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2020-01-31 06:50:50 -05:00

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Study extension for qrm
Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Abigail Gold, 0x5c
This file is part of discord-qrm2 and is released under the terms of
the GNU General Public License, version 2.
import random
import json
from datetime import datetime
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import discord.ext.commands as commands
import common as cmn
from resources import study
class StudyCog(commands.Cog):
choices = {cmn.emojis.a: "A", cmn.emojis.b: "B", cmn.emojis.c: "C", cmn.emojis.d: "D"}
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
self.bot = bot
self.lastq = dict()
self.source = "Data courtesy of [HamStudy.org](https://hamstudy.org/)"
self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(connector=bot.qrm.connector)
@commands.command(name="hamstudy", aliases=["rq", "randomquestion", "randomq"], category=cmn.cat.study)
async def _random_question(self, ctx: commands.Context, country: str = "", level: str = ""):
"""Gets a random question from [HamStudy's](https://hamstudy.org) question pools."""
with ctx.typing():
embed = cmn.embed_factory(ctx)
country = country.lower()
level = level.lower()
if country in study.pool_names.keys():
if level in study.pool_names[country].keys():
pool_name = study.pool_names[country][level]
elif level in ("random", "r"):
# select a random level in that country
pool_name = random.choice(list(study.pool_names[country].values()))
# show list of possible pools
embed.title = "Pool Not Found!"
embed.description = "Possible arguments are:"
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
for cty in study.pool_names:
levels = "`, `".join(study.pool_names[cty].keys())
embed.add_field(name=f"**Country: `{cty}` {study.pool_emojis[cty]}**",
value=f"Levels: `{levels}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="**Random**", value="To select a random pool or country, use `random` or `r`")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
elif country in ("random", "r"):
# select a random country and level
country = random.choice(list(study.pool_names.keys()))
pool_name = random.choice(list(study.pool_names[country].values()))
# show list of possible pools
embed.title = "Pool Not Found!"
embed.description = "Possible arguments are:"
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
for cty in study.pool_names:
levels = "`, `".join(study.pool_names[cty].keys())
embed.add_field(name=f"**Country: `{cty}` {study.pool_emojis[cty]}**",
value=f"Levels: `{levels}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="**Random**", value="To select a random pool or country, use `random` or `r`")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
pools = await self.hamstudy_get_pools()
pool_matches = [p for p in pools.keys() if "_".join(p.split("_")[:-1]) == pool_name]
if len(pool_matches) > 0:
if len(pool_matches) == 1:
pool = pool_matches[0]
# look at valid_from and expires dates to find the correct one
for p in pool_matches:
valid_from = datetime.fromisoformat(pools[p]["valid_from"][:-1] + "+00:00")
expires = datetime.fromisoformat(pools[p]["expires"][:-1] + "+00:00")
if valid_from < datetime.utcnow() < expires:
pool = p
# show list of possible pools
embed.title = "Pool Not Found!"
embed.description = "Possible arguments are:"
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
for cty in study.pool_names:
levels = "`, `".join(study.pool_names[cty].keys())
embed.add_field(name=f"**Country: `{cty}` {study.pool_emojis[cty]}**",
value=f"Levels: `{levels}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="**Random**", value="To select a random pool or country, use `random` or `r`")
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
pool_meta = pools[pool]
async with self.session.get(f"https://hamstudy.org/pools/{pool}") as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
raise cmn.BotHTTPError(resp)
pool = json.loads(await resp.read())["pool"]
# Select a question
pool_section = random.choice(pool)["sections"]
pool_questions = random.choice(pool_section)["questions"]
question = random.choice(pool_questions)
embed.title = f"{study.pool_emojis[country]} {pool_meta['class']} {question['id']}"
embed.description = self.source
embed.add_field(name="Question:", value=question["text"], inline=False)
value=(f"**{cmn.emojis.a}** {question['answers']['A']}"
f"\n**{cmn.emojis.b}** {question['answers']['B']}"
f"\n**{cmn.emojis.c}** {question['answers']['C']}"
f"\n**{cmn.emojis.d}** {question['answers']['D']}"),
embed.add_field(name="To Answer:",
value=("Answer with reactions below. If not answered within 10 minutes,"
" the answer will be revealed."),
if "image" in question:
image_url = f"https://hamstudy.org/_1330011/images/{pool.split('_',1)[1]}/{question['image']}"
q_msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed)
await cmn.add_react(q_msg, cmn.emojis.a)
await cmn.add_react(q_msg, cmn.emojis.b)
await cmn.add_react(q_msg, cmn.emojis.c)
await cmn.add_react(q_msg, cmn.emojis.d)
def check(reaction, user):
return (user.id != self.bot.user.id
and reaction.message.id == q_msg.id
and str(reaction.emoji) in self.choices.keys())
reaction, user = await self.bot.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout=600.0, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
embed.add_field(name="Answer:", value=f"Timed out! The correct answer was **{question['answer']}**.")
await q_msg.edit(embed=embed)
if self.choices[str(reaction.emoji)] == question["answer"]:
embed.add_field(name="Answer:", value=f"Correct! The answer was **{question['answer']}**.")
embed.colour = cmn.colours.good
await q_msg.edit(embed=embed)
embed.add_field(name="Answer:", value=f"Incorrect! The correct answer was **{question['answer']}**.")
embed.colour = cmn.colours.bad
await q_msg.edit(embed=embed)
async def hamstudy_get_pools(self):
async with self.session.get("https://hamstudy.org/pools/") as resp:
if resp.status != 200:
raise cmn.BotHTTPError(resp)
pools_dict = json.loads(await resp.read())
pools = dict()
for ls in pools_dict.values():
for pool in ls:
pools[pool["id"]] = pool
return pools
def setup(bot: commands.Bot):