mirror of https://github.com/craigerl/aprsd.git synced 2024-09-20 20:26:42 -04:00
2018-11-29 09:33:24 -05:00

620 lines
25 KiB

#!/usr/bin/python -u
# Listen on amateur radio aprs-is network for messages and respond to them.
# You must have an amateur radio callsign to use this software. You must
# create an ~/.aprsd/config.yml file with all of the required settings. To
# generate an example config.yml, just run aprsd, then copy the sample config
# to ~/.aprsd/config.yml and edit the settings.
# APRS messages:
# l(ocation) = descriptive location of calling station
# w(eather) = temp, (hi/low) forecast, later forecast
# t(ime) = respond with the current time
# f(ortune) = respond with a short fortune
# -email_addr email text = send an email
# -2 = display the last 2 emails received
# p(ing) = respond with Pong!/time
# anything else = respond with usage
# (C)2018 Craig Lamparter
# License GPLv2
# python included libs
import argparse
import datetime
import email
import json
import logging
import os
import pprint
import re
import signal
import smtplib
import subprocess
import sys
import telnetlib
import threading
import time
import urllib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
# external lib imports
from imapclient import IMAPClient, SEEN
# local imports here
from aprsd.fuzzyclock import fuzzy
import utils
# setup the global logger
LOG = logging.getLogger('APRSD')
# global for the config yaml
# localization, please edit:
# HOST = "noam.aprs2.net" # north america tier2 servers round robin
# USER = "KM6XXX-9" # callsign of this aprs client with SSID
# PASS = "99999" # google how to generate this
# BASECALLSIGN = "KM6XXX" # callsign of radio in the field to which we send email
# shortcuts = {
# "aa" : "5551239999@vtext.com",
# "cl" : "craiglamparter@somedomain.org",
# "wb" : "5553909472@vtext.com"
# }
# globals - tell me a better way to update data being used by threads
email_sent_dict = {} # message_number:time combos so we don't resend the same email in five mins {int:int}
ack_dict = {} # message_nubmer:ack combos so we stop sending a message after an ack from radio {int:int}
message_number = 0 # current aprs radio message number, increments for each message we send over rf {int}
# global telnet connection object
tn = None
# command line args
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
choices=['CRITICAL', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'INFO', 'DEBUG'],
help="The log level to use for aprsd.log")
help="Don't log to stdout")
args = parser.parse_args()
def setup_connection():
global tn
host = CONFIG['aprs']['host']
port = CONFIG['aprs']['port']
LOG.debug("Setting up telnet connection to '%s:%s'" % (host, port))
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port)
except Exception, e:
LOG.exception("Telnet session failed.")
def signal_handler(signal, frame):
LOG.info("Ctrl+C, exiting.")
#sys.exit(0) # thread ignores this
### end signal_handler
def parse_email(msgid, data, server):
envelope = data[b'ENVELOPE']
#print('ID:%d "%s" (%s)' % (msgid, envelope.subject.decode(), envelope.date ))
f = re.search('([\.\w_-]+@[\.\w_-]+)', str(envelope.from_[0]) ) # email address match
if f is not None:
from_addr = f.group(1)
from_addr = "noaddr"
m = server.fetch([msgid], ['RFC822'])
msg = email.message_from_string(m[msgid]['RFC822'])
if msg.is_multipart():
text = ""
html = None
body = "* unreadable msg received" # default in case body somehow isn't set below - happened once
for part in msg.get_payload():
if part.get_content_charset() is None:
# We cannot know the character set, so return decoded "something"
text = part.get_payload(decode=True)
charset = part.get_content_charset()
if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
text = unicode(part.get_payload(decode=True), str(charset), "ignore").encode('utf8', 'replace')
if part.get_content_type() == 'text/html':
html = unicode(part.get_payload(decode=True), str(charset), "ignore").encode('utf8', 'replace')
if text is not None:
body = text.strip() # strip removes white space fore and aft of string
body = html.strip()
text = unicode(msg.get_payload(decode=True), msg.get_content_charset(), 'ignore').encode('utf8', 'replace')
body = text.strip()
body = re.sub('<[^<]+?>', '', body) # strip all html tags
body = body.replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", " ") # strip CR/LF, make it one line, .rstrip fails at this
return(body, from_addr)
## end parse_email
def resend_email(count):
date = datetime.datetime.now()
month = date.strftime("%B")[:3] # Nov, Mar, Apr
day = date.day
year = date.year
today = str(day) + "-" + month + "-" + str(year)
shortcuts = CONFIG['shortcuts']
shortcuts_inverted = dict([[v,k] for k,v in shortcuts.items()]) # swap key/value
LOG.debug("resend_email: Connect to IMAP host '%s' with user '%s'" %
server = IMAPClient(CONFIG['imap']['host'], use_uid=True)
server.login(CONFIG['imap']['login'], CONFIG['imap']['password'])
# select_info = server.select_folder('INBOX')
messages = server.search(['SINCE', today])
LOG.debug("%d messages received today" % len(messages))
msgexists = False
del messages[int(count):] # only the latest "count" messages
for message in messages:
for msgid, data in list(server.fetch(message, ['ENVELOPE']).items()): # one at a time, otherwise order is random
(body, from_addr) = parse_email(msgid, data, server)
server.remove_flags(msgid, [SEEN]) # unset seen flag, will stay bold in email client
if from_addr in shortcuts_inverted: # reverse lookup of a shortcut
from_addr = shortcuts_inverted[from_addr]
reply = "-" + from_addr + " * " + body # asterisk indicates a resend
send_message(fromcall, reply)
msgexists = True
if msgexists is not True:
stm = time.localtime()
h = stm.tm_hour
m = stm.tm_min
s = stm.tm_sec
# append time as a kind of serial number to prevent FT1XDR from thinking this is a duplicate message.
# The FT1XDR pretty much ignores the aprs message number in this regard. The FTM400 gets it right.
reply = "No new msg " + str(h).zfill(2) + ":" + str(m).zfill(2) + ":" + str(s).zfill(2)
send_message(fromcall, reply)
### end resend_email()
def check_email_thread():
# print "Email thread disabled."
# return
LOG.debug("Starting Email thread")
threading.Timer(55, check_email_thread).start() # how do we skip first run?
shortcuts = CONFIG['shortcuts']
shortcuts_inverted = dict([[v,k] for k,v in shortcuts.items()]) # swap key/value
date = datetime.datetime.now()
month = date.strftime("%B")[:3] # Nov, Mar, Apr
day = date.day
year = date.year
today = str(day) + "-" + month + "-" + str(year)
LOG.debug("Connect to IMAP host '%s' with user '%s'" %
server = IMAPClient(CONFIG['imap']['host'], use_uid=True, timeout=5)
server.login(CONFIG['imap']['login'], CONFIG['imap']['password'])
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Failed to login with IMAP server")
# select_info = server.select_folder('INBOX')
messages = server.search(['SINCE', today])
LOG.debug("%d messages received today" % len(messages))
for msgid, data in server.fetch(messages, ['ENVELOPE']).items():
envelope = data[b'ENVELOPE']
LOG.debug('ID:%d "%s" (%s)' %
(msgid, envelope.subject.decode(), envelope.date))
f = re.search('([[A-a][0-9]_-]+@[[A-a][0-9]_-\.]+)',
str(envelope.from_[0]) )
if f is not None:
from_addr = f.group(1)
from_addr = "noaddr"
if "APRS" not in server.get_flags(msgid)[msgid]: #if msg not flagged as sent via aprs
m = server.fetch([msgid], ['RFC822'])
(body, from_addr) = parse_email(msgid, data, server)
server.remove_flags(msgid, [SEEN]) # unset seen flag, will stay bold in email client
if from_addr in shortcuts_inverted: # reverse lookup of a shortcut
from_addr = shortcuts_inverted[from_addr]
reply = "-" + from_addr + " " + body
#print "Sending message via aprs: " + reply
send_message(CONFIG['ham']['callsign'], reply) #radio
server.add_flags(msgid, ['APRS']) #flag message as sent via aprs
server.remove_flags(msgid, [SEEN]) #unset seen flag, will stay bold in email client
### end check_email()
def send_ack_thread(tocall, ack, retry_count):
tocall = tocall.ljust(9) # pad to nine chars
line = CONFIG['aprs']['login'] + ">APRS::" + tocall + ":ack" + str(ack) + "\n"
for i in range(retry_count, 0, -1):
LOG.info("Sending ack __________________ Tx(" + str(i) + ")")
LOG.info("Raw : " + line)
LOG.info("To : " + tocall)
LOG.info("Ack number : " + str(ack))
time.sleep(31) # aprs duplicate detection is 30 secs? (21 only sends first, 28 skips middle)
### end_send_ack_thread
def send_ack(tocall, ack):
retry_count = 3
thread = threading.Thread(target = send_ack_thread, args = (tocall, ack, retry_count))
### end send_ack()
def send_message_thread(tocall, message, this_message_number, retry_count):
global ack_dict
line = (CONFIG['aprs']['login'] + ">APRS::" + tocall + ":" + message +
"{" + str(this_message_number) + "\n")
for i in range(retry_count, 0, -1):
LOG.debug("DEBUG: send_message_thread msg:ack combos are: ")
if ack_dict[this_message_number] != 1:
LOG.info("Sending message_______________ " +
str(this_message_number) + "(Tx" + str(i) + ")")
LOG.info("Raw : " + line)
LOG.info("To : " + tocall)
LOG.info("Message : " + message)
sleeptime = (retry_count - i + 1) * 31 # decaying repeats, 31 to 93 second intervals
### end send_message_thread
def send_message(tocall, message):
global message_number
global ack_dict
retry_count = 3
if message_number > 98: # global
message_number = 0
message_number += 1
if len(ack_dict) > 90: # empty ack dict if it's really big, could result in key error later
LOG.debug("DEBUG: Length of ack dictionary is big at " + str(len(ack_dict)) + " clearing.")
LOG.debug("DEBUG: Cleared ack dictionary, ack_dict length is now " + str(len(ack_dict)) + ".")
ack_dict[message_number] = 0 # clear ack for this message number
tocall = tocall.ljust(9) # pad to nine chars
message = message[:67] # max? ftm400 displays 64, raw msg shows 74
# and ftm400-send is max 64. setting this to
# 67 displays 64 on the ftm400. (+3 {01 suffix)
# feature req: break long ones into two msgs
thread = threading.Thread(
target = send_message_thread,
args = (tocall, message, message_number, retry_count))
### end send_message()
def process_message(line):
f = re.search('^(.*)>', line)
fromcall = f.group(1)
searchstring = '::' + CONFIG['aprs']['login'] + '[ ]*:(.*)' # verify this, callsign is padded out with spaces to colon
m = re.search(searchstring, line)
fullmessage = m.group(1)
ack_attached = re.search('(.*){([0-9A-Z]+)', fullmessage) # ack formats include: {1, {AB}, {12
if ack_attached: # "{##" suffix means radio wants an ack back
message = ack_attached.group(1) # message content
ack_num = ack_attached.group(2) # suffix number to use in ack
message = fullmessage
ack_num = "0" # ack not requested, but lets send one as 0
LOG.info("Received message______________")
LOG.info("Raw : " + line)
LOG.info("From : " + fromcall)
LOG.info("Message : " + message)
LOG.info("Msg number : " + str(ack_num))
return (fromcall, message, ack_num)
### end process_message()
def send_email(to_addr, content):
LOG.info("Sending Email_________________")
shortcuts = CONFIG['shortcuts']
if to_addr in shortcuts:
LOG.info("To : " + to_addr)
to_addr = shortcuts[to_addr]
LOG.info(" (" + to_addr + ")")
subject = CONFIG['ham']['callsign']
# content = content + "\n\n(NOTE: reply with one line)"
LOG.info("Subject : " + subject)
LOG.info("Body : " + content)
msg = MIMEText(content)
msg['Subject'] = subject
msg['From'] = "KM6XXX@yourdomain.org"
msg['To'] = to_addr
s = smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.yourdomain.com', 465)
s.login("KM6XXX@yourdomain.org", "yourpassword")
s.sendmail("KM6XXX@yourdomain.org", [to_addr], msg.as_string())
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Sendmail Error!!!!!!!!!")
### end send_email
# Setup the logging faciility
# to disable logging to stdout, but still log to file
# use the --quiet option on the cmdln
def setup_logging(args):
global LOG
levels = {
'ERROR': logging.ERROR,
'INFO': logging.INFO,
'DEBUG': logging.DEBUG}
log_level = levels[args.loglevel]
log_format = ("%(asctime)s [%(threadName)-12.12s] [%(levelname)-5.5s]"
" %(message)s")
date_format = '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'
log_formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=log_format,
fh = RotatingFileHandler('aprsd.log',
if not args.quiet:
sh = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
# This method tries to parse the config yaml file
# and consume the settings.
# If the required params don't exist,
# it will look in the environment
def parse_config(args):
# for now we still use globals....ugh
global CONFIG, LOG
def fail(msg):
def check_option(config, section, name=None):
if section in config:
if name and name not in config[section]:
fail("'%s' was not in '%s' section of config file" %
(name, section))
fail("'%s' section wasn't in config file" % section)
# Now read the ~/.aprds/config.yml
config = utils.get_config()
check_option(config, 'shortcuts')
check_option(config, 'ham', 'callsign')
check_option(config, 'aprs', 'login')
check_option(config, 'aprs', 'password')
check_option(config, 'aprs', 'host')
check_option(config, 'aprs', 'port')
check_option(config, 'imap', 'host')
check_option(config, 'imap', 'login')
check_option(config, 'imap', 'password')
CONFIG = config
LOG.info("aprsd config loaded")
### main() ###
def main(args=args):
LOG.info("APRSD Started")
LOG.debug("Signal handler setup")
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
user = CONFIG['aprs']['login']
password = CONFIG['aprs']['password']
LOG.info("LOGIN to APRSD with user '%s'" % user)
tn.write("user %s pass %s vers aprsd 0.99\n" % (user, password) )
check_email_thread() # start email reader thread
LOG.info("Start main loop")
while True:
line = ""
for char in tn.read_until("\n",100):
line = line + char
line = line.replace('\n', '')
searchstring = '::' + user
# is aprs message to us, not beacon, status, etc
if re.search(searchstring, line):
(fromcall, message, ack) = process_message(line)
message = "noise"
# ACK (ack##)
if re.search('^ack[0-9]+', message):
# put message_number:1 in dict to record the ack
a = re.search('^ack([0-9]+)', message)
# EMAIL (-)
elif re.search('^-.*', message): # is email command
searchstring = '^' + CONFIG['ham']['callsign'] + '.*'
if re.search(searchstring, fromcall): # only I can do email
r = re.search('^-([0-9])[0-9]*$', message) # digits only, first one is number of emails to resend
if r is not None:
elif re.search('^-([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.@]+) (.*)', message): # -user@address.com body of email
a = re.search('^-([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.@]+) (.*)', message) # (same search again)
if a is not None:
to_addr = a.group(1)
content = a.group(2)
if content == 'mapme': # send recipient link to aprs.fi map
content = "Click for my location: http://aprs.fi/" + CONFIG['ham']['callsign']
too_soon = 0
now = time.time()
if ack in email_sent_dict: # see if we sent this msg number recently
timedelta = now - email_sent_dict[ack]
if ( timedelta < 300 ): # five minutes
too_soon = 1
if not too_soon or ack == 0:
send_result = send_email(to_addr, content)
if send_result != 0:
send_message(fromcall, "-" + to_addr + " failed")
#send_message(fromcall, "-" + to_addr + " sent")
if len(email_sent_dict) > 98: # clear email sent dictionary if somehow goes over 100
LOG.debug("DEBUG: email_sent_dict is big (" + str(len(email_sent_dict)) + ") clearing out.")
email_sent_dict[ack] = now
LOG.info("Email for message number " + ack + " recently sent, not sending again.")
send_message(fromcall, "Bad email address")
# TIME (t)
elif re.search('^t', message):
stm = time.localtime()
h = stm.tm_hour
m = stm.tm_min
cur_time = fuzzy(h, m, 1)
reply = cur_time + " (" + str(h) + ":" + str(m).rjust(2, '0') + "PDT)" + " (" + message.rstrip() + ")"
thread = threading.Thread(target = send_message, args = (fromcall, reply))
elif re.search('^f', message):
process = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/games/fortune', '-s', '-n 60'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
reply = process.communicate()[0]
send_message(fromcall, reply.rstrip())
# PING (p)
elif re.search('^p', message):
stm = time.localtime()
h = stm.tm_hour
m = stm.tm_min
s = stm.tm_sec
reply = "Pong! " + str(h).zfill(2) + ":" + str(m).zfill(2) + ":" + str(s).zfill(2)
send_message(fromcall, reply.rstrip())
# LOCATION (l) "8 Miles E Auburn CA 1771' 38.91547,-120.99500 0.1h ago"
elif re.search('^l', message):
# get my last location, get descriptive name from weather service
url = "http://api.aprs.fi/api/get?name=" + fromcall + "&what=loc&apikey=104070.f9lE8qg34L8MZF&format=json"
response = urllib.urlopen(url)
aprs_data = json.loads(response.read())
lat = aprs_data['entries'][0]['lat']
lon = aprs_data['entries'][0]['lng']
try: # altitude not always provided
alt = aprs_data['entries'][0]['altitude']
alt = 0
altfeet = int(alt * 3.28084)
aprs_lasttime_seconds = aprs_data['entries'][0]['lasttime']
aprs_lasttime_seconds = aprs_lasttime_seconds.encode('ascii',errors='ignore') #unicode to ascii
delta_seconds = time.time() - int(aprs_lasttime_seconds)
delta_hours = delta_seconds / 60 / 60
url2 = "https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=" + str(lat) + "&lon=" + str(lon) + "&FcstType=json"
response2 = urllib.urlopen(url2)
wx_data = json.loads(response2.read())
reply = wx_data['location']['areaDescription'] + " " + str(altfeet) + "' " + str(lat) + "," + str(lon) + " " + str("%.1f" % round(delta_hours,1)) + "h ago"
reply = reply.encode('ascii',errors='ignore') # unicode to ascii
send_message(fromcall, reply.rstrip())
reply = "Unable to find you (send beacon?)"
send_message(fromcall, reply.rstrip())
# WEATHER (w) "42F(68F/48F) Haze. Tonight, Haze then Chance Rain."
elif re.search('^w', message):
# get my last location from aprsis then get weather from weather service
url = "http://api.aprs.fi/api/get?name=" + fromcall + "&what=loc&apikey=104070.f9lE8qg34L8MZF&format=json"
response = urllib.urlopen(url)
aprs_data = json.loads(response.read())
lat = aprs_data['entries'][0]['lat']
lon = aprs_data['entries'][0]['lng']
url2 = "https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=" + str(lat) + "&lon=" + str(lon) + "&FcstType=json"
response2 = urllib.urlopen(url2)
wx_data = json.loads(response2.read())
reply = wx_data['currentobservation']['Temp'] + "F(" + wx_data['data']['temperature'][0] + "F/" + wx_data['data']['temperature'][1] + "F) " + wx_data['data']['weather'][0] + ". " + wx_data['time']['startPeriodName'][1] + ", " + wx_data['data']['weather'][1] + "."
reply = reply.encode('ascii',errors='ignore') # unicode to ascii
send_message(fromcall, reply.rstrip())
reply = "Unable to find you (send beacon?)"
send_message(fromcall, reply)
reply = "usage: time, fortune, loc, weath, -emailaddr emailbody, -#(resend)"
send_message(fromcall, reply)
time.sleep(1) # let any threads do their thing, then ack
send_ack(fromcall, ack) # send an ack last
except Exception, e:
LOG.error("Error in mainline loop:")
LOG.error("%s" % str(e))
#sys.exit(1) # merely a suggestion
# end while True
if __name__ == "__main__":