0x5c 29d0440d3d
Normalised string quote type
- "" instead of '', except for dictionary lookups in f-strings

Element of #142
New year lint removal
2020-01-30 06:15:42 -05:00

15 lines
637 B

A listing of NATO Phonetics
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Abigail Gold, 0x5c
This file is part of discord-qrmbot and is released under the terms of the GNU
General Public License, version 2.
phonetics = {"a": "alfa", "b": "bravo", "c": "charlie", "d": "delta", "e": "echo", "f": "foxtrot",
"g": "golf", "h": "hotel", "i": "india", "j": "juliett", "k": "kilo", "l": "lima",
"m": "mike", "n": "november", "o": "oscar", "p": "papa", "q": "quebec", "r": "romeo",
"s": "sierra", "t": "tango", "u": "uniform", "v": "victor", "w": "whiskey", "x": "x-ray",
"y": "yankee", "z": "zulu"}