
46 lines
1.9 KiB

# #
# ¡ This is a template ! #
# #
# Make sure to edit it with your preferred settings! #
# And to place it in the /data #
# subdirectory of the bot, #
# without the 'template_' part of the name #
# #
Settings and options for the bot.
# The prefix for the bot (str). Define a list of stings for multiple prefixes.
# ie: `["?", "!", "pls "]`
prefix = "?"
# Whether the bot should print full stacktraces for normal exceptions: `True`,
# or be nice and only print small messages: `False` (the default).
debug = False
# A tuple of user IDs that should be considered "bot owners".
# * Those users will have full control over the bot.
# ! This MUST be a tuple of integers. Single element tuple: `(123,)`
owners_uids = (200102491231092736,)
# The extensions to load when running the bot.
exts = ['ae7q', 'base', 'fun', 'grid', 'ham', 'image', 'lookup', 'morse', 'qrz', 'study', 'weather']
# Timezone for the status (string)
status_tz = 'US/Eastern'
# The text to put in the "playing" status, with start and stop times
statuses = [('with lids on 3.840', (00,00), (6,00)),
('with lids on 7.200', (6,00), (10,00)),
('with lids on 14.313', (10,00), (18,00)),
('with lids on 7.200', (18,00), (20,00)),
('with lids on 3.840', (20,00), (23,59))]
# The text to put in the "playing" status otherwise
status_default = 'with lids on the air'
# Emoji IDs and keywords for emoji reactions
# Use the format {emoji_id (int): ('tuple', 'of', 'lowercase', 'keywords')}
msg_reacts = {}