This patch adds usage of update_checker to check to make sure the
version of APRSD being launched is the latest version. Also added a
call to upate_checker as part of the KeepAlive thread. It will
call update_check every hour. If there is no aprsd connectivitity,
the update check will silently fail.
This patch adds 2 items. First it adds the new StockPlugin,
which fetches stock quotes from yahoo finance rest API using
the yfinance python module.
2nd, the web interface contains a new url /plugins, which allows
aprsd to reload all of it's plugins from disk. This is useful for
development where the dev is editing an existing plugin and wants to
run the edited plugin without restarting aprsd itself. The /plugins
url requires admin login credentials.
TODO: would be nice to live reload the aprsd.yml config file, so plugin
reloading can start new plugins defined in aprsd.yml between /plugins
being reloaded.
This patch fixes the CTRL-C signal_handler.
This patch also adds the new Messages WEB UI page
as well as the save url, which are both behind an
http basic auth.
The flask web service now has users in the config file
admin: <password>
This patch adds the stats object to collect statistics of
the running server. This also optionally adds the ability
to run a flask web service on a port to use as a keepalive
This patch adds 2 new time plugins to allow admins to use their
opencagedata APIkey or openweathermap API key to fetch the timezone
from the lat/lon GPS coordinates for the callsign requesting the time.
This will enable fetching the time local to the ham radio's last beacon,
and not time local to the aprsd server instance running. If the
location is not found, then the timezone will default to UTC.
The 2 new plugins are
- aprsd.plugins.time.TimeOpenCageDataPlugin
Fetches timezone from lat/lon using the opencagedata api that can be
found here:
This requires a new ~/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml entry to specify the
api key.
apiKey: <the api key hash here>
- aprsd.plugins.time.TimeOWMPlugin
Fetches the timezone from lat/lon using the openweathermap api
that can be found here:
This requires a new ~/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml entry to specify the
api key.
apiKey: <the api key hash here>
The existing time plugin had a hard coded PDT for pacific timezone,
when it wasn't. This patch adds some real timezone conversion from
utc to the tz of the running aprsd server. This will eventually allow
us to use either the tz of the running aprsd and/or the tz of the
calling callsign if we can just get the tz string from the location
beacon of the caller's callsign.
This patch shows how to setup a development environment.
Please use the steps as laid out and install the pre-commit
hooks to ensure the code is clean prior to commit.
This commit adds the new send-message command for sending messages.
This also redoes the logging of sent/rx'd packets to a single method
which is syncrhonized, so we don't get intermixed log messages for
Also adds email address validation during startup, and
optionally disables the validation via a command line switch. without
email validation for production running aprsd, emails sent can turn up
garbage and cause issues when those emails are received by aprsd
message processing as invalid content.
This branch refactors the majority of out into individual
modules to compartmentalize the code. Migrated all email related
features unti, sending of messages into
Also refactored all of the socket code to use aprslib for all APRS-IS
communication as well as message/packet processing.
Moved the email command into it's own Plugin.
This patch reworked the loading of plugins. Python2 is dead.
Previously was using the imp module to easily load the plugins from
a separate directory, which is a bit of a pita. Found a python3 lib
that takes care of the difference between py3.3, 3.4 and 3.5+ module
loading called "thesmuggler"