2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
#!/usr/bin/python -u
# Listen on amateur radio aprs-is network for messages and respond to them.
# You must have an amateur radio callsign to use this software. Put your
# callsign in the "USER" variable and update your aprs-is password in "PASS".
# You must also have an imap email account available for polling.
# There are additional parameters in the code (sorry), so be sure to set your
# email server, and associated logins, passwords. search for "yourmaildomain",
# "password". Search for "shortcuts" to setup email aliases as well.
# APRS messages:
# t(ime) = respond with the current time
# f(ortune) = respond with a short fortune
# -email_addr email text = send an email
# -2 = display the last 2 emails received
# anything else = respond with usage
# Meanwhile this code will monitor an imap mailbox and forward email
# (C)2018 Craig Lamparter
# License GPLv2
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
from fuzzyclock import fuzzy
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import sys
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import os
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import telnetlib
import time
import re
2017-10-31 16:11:36 -04:00
from random import randint
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import subprocess
import datetime
import calendar
from imapclient import IMAPClient, SEEN
import email
import threading
import signal
# edit to taste, be advised there are additional parameters in the code for now
HOST = "noam.aprs2.net" # north america tier2 servers round robin
USER = "KM6XXX-9" # callsign of this aprs client with SSID
2018-06-13 12:07:09 -04:00
PASS = "22222" # google how to generate this
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
BASECALLSIGN = "KM6XXX" # callsign of radio in the field to which we send email
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
print("Ctrl+C, exiting.")
#sys.exit(0) # thread ignores this
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
def parse_email(msgid, data, server):
envelope = data[b'ENVELOPE']
#print('ID:%d "%s" (%s)' % (msgid, envelope.subject.decode(), envelope.date ))
f = re.search('([\.\w_-]+@[\.\w_-]+)', str(envelope.from_[0]) ) # email address match
if f is not None:
from_addr = f.group(1)
from_addr = "noaddr"
m = server.fetch([msgid], ['RFC822'])
msg = email.message_from_string(m[msgid]['RFC822'])
if msg.is_multipart():
text = ""
html = None
for part in msg.get_payload():
if part.get_content_charset() is None:
# We cannot know the character set, so return decoded "something"
text = part.get_payload(decode=True)
charset = part.get_content_charset()
if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
text = unicode(part.get_payload(decode=True), str(charset), "ignore").encode('utf8', 'replace')
if part.get_content_type() == 'text/html':
html = unicode(part.get_payload(decode=True), str(charset), "ignore").encode('utf8', 'replace')
if text is not None:
body = text.strip() # strip removes white space fore and aft of string
body = html.strip()
text = unicode(msg.get_payload(decode=True), msg.get_content_charset(), 'ignore').encode('utf8', 'replace')
body = text.strip()
body = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', body) # strip all html tags
body = body.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ") # strip CR/LF, make it one line, .rstrip fails at this
return(body, from_addr)
## end parse_email
def resend_email(count):
date = datetime.datetime.now()
month = date.strftime("%B")[:3] # Nov, Mar, Apr
day = date.day
year = date.year
today = str(day) + "-" + month + "-" + str(year)
shortcuts = {"jl" : "jlname@email.com", "cl" : "clname@email.com" }
shortcuts_inverted = dict([[v,k] for k,v in shortcuts.items()]) # swap key/value
server = IMAPClient('mail.yourmaildomain.org', use_uid=True)
server.login('KM6XXX@yourmaildomain.org', 'password')
select_info = server.select_folder('INBOX')
messages = server.search(['SINCE', today])
#print("%d messages received today" % len(messages))
msgexists = False
del messages[int(count):] # only the latest "count" messages
for message in messages:
for msgid, data in list(server.fetch(message, ['ENVELOPE']).items()): # one at a time, otherwise order is random
(body, from_addr) = parse_email(msgid, data, server)
server.remove_flags(msgid, [SEEN]) # unset seen flag, will stay bold in email client
if from_addr in shortcuts_inverted: # reverse lookup of a shortcut
from_addr = shortcuts_inverted[from_addr]
reply = "-" + from_addr + " * " + body # asterisk indicates a resend
send_message(fromcall, reply)
msgexists = True
if msgexists is not True:
reply = "No new msg"
send_message(fromcall, reply)
### end resend_email()
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
def check_email_thread():
# print "Email thread disabled."
# return
threading.Timer(55, check_email_thread).start() # how do we skip first run?
shortcuts = {"jl" : "jlname@email.com", "cl" : "clname@email.com" }
shortcuts_inverted = dict([[v,k] for k,v in shortcuts.items()]) # swap key/value
date = datetime.datetime.now()
month = date.strftime("%B")[:3] # Nov, Mar, Apr
day = date.day
year = date.year
today = str(day) + "-" + month + "-" + str(year)
server = IMAPClient('mail.yourmaildomain.org', use_uid=True)
server.login('KM6XXX@yourmaildomain.org', 'password')
select_info = server.select_folder('INBOX')
messages = server.search(['SINCE', today])
#print("%d messages received today" % len(messages))
for msgid, data in server.fetch(messages, ['ENVELOPE']).items():
envelope = data[b'ENVELOPE']
#print('ID:%d "%s" (%s)' % (msgid, envelope.subject.decode(), envelope.date ))
f = re.search('([[A-a][0-9]_-]+@[[A-a][0-9]_-\.]+)', str(envelope.from_[0]) )
if f is not None:
from_addr = f.group(1)
from_addr = "noaddr"
if "APRS" not in server.get_flags(msgid)[msgid]: #if msg not flagged as sent via aprs
m = server.fetch([msgid], ['RFC822'])
(body, from_addr) = parse_email(msgid, data, server)
server.remove_flags(msgid, [SEEN]) # unset seen flag, will stay bold in email client
if from_addr in shortcuts_inverted: # reverse lookup of a shortcut
from_addr = shortcuts_inverted[from_addr]
reply = "-" + from_addr + " " + body
#print "Sending message via aprs: " + reply
send_message(BASECALLSIGN, reply) #radio
server.add_flags(msgid, ['APRS']) #flag message as sent via aprs
server.remove_flags(msgid, [SEEN]) #unset seen flag, will stay bold in email client
### end check_email()
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
def send_ack(tocall, ack):
2017-10-31 16:11:36 -04:00
tocall = tocall.ljust(9) # pad to nine chars
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
line = USER + ">APRS::" + tocall + ":ack" + str(ack) + "\n"
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
print "Sending ack __________________"
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
print "Raw : " + line,
print "To : " + tocall
print "Ack number : " + str(ack)
2017-10-31 16:11:36 -04:00
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
### end send_ack()
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
def send_message(tocall, message):
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
messagecounter = randint(10,99)
2017-10-31 16:11:36 -04:00
tocall = tocall.ljust(9) # pad to nine chars
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
message = message[:67] # yaesu max length allowed, plus 3 for msg number {00 ?
line = USER + ">APRS::" + tocall + ":" + message + "{" + str(messagecounter) + "\n"
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
print "Sending message_______________"
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
print "Raw : " + line,
print "To : " + tocall
print "Message : " + message
tn.write(line) # resends within 8 minutes are tossed
### end send_message()
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
def process_message(line):
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
f = re.search('^(.*)>', line)
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
fromcall = f.group(1)
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
searchstring = '::' + USER + '[ ]*:(.*)' # verify this, callsign is padded out with spaces to colon
m = re.search(searchstring, line)
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
fullmessage = m.group(1)
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
ack_attached = re.search('(.*){([0-9]+)', fullmessage)
if ack_attached: # "{##" suffix means radio wants an ack back
message = ack_attached.group(1) # message content
ack_num = ack_attached.group(2) # suffix number to use in ack
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2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
message = fullmessage
ack_num = 0 # ack not requested, but lets send one as 0
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
print "Received message______________"
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
print "Raw : " + line
print "From : " + fromcall
print "Message : " + message
print "Msg number : " + str(ack_num)
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2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
return (fromcall, message, ack_num)
2017-10-31 16:11:36 -04:00
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
### end process_message()
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
def send_email(to_addr, content):
print "Sending Email_________________"
shortcuts = {"jl" : "jlname@email.com", "cl" : "clname@email.com" }
if to_addr in shortcuts:
print "To : " + to_addr ,
to_addr = shortcuts[to_addr]
print " (" + to_addr + ")"
#content = content + "\n\n(NOTE: reply with one line)"
print "Subject : " + subject
print "Body : " + content
msg = MIMEText(content)
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = "KM6XXX@yourmaildomain.org"
msg['To'] = to_addr
s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('mail.yourmaildomain.org', 465)
s.login("KM6XXX@yourmaildomain.org", "password")
s.sendmail("KM6XXX@yourmaildomain.org", [to_addr], msg.as_string())
except Exception, e:
print "Sendmail Error!!!!!!!!!"
### main()
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, 14580)
except Exception, e:
print "Telnet session failed.\n"
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
tn.write("user " + USER + " pass " + PASS + " vers aprsd 0.99\n" )
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
check_email_thread() # start email reader thread
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
while True:
line = ""
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
for char in tn.read_until("\n",100):
line = line + char
line = line.replace('\n', '')
2017-10-31 16:11:36 -04:00
print line
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
searchstring = '::' + USER
if re.search(searchstring, line): # is aprs message to us, not beacon, status, etc
(fromcall, message, ack) = process_message(line)
message = "noise"
# ACK (ack##) # ignore incoming acks
if re.search('^ack[0-9]+', message):
is_ack = True
# EMAIL (-)
elif re.search('^-.*', message): # is email command
searchstring = '^' + BASECALLSIGN + '.*'
if re.search(searchstring, fromcall): # only I can do email
r = re.search('^-([0-9])[0-9]*$', message) # digits only, first one is number of emails to resend
if r is not None:
elif re.search('^-([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.@]+) (.*)', message): # -user@address.com body of email
a = re.search('^-([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.@]+) (.*)', message) # (same search again)
if a is not None:
to_addr = a.group(1)
content = a.group(2)
if content == 'mapme': # send recipient link to aprs.fi map
content = "Click for my location: http://aprs.fi/" + USER + "/"
send_result = send_email(to_addr, content)
if send_result != 0:
send_message(fromcall, "-" + to_addr + " failed")
send_message(fromcall, "-" + to_addr + " sent")
send_message(fromcall, "Bad email address")
# TIME (t)
elif re.search('^t', message):
stm = time.localtime()
h = stm.tm_hour
m = stm.tm_min
cur_time = fuzzy(h, m, 1)
reply = cur_time + " (" + str(h) + ":" + str(m).rjust(2, '0') + "PDT)" + " (" + message.rstrip() + ")"
send_message(fromcall, reply)
elif re.search('^f', message):
process = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/games/fortune', '-s', '-n 60'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
reply = process.communicate()[0]
send_message(fromcall, reply.rstrip())
reply = "APRSd v0.99. Commands: t(ime), f(ortune), -(emailaddr emailbody)"
send_message(fromcall, reply)
send_ack(fromcall, ack) # send an ack last
2017-10-31 16:11:36 -04:00
2018-06-13 11:58:56 -04:00
except Exception, e:
print "Error in mainline loop:"
print "%s" % str(e)
print "Exiting."
#sys.exit(1) # merely a suggestion
2017-10-31 12:58:06 -04:00
# end while True