python 3.10 has importlib_metadata.entry_points(group) parameter
it seems that less than 3.10 doesn't. this patch test for
python version to see how to get the entry point groups.
This patch makes a change on how it's calling importlib.entry_points
to only fetch the group we want, which is 'oslo.config.opts'.
This fixes a problem with python 3.12 compatibility.
This patch adds the new APRSRegistryThread,
which enabled in config, will send a small
packet of information to the as yet deployed
APRS service registry every 900 seconds.
The data that this thread will send is
the service callsign, a description of the service,
a website url for the service.
The idea being that the registry website that this thread
sends information to, will show all the services that are
running on the ARPS network, so Ham operators can discover
them and try them out.
This patch adds support for loading extenions
to APRSD!!
You can create another separate aprsd project, and register
your extension in your setup.cfg as a new entry point for aprsd
aprsd.extension =
cool = my_project.extension
in your my_project/ file
import your commmands and away you go.
This patch adds the new feature of trying to fetch the location
distance and bearing for each callsign in the webchat tabs.
This is handy when out on the go, you can get a general idea
where the other callsign is when chatting with them.
First aprsd webchat tries to fetch the location with
REST api call. This assumes internet access. If this fails,
then webchat will send a special message to REPEAT to ask it for
the location information for the callsign. This will send over
the air.
This patch adds a new popover in the webchat tab to show
the location information for a callsign.
webchat will try to hit to fetch the location from the
callsign's last beacon. If there is no internet, this will fail
and webchat will send a request to REPEAT callsign for the location