2021-06-26 20:23:55 -04:00

231 lines
11 KiB

Study extension for qrm
Copyright (C) 2019-2021 classabbyamp, 0x5c
SPDX-License-Identifier: LiLiQ-Rplus-1.1
import random
import json
from datetime import datetime
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import discord.ext.commands as commands
import common as cmn
from resources import study
class StudyCog(commands.Cog):
choices = {"A": cmn.emojis.a, "B": cmn.emojis.b, "C": cmn.emojis.c, "D": cmn.emojis.d, "E": cmn.emojis.e}
choices_inv = {y: x for x, y in choices.items()}
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
self.bot = bot
self.lastq = dict()
self.source = "Data courtesy of [HamStudy.org](https://hamstudy.org/)"
self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=bot.qrm.connector)
@commands.command(name="hamstudy", aliases=["rq", "randomquestion", "randomq"], category=cmn.Cats.STUDY)
async def _random_question(self, ctx: commands.Context, country: str = "", level: str = "", element: str = ""):
"""Gets a random question from [HamStudy's](https://hamstudy.org) question pools."""
with ctx.typing():
embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx)
country = country.lower()
level = level.lower()
element = element.upper()
if country in study.pool_names.keys():
if level in study.pool_names[country].keys():
pool_name = study.pool_names[country][level]
elif level in ("random", "r"):
# select a random level in that country
pool_name = random.choice(list(study.pool_names[country].values()))
# show list of possible pools
embed.title = "Pool Not Found!"
embed.description = "Possible arguments are:"
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
for cty in study.pool_names:
levels = "`, `".join(study.pool_names[cty].keys())
embed.add_field(name=f"**Country: `{cty}` {study.pool_emojis[cty]}**",
value=f"Levels: `{levels}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="**Random**", value="To select a random pool or country, use `random` or `r`")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
elif country in ("random", "r"):
# select a random country and level
country = random.choice(list(study.pool_names.keys()))
pool_name = random.choice(list(study.pool_names[country].values()))
# show list of possible pools
embed.title = "Pool Not Found!"
embed.description = "Possible arguments are:"
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
for cty in study.pool_names:
levels = "`, `".join(study.pool_names[cty].keys())
embed.add_field(name=f"**Country: `{cty}` {study.pool_emojis[cty]}**",
value=f"Levels: `{levels}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="**Random**", value="To select a random pool or country, use `random` or `r`")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
pools = await self.hamstudy_get_pools()
pool_matches = [p for p in pools.keys() if "_".join(p.split("_")[:-1]) == pool_name]
if len(pool_matches) > 0:
if len(pool_matches) == 1:
pool = pool_matches[0]
# look at valid_from and expires dates to find the correct one
for p in pool_matches:
valid_from = datetime.fromisoformat(pools[p]["valid_from"][:-1])
expires = datetime.fromisoformat(pools[p]["expires"][:-1])
if valid_from < datetime.utcnow() < expires:
pool = p
# show list of possible pools
embed.title = "Pool Not Found!"
embed.description = "Possible arguments are:"
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
for cty in study.pool_names:
levels = "`, `".join(study.pool_names[cty].keys())
embed.add_field(name=f"**Country: `{cty}` {study.pool_emojis[cty]}**",
value=f"Levels: `{levels}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="**Random**", value="To select a random pool or country, use `random` or `r`")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
pool_meta = pools[pool]
async with self.session.get(f"https://hamstudy.org/pools/{pool}") as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
raise cmn.BotHTTPError(resp)
pool = json.loads(await resp.read())["pool"]
# Select a question
if element:
els = [el["id"] for el in pool]
if element in els:
pool_section = pool[els.index(element)]["sections"]
embed.title = "Element Not Found!"
embed.description = f"Possible Elements for Country `{country}` and Level `{level}` are:"
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
embed.description += "\n\n" + "`" + "`, `".join(els) + "`"
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
pool_section = random.choice(pool)["sections"]
pool_questions = random.choice(pool_section)["questions"]
question = random.choice(pool_questions)
answers = question['answers']
answers_str = ""
answers_str_bolded = ""
for letter, ans in answers.items():
answers_str += f"{self.choices[letter]} {ans}\n"
if letter == question["answer"]:
answers_str_bolded += f"{self.choices[letter]} **{ans}**\n"
answers_str_bolded += f"{self.choices[letter]} {ans}\n"
embed.title = f"{study.pool_emojis[country]} {pool_meta['class']} {question['id']}"
embed.description = self.source
embed.add_field(name="Question", value=question["text"], inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Answers", value=answers_str, inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="To Answer",
value=("Answer with reactions below. If not answered within 5 minutes,"
" the answer will be revealed."),
if "image" in question:
image_url = f"https://hamstudy.org/images/{pool_meta['year']}/{question['image']}"
q_msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed)
for i in range(len(answers)):
await cmn.add_react(q_msg, list(self.choices.values())[i])
await cmn.add_react(q_msg, cmn.emojis.question)
def check(reaction, user):
return (user.id != self.bot.user.id
and reaction.message.id == q_msg.id
and (str(reaction.emoji) in self.choices.values() or str(reaction.emoji) == cmn.emojis.question))
reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout=300.0, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
embed.set_field_at(1, name="Answers", value=answers_str_bolded, inline=False)
embed.set_field_at(2, name="Answer",
value=(f"{cmn.emojis.stopwatch} "
f"**Timed out!** The correct answer was {self.choices[question['answer']]}"))
embed.colour = cmn.colours.timeout
await q_msg.edit(embed=embed)
if str(reaction.emoji) == cmn.emojis.question:
embed.set_field_at(1, name="Answers", value=answers_str_bolded, inline=False)
embed.set_field_at(2, name="Answer",
value=f"The correct answer was {self.choices[question['answer']]}", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Answer Requested By", value=str(user), inline=False)
embed.colour = cmn.colours.timeout
await q_msg.edit(embed=embed)
answers_str_checked = ""
chosen_ans = self.choices_inv[str(reaction.emoji)]
for letter, ans in answers.items():
answers_str_checked += f"{self.choices[letter]}"
if letter == question["answer"] == chosen_ans:
answers_str_checked += f"{cmn.emojis.check_mark} **{ans}**\n"
elif letter == question["answer"]:
answers_str_checked += f" **{ans}**\n"
elif letter == chosen_ans:
answers_str_checked += f"{cmn.emojis.x} {ans}\n"
answers_str_checked += f" {ans}\n"
if self.choices[question["answer"]] == str(reaction.emoji):
embed.set_field_at(1, name="Answers", value=answers_str_checked, inline=False)
embed.set_field_at(2, name="Answer", value=(f"{cmn.emojis.check_mark} "
f"**Correct!** The answer was {reaction.emoji}"))
embed.add_field(name="Answered By", value=str(user), inline=False)
embed.colour = cmn.colours.good
await q_msg.edit(embed=embed)
embed.set_field_at(1, name="Answers", value=answers_str_checked, inline=False)
embed.set_field_at(2, name="Answer",
value=(f"{cmn.emojis.x} **Incorrect!** The correct answer was "
f"{self.choices[question['answer']]}, not {reaction.emoji}"))
embed.add_field(name="Answered By", value=str(user), inline=False)
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
await q_msg.edit(embed=embed)
async def hamstudy_get_pools(self):
async with self.session.get("https://hamstudy.org/pools/") as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
raise cmn.BotHTTPError(resp)
pools_dict = json.loads(await resp.read())
pools = dict()
for ls in pools_dict.values():
for pool in ls:
pools[pool["id"]] = pool
return pools
def setup(bot: commands.Bot):