
370 lines
10 KiB

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
import datetime
import logging
import threading
import time
import dacite
import wrapt
from aprsd import utils
from aprsd.utils import objectstore
LOG = logging.getLogger("APRSD")
PACKET_TYPE_WX = "weather"
class Packet:
from_call: str
to_call: str
addresse: str = None
format: str = None
msgNo: str = None
packet_type: str = None
timestamp: float = field(default_factory=time.time)
raw: str = None
_raw_dict: dict = field(repr=True, default_factory=lambda: {})
def factory(raw):
raw["_raw_dict"] = raw.copy()
translate_fields = {
"from": "from_call",
"to": "to_call",
# First translate some fields
for key in translate_fields:
if key in raw:
raw[translate_fields[key]] = raw[key]
del raw[key]
if "addresse" in raw:
raw["to_call"] = raw["addresse"]
class_lookup = {
PACKET_TYPE_WX: WeatherPacket,
packet_type = get_packet_type(raw)
raw["packet_type"] = packet_type
class_name = class_lookup[packet_type]
if packet_type == PACKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
# Try and figure it out here
if "latitude" in raw:
class_name = GPSPacket
if packet_type == PACKET_TYPE_WX:
# the weather information is in a dict
# this brings those values out to the outer dict
for key in raw["weather"]:
raw[key] = raw["weather"][key]
return dacite.from_dict(data_class=class_name, data=raw)
def log(self, header=None):
"""LOG a packet to the logfile."""
log_list = ["\n"]
if header:
log_list.append(f"{header} _______________")
log_list.append(f" Packet : {self.__class__.__name__}")
log_list.append(f" Raw : {self.raw}")
if self.to_call:
log_list.append(f" To : {self.to_call}")
if self.from_call:
log_list.append(f" From : {self.from_call}")
if hasattr(self, "path"):
log_list.append(f" Path : {'=>'.join(self.path)}")
if hasattr(self, "via"):
log_list.append(f" VIA : {self.via}")
elif isinstance(self, MessagePacket):
log_list.append(f" Message : {self.message_text}")
if self.msgNo:
log_list.append(f" Msg # : {self.msgNo}")
log_list.append(f"{header} _______________ Complete")
class PathPacket(Packet):
path: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
via: str = None
class AckPacket(PathPacket):
response: str = None
class MessagePacket(PathPacket):
message_text: str = None
class StatusPacket(PathPacket):
status: str = None
timestamp: int = 0
messagecapable: bool = False
comment: str = None
class GPSPacket(PathPacket):
latitude: float = 0.00
longitude: float = 0.00
altitude: float = 0.00
rng: float = 0.00
posambiguity: int = 0
timestamp: int = 0
comment: str = None
symbol: str = None
symbol_table: str = None
speed: float = 0.00
course: int = 0
class MicEPacket(GPSPacket):
messagecapable: bool = False
mbits: str = None
mtype: str = None
class WeatherPacket(GPSPacket):
symbol: str = "_"
wind_gust: float = 0.00
temperature: float = 0.00
rain_1h: float = 0.00
rain_24h: float = 0.00
rain_since_midnight: float = 0.00
humidity: int = 0
pressure: float = 0.00
messagecapable: bool = False
comment: str = None
class PacketList:
"""Class to track all of the packets rx'd and tx'd by aprsd."""
_instance = None
lock = threading.Lock()
config = None
packet_list = {}
total_recv = 0
total_tx = 0
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)
cls._instance.packet_list = utils.RingBuffer(1000)
cls._instance.config = kwargs["config"]
return cls._instance
def __init__(self, config=None):
if config:
self.config = config
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.packet_list)
def add(self, packet):
packet.ts = time.time()
if (packet.from_call == self.config["aprs"]["login"]):
self.total_tx += 1
self.total_recv += 1
def get(self):
return self.packet_list.get()
def total_received(self):
return self.total_recv
def total_sent(self):
return self.total_tx
class WatchList(objectstore.ObjectStoreMixin):
"""Global watch list and info for callsigns."""
_instance = None
lock = threading.Lock()
data = {}
config = None
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)
if "config" in kwargs:
cls._instance.config = kwargs["config"]
cls._instance.data = {}
return cls._instance
def __init__(self, config=None):
if config:
self.config = config
ring_size = config["aprsd"]["watch_list"].get("packet_keep_count", 10)
for callsign in config["aprsd"]["watch_list"].get("callsigns", []):
call = callsign.replace("*", "")
# FIXME(waboring) - we should fetch the last time we saw
# a beacon from a callsign or some other mechanism to find
# last time a message was seen by aprs-is. For now this
# is all we can do.
self.data[call] = {
"last": datetime.datetime.now(),
"packets": utils.RingBuffer(
def is_enabled(self):
if self.config and "watch_list" in self.config["aprsd"]:
return self.config["aprsd"]["watch_list"].get("enabled", False)
return False
def callsign_in_watchlist(self, callsign):
return callsign in self.data
def update_seen(self, packet):
if packet.addresse:
callsign = packet.addresse
callsign = packet.from_call
if self.callsign_in_watchlist(callsign):
self.data[callsign]["last"] = datetime.datetime.now()
def last_seen(self, callsign):
if self.callsign_in_watchlist(callsign):
return self.data[callsign]["last"]
def age(self, callsign):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
return str(now - self.last_seen(callsign))
def max_delta(self, seconds=None):
watch_list_conf = self.config["aprsd"]["watch_list"]
if not seconds:
seconds = watch_list_conf["alert_time_seconds"]
max_timeout = {"seconds": seconds}
return datetime.timedelta(**max_timeout)
def is_old(self, callsign, seconds=None):
"""Watch list callsign last seen is old compared to now?
This tests to see if the last time we saw a callsign packet,
if that is older than the allowed timeout in the config.
We put this here so any notification plugin can use this
same test.
age = self.age(callsign)
delta = utils.parse_delta_str(age)
d = datetime.timedelta(**delta)
max_delta = self.max_delta(seconds=seconds)
if d > max_delta:
return True
return False
class SeenList(objectstore.ObjectStoreMixin):
"""Global callsign seen list."""
_instance = None
lock = threading.Lock()
data = {}
config = None
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super().__new__(cls)
if "config" in kwargs:
cls._instance.config = kwargs["config"]
cls._instance.data = {}
return cls._instance
def update_seen(self, packet):
callsign = None
if packet.from_call:
callsign = packet.from_call
LOG.warning(f"Can't find FROM in packet {packet}")
if callsign not in self.data:
self.data[callsign] = {
"last": None,
"count": 0,
self.data[callsign]["last"] = str(datetime.datetime.now())
self.data[callsign]["count"] += 1
def get_packet_type(packet):
"""Decode the packet type from the packet."""
msg_format = packet.get("format", None)
msg_response = packet.get("response", None)
packet_type = "unknown"
if msg_format == "message" and msg_response == "ack":
packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_ACK
elif msg_format == "message":
elif msg_format == "mic-e":
packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_MICE
elif msg_format == "status":
packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_STATUS
elif packet.get("symbol", None) == "_":
packet_type = PACKET_TYPE_WX
return packet_type
def is_message_packet(packet):
return get_packet_type(packet) == PACKET_TYPE_MESSAGE
def is_ack_packet(packet):
return get_packet_type(packet) == PACKET_TYPE_ACK
def is_mice_packet(packet):
return get_packet_type(packet) == PACKET_TYPE_MICE