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2021-03-09 18:14:34 -05:00
# radioconda
![Build radioconda](
This repository holds cross-platform installers for a collection of **software radio** packages bundled with the [conda]( package manager. These installers will get you started with an environment that includes the packages listed [here]( Once installed, you will have a fully functional conda distribution, meaning that you can install additional packages (if available through [conda-forge]( or upgrade to the latest versions using `conda` or `mamba`, e.g.:
mamba install <pkg-name>
mamba upgrade --all
Think of radioconda as an alternative to [Anaconda]( or [Miniforge](, but specialized for software radio.
**NOTE:** Radioconda is built from packages maintained by the [conda-forge]( project. If you have questions or issues that are specific to the conda installation of a particular package, please report them at the corresponding [feedstock repository](
## Download
Radioconda installers are available here:
| OS | Architecture | Installer Type | Download |
| ------- | ------------ | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Linux | x86_64 | Command-line | [](* |
| macOS | x86_64 | Command-line | [](* |
| macOS | x86_64 | Graphical | [radioconda-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg](*-MacOSX-x86_64.pkg) |
| Windows | x86_64 | Graphical | [radioconda-Windows-x86_64.exe](*-Windows-x86_64.exe) |
## Install
For a command line install, download the installer and run,
bash radioconda-* # or similar for other installers for unix platforms
For a graphical install, download the installer and double-click it.
### Non-interactive install
For non-interactive usage, look at the options by running the following:
bash radioconda-* -h # or similar for other installers for unix platforms
or if you are on Windows, run:
start /wait "" build/radioconda-*-Windows-x86_64.exe /InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /S /D=%UserProfile%\radioconda
## Developers
### Usage
Each installer package is built from a specification directory in [installer_specs]( using [conda constructor]( An installer can be built manually using the []( script. The specification directories set the exact versions of the included packages so that `constructor` will produce a predictable result that can be tracked by git for each release. In turn, the specification directories are created/updated by _re-rendering_ the radioconda [environment specification file]( using the []( script.
So, the procedure to create a new installer package is:
1. Update the environment specification file `radioconda.yaml`, if desired.
2. Re-render the constructor specification directories by running ``.
3. Commit the changes to produced by steps 1 and 2 to the git repository.
4. Build the installer package for a particular platform by running ``.
### Release
To release a new version of radioconda and build installer packages using GitHub's CI:
- Update the repository following steps 1-3 above.
- Make a new pre-release on GitHub with a name equal to the version.
- Wait until all artifacts are uploaded by CI
- For each build, we upload 3 artifacts
1. One installer with the version name
2. One installer without the version name
3. The SHA256
- Mark the pre-release as a release
NOTE: using a pre-release is important to make sure the latest links work.