2020-01-20 20:52:22 -05:00

228 lines
8.5 KiB

Base extension for qrm
Copyright (C) 2019 Abigail Gold, 0x5c
This file is part of discord-qrm2 and is released under the terms of the GNU
General Public License, version 2.
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
import random
import discord
import discord.ext.commands as commands
import info
import data.options as opt
import common as cmn
class QrmHelpCommand(commands.HelpCommand):
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(command_attrs={'help': 'Shows help about qrm or a command', 'aliases': ['h']})
def get_bot_mapping(self):
bot = self.context.bot
mapping = {}
for cmd in bot.commands:
cat = cmd.__original_kwargs__.get('category', None)
if cat in mapping:
mapping[cat] = [cmd]
return mapping
def get_command_signature(self, command):
parent = command.full_parent_name
if command.aliases != []:
aliases = ', '.join(command.aliases)
fmt = command.name
if parent:
fmt = f'{parent} {fmt}'
alias = fmt
return f'{opt.prefix}{alias} {command.signature}\n *Aliases:* {aliases}'
alias = command.name if not parent else f'{parent} {command.name}'
return f'{opt.prefix}{alias} {command.signature}'
async def send_error_message(self, error):
embed = cmn.embed_factory(self.context)
embed.title = 'qrm Help Error'
embed.description = error
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
await self.context.send(embed=embed)
async def send_bot_help(self, mapping):
embed = cmn.embed_factory(self.context)
embed.title = 'qrm Help'
embed.description = (f'For command-specific help and usage, use `{opt.prefix}help [command name]`'
'. Many commands have shorter aliases.')
for cat, cmds in mapping.items():
if self.context.author.id not in opt.owners_uids:
cmds = list(filter(lambda x: not x.hidden, cmds))
if cmds == []:
names = sorted([cmd.name for cmd in cmds])
if cat is not None:
embed.add_field(name=cat.title(), value=', '.join(names), inline=False)
embed.add_field(name='Other', value=', '.join(names), inline=False)
await self.context.send(embed=embed)
async def send_command_help(self, command):
if not command.hidden or self.context.author.id in opt.owners_uids:
embed = cmn.embed_factory(self.context)
embed.title = self.get_command_signature(command)
embed.description = command.help
await self.context.send(embed=embed)
await cmn.add_react(self.context, cmn.no_entry)
async def send_group_help(self, group):
if not group.hidden or self.context.author.id in opt.owners_uids:
embed = cmn.embed_factory(self.context)
embed.title = self.get_command_signature(group)
embed.description = group.help
for cmd in group.commands:
if not cmd.hidden or self.context.author.id in opt.owners_uids:
embed.add_field(name=self.get_command_signature(cmd), value=cmd.help, inline=False)
await self.context.send(embed=embed)
class BaseCog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
self.bot = bot
self.changelog = parse_changelog()
@commands.command(name="info", aliases=["about"])
async def _info(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Shows info about qrm."""
embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx)
embed.title = "About qrm"
embed.description = info.description
embed.add_field(name="Authors", value=", ".join(info.authors))
embed.add_field(name="License", value=info.license)
embed.add_field(name="Version", value=f'v{info.release}')
embed.add_field(name="Contributing", value=info.contributing, inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Official Server", value=info.bot_server, inline=False)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@commands.command(name="ping", aliases=['beep'])
async def _ping(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Show the current latency to the discord endpoint."""
embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx)
content = ''
if ctx.invoked_with == "beep":
embed.title = "**Boop!**"
content = ctx.message.author.mention if random.random() < 0.05 else ''
embed.title = "🏓 **Pong!**"
embed.description = f'Current ping is {self.bot.latency*1000:.1f} ms'
await ctx.send(content, embed=embed)
@commands.command(name="changelog", aliases=["clog"])
async def _changelog(self, ctx: commands.Context, version: str = 'latest'):
"""Show what has changed in a bot version."""
embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx)
embed.title = "qrm Changelog"
embed.description = ("For a full listing, visit [Github](https://"
changelog = self.changelog
vers = list(changelog.keys())
version = version.lower()
if version == 'latest':
version = info.release
if version == 'unreleased':
version = 'Unreleased'
log = changelog[version]
except KeyError:
embed.title += ": Version Not Found"
embed.description += '\n\n**Valid versions:** latest, '
embed.description += ', '.join(vers)
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
if 'date' in log:
embed.description += f'\n\n**v{version}** ({log["date"]})'
embed.description += f'\n\n**v{version}**'
embed = await format_changelog(log, embed)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
async def _issue(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Shows how to create an issue for the bot."""
embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx)
embed.title = "Found a bug? Have a feature request?"
embed.description = ("Submit an issue on the [issue tracker]"
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
@commands.command(name="bruce", hidden=True)
async def _b_issue(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Shows how to create an issue for the bot."""
await ctx.invoke(self._issue)
@commands.command(name="echo", aliases=["e"], hidden=True)
async def _echo(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: commands.TextChannelConverter, *, msg: str):
"""Send a message in a channel as qrm. Only works within a server or DM to server, not between servers."""
await channel.send(msg)
def parse_changelog():
changelog = OrderedDict()
ver = ''
heading = ''
with open('CHANGELOG.md') as changelog_file:
for line in changelog_file.readlines():
if line.strip() == '':
if re.match(r'##[^#]', line):
ver_match = re.match(r'\[(.+)\](?: - )?(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})?', line.lstrip('#').strip())
if ver_match is not None:
ver = ver_match.group(1)
changelog[ver] = dict()
if ver_match.group(2):
changelog[ver]['date'] = ver_match.group(2)
elif re.match(r'###[^#]', line):
heading = line.lstrip('#').strip()
changelog[ver][heading] = []
elif ver != '' and heading != '':
if line.startswith('-'):
return changelog
async def format_changelog(log: dict, embed: discord.Embed):
for header, lines in log.items():
formatted = ''
if header != 'date':
for line in lines:
formatted += f'- {line}\n'
embed.add_field(name=f'**{header}**', value=formatted, inline=False)
return embed
def setup(bot: commands.Bot):
bot._original_help_command = bot.help_command
bot.help_command = QrmHelpCommand()
def teardown(bot: commands.Bot):
bot.help_command = bot._original_help_command