
191 lines
6.6 KiB

// watchlist is a dict of ham callsign => symbol, packets
var watchlist = {};
var our_callsign = "";
function aprs_img(item, x_offset, y_offset) {
var x = x_offset * -16;
if (y_offset > 5) {
y_offset = 5;
var y = y_offset * -16;
var loc = x + 'px '+ y + 'px'
item.css('background-position', loc);
function show_aprs_icon(item, symbol) {
var offset = ord(symbol) - 33;
var col = Math.floor(offset / 16);
var row = offset % 16;
//console.log("'" + symbol+"' off: "+offset+" row: "+ row + " col: " + col)
aprs_img(item, row, col);
function ord(str){return str.charCodeAt(0);}
function update_watchlist( data ) {
// Update the watch list
var watchdiv = $("#watchDiv");
var html_str = '<table class="ui celled striped table"><thead><tr><th>HAM Callsign</th><th>Age since last seen by APRSD</th></tr></thead><tbody>'
jQuery.each(data["WatchList"], function(i, val) {
html_str += '<tr><td class="collapsing"><img id="callsign_'+i+'" class="aprsd_1"></img>' + i + '</td><td>' + val["last"] + '</td></tr>'
html_str += "</tbody></table>";
jQuery.each(watchlist, function(i, val) {
//update the symbol
var call_img = $('#callsign_'+i);
show_aprs_icon(call_img, val['symbol'])
function update_watchlist_from_packet(callsign, val) {
if (!watchlist.hasOwnProperty(callsign)) {
watchlist[callsign] = {
"symbol": '[',
"packets": {},
} else {
if (val.hasOwnProperty('symbol')) {
//console.log("Updating symbol for "+callsign + " to "+val["symbol"])
watchlist[callsign]["symbol"] = val["symbol"]
if (watchlist[callsign]["packets"].hasOwnProperty(val['ts']) == false) {
watchlist[callsign]["packets"][val['ts']]= val;
function update_seenlist( data ) {
var seendiv = $("#seenDiv");
var html_str = '<table class="ui celled striped table">'
html_str += '<thead><tr><th>HAM Callsign</th><th>Age since last seen by APRSD</th>'
html_str += '<th>Number of packets RX</th></tr></thead><tbody>'
var seen_list = data["SeenList"]
var len = Object.keys(seen_list).length
jQuery.each(seen_list, function(i, val) {
html_str += '<tr><td class="collapsing">'
html_str += '<img id="callsign_'+i+'" class="aprsd_1"></img>' + i + '</td>'
html_str += '<td>' + val["last"] + '</td>'
html_str += '<td>' + val["count"] + '</td></tr>'
html_str += "</tbody></table>";
function update_plugins( data ) {
var plugindiv = $("#pluginDiv");
var html_str = '<table class="ui celled striped table"><thead><tr>'
html_str += '<th>Plugin Name</th><th>Plugin Enabled?</th>'
html_str += '<th>Processed Packets</th><th>Sent Packets</th>'
html_str += '<th>Version</th>'
html_str += '</tr></thead><tbody>'
var plugins = data["PluginManager"];
var keys = Object.keys(plugins);
for (var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) { // now lets iterate in sort order
var key = keys[i];
var val = plugins[key];
html_str += '<tr><td class="collapsing">' + key + '</td>';
html_str += '<td>' + val["enabled"] + '</td><td>' + val["rx"] + '</td>';
html_str += '<td>' + val["tx"] + '</td><td>' + val["version"] +'</td></tr>';
html_str += "</tbody></table>";
function update_packets( data ) {
var packetsdiv = $("#packetsDiv");
//nuke the contents first, then add to it.
if (size_dict(packet_list) == 0 && size_dict(data) > 0) {
jQuery.each(data, function(i, val) {
pkt = JSON.parse(val);
update_watchlist_from_packet(pkt['from_call'], pkt);
if ( packet_list.hasOwnProperty(pkt['timestamp']) == false ) {
// Store the packet
packet_list[pkt['timestamp']] = pkt;
//ts_str = val["timestamp"].toString();
//ts = ts_str.split(".")[0]*1000;
ts = pkt['timestamp'] * 1000;
var d = new Date(ts).toLocaleDateString();
var t = new Date(ts).toLocaleTimeString();
var from_call = pkt.from_call;
if (from_call == our_callsign) {
title_id = 'title_tx';
} else {
title_id = 'title_rx';
var from_to = d + " " + t + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + from_call + " > "
if (val.hasOwnProperty('addresse')) {
from_to = from_to + pkt['addresse']
} else if (pkt.hasOwnProperty('to_call')) {
from_to = from_to + pkt['to_call']
} else if (pkt.hasOwnProperty('format') && pkt['format'] == 'mic-e') {
from_to = from_to + "Mic-E"
from_to = from_to + "&nbsp;&nbsp;-&nbsp;&nbsp;" + pkt['raw']
json_pretty = Prism.highlight(JSON.stringify(pkt, null, '\t'), Prism.languages.json, 'json');
pkt_html = '<div class="title" id="' + title_id + '"><i class="dropdown icon"></i>' + from_to + '</div><div class="content"><p class="transition hidden"><pre class="language-json">' + json_pretty + '</p></p></div>'
// Update the count of messages shown
cnt = size_dict(packet_list);
//console.log("packets list " + cnt)
const html_pretty = Prism.highlight(JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t'), Prism.languages.json, 'json');
function start_update() {
(function statsworker() {
url: "/stats",
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
complete: function() {
setTimeout(statsworker, 10000);
(function packetsworker() {
url: "/packets",
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
complete: function() {
setTimeout(packetsworker, 10000);