This patch adds the openweathermap weather plugin.
Also adds a new config option to set the overall
units setting from imperial (default) to metric.
to change it add the following to the ~/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yaml
units: metric
This patch adds 2 new time plugins to allow admins to use their
opencagedata APIkey or openweathermap API key to fetch the timezone
from the lat/lon GPS coordinates for the callsign requesting the time.
This will enable fetching the time local to the ham radio's last beacon,
and not time local to the aprsd server instance running. If the
location is not found, then the timezone will default to UTC.
The 2 new plugins are
- aprsd.plugins.time.TimeOpenCageDataPlugin
Fetches timezone from lat/lon using the opencagedata api that can be
found here:
This requires a new ~/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml entry to specify the
api key.
apiKey: <the api key hash here>
- aprsd.plugins.time.TimeOWMPlugin
Fetches the timezone from lat/lon using the openweathermap api
that can be found here:
This requires a new ~/.config/aprsd/aprsd.yml entry to specify the
api key.
apiKey: <the api key hash here>
This patch refactored the process_packet method
and adjusted the logic for determining if we got
a message to filter on. We now look at the format
to make a determination. Also isolated the processing
of message packets, ack packets and mic-e packets into
their own functions.
This patch updates the Dockerfile for building the official container
image and includes the ability to load external pypi modules as plugins
at container startup.