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import logging
import re
import time
from aprsd import email, messaging, plugin
LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD")
class EmailPlugin(plugin.APRSDPluginBase):
"""Email Plugin."""
version = "1.0"
command_regex = "^-.*"
command_name = "email"
# message_number:time combos so we don't resend the same email in
# five mins {int:int}
email_sent_dict = {}
def command(self, fromcall, message, ack):
LOG.info("Email COMMAND")
reply = None
if not self.config["aprsd"]["email"].get("enabled", False):
LOG.debug("Email is not enabled in config file ignoring.")
return "Email not enabled."
searchstring = "^" + self.config["ham"]["callsign"] + ".*"
# only I can do email
if re.search(searchstring, fromcall):
# digits only, first one is number of emails to resend
r = re.search("^-([0-9])[0-9]*$", message)
if r is not None:
email.resend_email(r.group(1), fromcall)
reply = messaging.NULL_MESSAGE
# -user@address.com body of email
elif re.search(r"^-([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.@]+) (.*)", message):
# (same search again)
a = re.search(r"^-([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.@]+) (.*)", message)
if a is not None:
to_addr = a.group(1)
content = a.group(2)
email_address = email.get_email_from_shortcut(to_addr)
if not email_address:
reply = "Bad email address"
return reply
# send recipient link to aprs.fi map
if content == "mapme":
content = "Click for my location: http://aprs.fi/{}".format(
too_soon = 0
now = time.time()
# see if we sent this msg number recently
if ack in self.email_sent_dict:
# BUG(hemna) - when we get a 2 different email command
# with the same ack #, we don't send it.
timedelta = now - self.email_sent_dict[ack]
if timedelta < 300: # five minutes
too_soon = 1
if not too_soon or ack == 0:
LOG.info("Send email '{}'".format(content))
send_result = email.send_email(to_addr, content)
reply = messaging.NULL_MESSAGE
if send_result != 0:
reply = "-{} failed".format(to_addr)
# messaging.send_message(fromcall, "-" + to_addr + " failed")
# clear email sent dictionary if somehow goes over 100
if len(self.email_sent_dict) > 98:
"DEBUG: email_sent_dict is big ("
+ str(len(self.email_sent_dict))
+ ") clearing out.",
self.email_sent_dict[ack] = now
reply = messaging.NULL_MESSAGE
"Email for message number "
+ ack
+ " recently sent, not sending again.",
reply = "Bad email address"
# messaging.send_message(fromcall, "Bad email address")
return reply