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2018-11-21 15:37:54 -05:00
# @author Sinu John
# sinuvian at gmail dot com
# www.sinujohn.wordpress.com
# Usage:
# python clock.py [degree [time]]
# 'degree' is the degree of fuzziness - can have values of 1 or 2
# 'time' - give time in the format hour:minute (24-hour format)
# example: 9:45, 11:30, 14:25
# Default value of 'degree' is 1, and 'time' is System time.
import sys
import time
2018-11-21 15:37:54 -05:00
def fuzzy(hour, minute, degree=1):
'''Implements the fuzzy clock.
returns the the string that spells out the time - hour:minute
Supports two degrees of fuzziness. Set with degree = 1 or degree = 2
When degree = 1, time is in quantum of 5 minutes.
When degree = 2, time is in quantum of 15 minutes.'''
if degree <= 0 or degree > 2:
print('Please use a degree of 1 or 2. Using fuzziness degree=1')
degree = 1
begin = 'It\'s '
f0 = 'almost '
f1 = 'exactly '
f2 = 'around '
b0 = ' past '
b1 = ' to '
hourList = ('One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight',
'Nine', 'Ten', 'Eleven', 'Twelve')
s1 = s2 = s3 = s4 = ''
base = 5
if degree == 1:
base = 5
val = ('Five', 'Ten', 'Quarter', 'Twenty', 'Twenty-Five', 'Half')
elif degree == 2:
base = 15
val = ('Quarter', 'Half')
# to find whether we have to use 'almost', 'exactly' or 'around'
dmin = minute % base
if minute > 30:
pos = int((60 - minute) / base) # position in the tuple 'val'
pos = int(minute / base)
if dmin == 0:
s1 = f1
pos = pos - 1
elif dmin <= base/2:
s1 = f2
if minute < 30:
pos = pos-1
s1 = f0
if minute > 30:
pos = pos - 1
s2 = val[pos]
if minute <= base / 2:
# Case like "It's around/exactly Ten"
s2 = s3 = ''
s4 = hourList[hour - 12 - 1]
elif minute >= 60 - base / 2:
# Case like "It's almost Ten"
s2 = s3 = ''
s4 = hourList[hour - 12]
# Other cases with all words, like "It's around Quarter past One"
if minute > 30:
s3 = b1 # to
s4 = hourList[hour - 12]
s3 = b0 # past
s4 = hourList[hour - 12 - 1]
return begin + s1 + s2 + s3 + s4
2018-11-21 15:37:54 -05:00
def main():
deg = 1
stm = time.localtime()
h = stm.tm_hour
m = stm.tm_min
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
deg = int(sys.argv[1])
except Exception:
print('Please use a degree of 1 or 2. Using fuzziness degree=1')
if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
tm = sys.argv[2].split(':')
h = int(tm[0])
m = int(tm[1])
if h < 0 or h > 23 or m < 0 or m > 59:
raise Exception
except Exception:
print('Bad time entered. Using the system time.')
h = stm.tm_hour
m = stm.tm_min
print(fuzzy(h, m, deg))
2018-11-21 15:37:54 -05:00