The changelog is generated by pbr automatically when you run
python sdist bdist_wheel
So when you are ready for a new release, run
python sdist bdist_wheel
git add Changelog && git commit -m "Updated ChangeLog for version XXXX"
git tag -a vXXXX -m "Release version XXX"
git push origin --tags
Then release to pypi
twine check dist/*
twine upload dist/*
I want to add some tests but before that I want git to ignore the venv folder and all the Idea (Pycharm) settings that get created in the home folder by default.
This patch does some refactoring of the code and the directory
structure to conform to the needs of a pypi project.
The python code now lives in the aprsd directory so it acts like a real
python package that can be installed/included/used.
The is now aprds/
This patch also adds support for using pbr, which enables a consistent
bin install that you can then call as 'aprsd' from the command line.
To use this as a developer you should create a virtualenv
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
now you can edit the aprds/ and then test it by immediately
running aprsd from the command line.
The -e option for pip allows you to install the package as an editable
package in the .venv, so you can hack on it and not need to re-install
every time you make a change.
This patch adds the argparser to collect the user/callsign
from the command line, so it doesn't have to be hard coded.
It can be passed on the command line or set
in an environment var
python --user KCAMEL1