_str = tab_content_name(callsign);
divname = content_divname(callsign);
tab_content = tab_content_name(callsign);
wrapper_id = tab_content_speech_wrapper_id(callsign);
if ($(wrapper_id).children().length > 0) {
$(wrapper_id).animate({scrollTop: $(wrapper_id)[0].scrollHeight}, "fast");
function create_message_html(date, time, from, to, message, ack_id, msg, acked=false) {
div_id = from + "_" + msg.msgNo;
if (ack_id) {
alt = " alt"
} else {
alt = ""
bubble_class = "bubble" + alt + " text-nowrap"
bubble_name_class = "bubble-name" + alt
2023-09-26 11:58:12 -04:00
bubble_msgid = bubble_msg_id(msg);
date_str = date + " " + time;
sane_date_str = date_str.replace(/ /g,"").replaceAll("/","").replaceAll(":","");
bubble_msg_class = "bubble-message";
if (ack_id) {
bubble_arrow_class = "bubble-arrow alt";
popover_placement = "left";
} else {
bubble_arrow_class = "bubble-arrow";
popover_placement = "right";
msg_html = '<div class="bubble-row'+alt+'">';
msg_html += '<div id="'+bubble_msgid+'" class="'+ bubble_class + '" ';
msg_html += 'title="APRS Raw Packet" data-bs-placement="'+popover_placement+'" data-bs-toggle="popover" ';
msg_html += 'data-bs-trigger="hover" data-bs-content="'+msg['raw']+'">';
msg_html += '<div class="bubble-text">';
msg_html += '<p class="'+ bubble_name_class +'">'+from+'&nbsp;&nbsp;';
msg_html += '<span class="bubble-timestamp">'+date_str+'</span>';
if (ack_id) {
if (acked) {
msg_html += '<span class="material-symbols-rounded md-10" id="' + ack_id + '">thumb_up</span>';
} else {
msg_html += '<span class="material-symbols-rounded md-10" id="' + ack_id + '">thumb_down</span>';
msg_html += "</p>";
msg_html += '<p class="' +bubble_msg_class+ '">'+message+'</p>';
msg_html += '<div class="'+ bubble_arrow_class + '"></div>';
msg_html += "</div></div></div>";
return msg_html
function flash_message(msg) {
// Callback function to bring a hidden box back
2023-09-26 11:58:12 -04:00
msg_id = bubble_msg_id(msg, true);
function sent_msg(msg) {
info = time_ack_from_msg(msg);
t = info['time'];
d = info['date'];
ack_id = info['ack_id'];
msg_html = create_message_html(d, t, msg['from_call'], msg['to_call'], msg['message_text'], ack_id, msg, false);
append_message(msg['to_call'], msg, msg_html);
function from_msg(msg) {
2023-09-26 11:58:12 -04:00
if (!from_msg_list.hasOwnProperty(msg["from_call"])) {
from_msg_list[msg["from_call"]] = new Array();
2023-09-26 11:58:12 -04:00
if (msg["msgNo"] in from_msg_list[msg["from_call"]]) {
// We already have this message
//console.log("We already have this message msgNo=" + msg["msgNo"]);
// Do some flashy thing?
return false
} else {
2023-09-26 11:58:12 -04:00
from_msg_list[msg["from_call"]][msg["msgNo"]] = msg
info = time_ack_from_msg(msg);
t = info['time'];
d = info['date'];
ack_id = info['ack_id'];
from = msg['from_call']
msg_html = create_message_html(d, t, from, false, msg['message_text'], false, msg, false);
append_message(from, msg, msg_html);
function ack_msg(msg) {
// Acknowledge a message
// We have an existing entry
ts_id = message_ts_id(msg);
id = ts_id['id'];
//Mark the message as acked
callsign = msg['to_call'];
// Ensure the message_list has this callsign
if (!message_list.hasOwnProperty(callsign)) {
return false
// Ensure the message_list has this id
if (!message_list[callsign].hasOwnProperty(id)) {
return false
if (message_list[callsign][id]['ack'] == true) {
return false;
message_list[callsign][id]['ack'] = true;
ack_id = "ack_" + id
if (msg['ack'] == true) {
var ack_div = $('#' + ack_id);
function callsign_select(callsign) {
var tocall = $("#to_call");
selected_tab_callsign = callsign;
tab_notify_id = tab_notification_id(callsign, true);
// Now update the path
function call_callsign_location(callsign) {
msg = {'callsign': callsign};
socket.emit("get_callsign_location", msg);
location_id = callsign_location_content(callsign, true)+"Spinner";